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Possible Research Sources Stage #2 Which resources are the best to use for my topic or project?

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Presentation on theme: "Possible Research Sources Stage #2 Which resources are the best to use for my topic or project?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Possible Research Sources Stage #2 Which resources are the best to use for my topic or project?

2 Book  Use only non-fiction books  Use the index to locate the info you need easily  Be sure to preview the book before you check it out  Most can be checked out & taken home  Look at the copyright date- Is The info current?

3 Encyclopedia  A comprehensive reference that contains articles on a wide range of subjects  Some encyclopedias are on a particular subject (For Example: “Meet the Author”)  Examples: World Book; Encyclopedia Britannica  Look at the copyright date- Is the info current?

4 Atlas  A collection of maps

5 Almanac  A annual reference book of quick facts or statistics, lists, and/or charts

6 Magazine  A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, editorials and other features on a particular subject  Sometimes called: periodical or journal

7 Newspaper  A newspaper is a publication that is issued daily or weekly and includes local and international news stories, advertisements, announcements, opinions, cartoons, sports news and television listings.  It is an important method of letting the public know everything that is happening in their local area and around the world.  Organized by sections (news, sports, comics, classifieds, etc.)

8 Brochure  A small booklet or pamphlet on a specific topic

9 Biography  Non-fiction book about a person

10 Audio Visual Material  Information is presented using sight or sound, such as pictures and recordings

11 Interview  A conversation (like those conducted by a reporter) in which information is obtained from another person  Be sure you can tell the difference between facts and opinions!

12 Website  Collection of web pages (documents that are accessed through the Internet or World Wide Web)  Identified by a URL address

13 Online Database  A searchable collection of information in a computerized format  Examples:

14 Ask yourself: Which resources are the best to use for my topic? For HW- Brainstorm a list from all the possibilities presented today and WHY they are appropriate

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