Multichannel readout system of inner tracker for NICA-MPD Rogov Victor AFI, JINR, Dubna

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Presentation on theme: "Multichannel readout system of inner tracker for NICA-MPD Rogov Victor AFI, JINR, Dubna"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multichannel readout system of inner tracker for NICA-MPD Rogov Victor AFI, JINR, Dubna

2 Short data about NICA/MPD

3 Short data about Inner Tracker

4 The work purpose The development of a prototype of front-end- electronics for readout information from CBM01-B2 board

5 Collaboration – Scientific Research Technological Institute of Instrument Engineering (SE SRTIIE Ukraine) – Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research (GSI Germany) – Joint institute for nuclear research (JINR Russia)

6 Problems The analysis of the existing multichannel chargesensetive preamplifiers for experiments of physics (JINR); The analysis of main principles and methods of development of chips-adapters for open-frame installation of multichannel preamplifiers (JINR- SE SRTIIE); Research of technological parameters, development and manufacture of chip-adapter (SE SRTIIE); PCB layout development (JINR); Assembling and testing sample modules of front-end- electronics (JINR);

7 The base readout system

8 The sensor board СВМ01В2


10 Key Features mixed signal chip, 128 channels,1 test channel with analogue diagnostic output, available for positive and negative signals self triggered, data driven de-randomizing, readout at 32 MHz digital time stamp output, analogue peak hight output analogue pile-up registry, programmable dead time, local threshold adjustment, dynamic Range: 120000 e Shaping time and noise performance: 18 ns fast shaper at 30 pF input, 850 enc for positive signals, 1000 enc for negative signals 140 ns slow shaper at 30 pF input, 600 enc Timing resolution ~ 2-3 ns, time stamp resolution 1 ns

11 The problems of existing FEB’s - three layer pads - small pitch of pads – 50 uM -A considerable quantity of bonding points - Low mechanical durability -Possibility of short circuit of donding conductors

12 The offered solutions For decrease in probability of short circuit at bonding point’s, augmentations of a conductors pitch, total reduction of bonding point’s on PCB, augmentations of mechanical strength, a possibility of testing n-Xyter before bonding on pcb, suggested to develop the chip- adapter, which: Increases pitch of tab bonding point’s with 100 to 300 microns for entrance pad’s, and 100 microns to 400 for out pad’s; Provides installation of the chip-adapter with a microcircuit at one layer of PCB.

13 TAB Bonding point’s of chip- adapter with PCB Chip-cable

14 The design sketch

15 3D model and manufactured FEB Chip-adapter with n-Xyter Input’s Output&CTRL CTRL(i2c) ADC DC input

16 Evolution of system with chip adapters

17 Conclusions – The first prototype and tests of FEB ware made – Research of testing with senson board СВМ01В2 – New FEB with new n-Xyter

18 Thank you

19 Research of a photoresistive mask thickness (250 seconds are chosen) Research of exhibiting time of a photoresistive mask from a conductive layer (7 seconds are chosen)

20 Research of influence the maintenance of SAS in etchant at etching of aluminium layer on a etching wedge (0,7 %) Research of etching time of a conductive layer of aluminium (75 seconds chosen)

21 Research of temperature effect of etchant on dielectric layer. (75 degrees) Research of polyimide layer etching time (40 seconds are chosen)

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