LODLAM Presented at ELUNA 2014 by Corey A Harper 2014-05-01 Current Trends, Tools & Techniques, and the Role of Vendors.

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Presentation on theme: "LODLAM Presented at ELUNA 2014 by Corey A Harper 2014-05-01 Current Trends, Tools & Techniques, and the Role of Vendors."— Presentation transcript:

1 LODLAM Presented at ELUNA 2014 by Corey A Harper 2014-05-01 Current Trends, Tools & Techniques, and the Role of Vendors

2 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 The Web Becomes Semantic ● Originally: ● Metadata about “Web” things (documents) ● Eventually: ● Metadata about all sorts of things ● And about relationships between things ● TBL’s original vision (Weaving the Web – 1999) ● Then: Focus on Machine Reasoning ● Scientific American Article ● Now: Focus on things & links ● Reasoning & Inferencing less central


4 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Linked Open Data ● Use URIs as names for things ● Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names. ● When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information. ● Include links to other URIs, so that they can discover more things. http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.htm l

5 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Publish Publish Publish! http://www.ted.com/talks/tim_berners_lee_on_the_next_web.html


7 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group Recommendation 4.3.1: Design and test user services based on Linked Data capabilities “Experimental services using library Linked Data should be undertaken in order to explore potential use cases and inform the direction of larger development efforts.”

8 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Linking Lives “utilising external datasets in order to bring archives together with other data sources ” “ there is still a need to make a convincing argument that Linked Data really will provide concrete benefits to the end user. ” http://archiveshub.ac.uk/blog/?p=2699

9 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Publish Publish Publish Publish... “Don't “just” publish data, try to think about actual uses, for end users” - Emmanuelle Bermes

10 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Google Knowledge Graph

11 RelFinder http://www.visualdataweb.org/relfinder.php

12 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Linked Jazz http://linkedjazz.org/network/

13 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Social Networks of Archival Context Image From: http://inkdroid.org/journal/2010/08/12/archival-context-on-the-web/ http://inkdroid.org/journal/2010/08/12/archival-context-on-the-web/

14 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Linking Lives – Screenshots from P. Johnston

15 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Linking Lives – Screenshots from P. Johnston

16 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 DM2E http://dm2e.eu/

17 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Pundit I m a g e fr o m : h tt p :/ /s u m m it 2 0 1 3.l o d l a m. n e t/ 2 0 1 3 / 0 4 / 0 3 / p u n d it / h tt p :/ /s u m it 2 0 1 3.l o d l a m. n e t/ 2 0 1 3 / 0 4 / 0 3 / p u n d it /

18 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Annotations ● The Pundit (thepund.it) ● Hypothesis: Peer Review for the Web (hypthos.is) ● Open Annotation Collaboration ● Distributed bibliographic control environment ● Focus on identification over description “In short, by treating values as non-literal resources and assigning URIs to them we give ourselves (and others) the hooks on which to hang further descriptions.” - Andy Powell

19 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Context Narrative Story telling The Library's story, and the Archives story, but also…

20 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Users’ stories Scholars' stories Adding context through recombinant metadata

21 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Scholars & Users Stories – Tim Sherratt (@wragge) Also: http://discontents.com.au/a-map-and-some-pins-open-data-and-unlimited-horizons/http://discontents.com.au/a-map-and-some-pins-open-data-and-unlimited-horizons/

22 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Scholar's Stories - LAWDI ● Linked Ancient World Metadata Institute (now Initiative) ● Archaeologists, Numismatists, Classicists ● Quasi- Digital Humanities ● Doing their own Linked Data ● Pleiades: Ancient Place Names data ● Excited about Libraries helping ● VIAF, id.loc, FAST, OCLC #’s etc…

23 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 LAWDI http://opencontext.org/

24 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Pleiades http://pleiades.stoa.org/place s http://pleiades.stoa.org/places

25 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Almost a 451 in LCSH

26 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Library Authority Data “Include links to other URIs. so that they can discover more things.” Short of providing and linking to URIs, this *is* authority data. This is what our authority files are for.

27 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Linked data is about context authorities provide context and yet our controlled vocabs are nearly gone because the interfaces to them were broken

28 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014


30 The Death of Browse Next-Gen Discovery Systems don't make use of Authority Control “Browse” was/is broken as a UI Design Rich data in Authorities, disconnected from narrative, context, search Richer “Authority” type data outside libraries...

31 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014




35 Tools - Natural Language Processing DBPedia Spotlight https://github.com/dbpedia-spotlight/dbpedia-spotlight/wiki https://github.com/dbpedia-spotlight/dbpedia-spotlight/wiki Zemanta: http://www.zemanta.com/?wpst=1http://www.zemanta.com/?wpst=1 Open Calais: http://www.opencalais.com/http://www.opencalais.com/ Open Refine: http://openrefine.org/http://openrefine.org/ DataTXT: https://dandelion.eu/products/datatxt/https://dandelion.eu/products/datatxt/ FuzzyWuzzy: https://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzyhttps://github.com/seatgeek/fuzzywuzzy

36 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014

37 Slide courtesy of Doug Oard Univ. of Maryland

38 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Where does this lead? We need new interfaces new tools for new kind of catalogers for knowledge organization experts

39 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Linked Jazz Back End

40 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Belgians! http://freeyourmetadata.org/

41 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014

42 Open Refine RDF Skeleton

43 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014

44 A bit louder... we need new interfaces we need enterprise tools Integrated into our metadata management systems for new kind of catalogers for knowledge organization experts

45 It all started in 2011

46 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 ELUNA / IGeLU LOD SIWG Manifesto: http://igelu.org/special-interests/lod/manifesto Objectives: ●Essential linked open data features in all Ex Libris products where appropriate Means: ●Collect use cases, scenarios from customers ●Discuss and collaborate with Ex Libris Meetings: All afternoon today!

47 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Collect and Present Use Cases Building on Manifesto and on Vision, Use Case & Requirements Document Template based on W3C LLD XG Background, Current Practice, Scenario, Goal, Audience, Limitations, Etc. Listserv Discussion Monthly(-ish) WebEx hosted by Ex Libris

48 ** Slides from Gilad Gal – IgeLU 2013 - Ex Libris Ltd., 2013 - Confidential Ex Libris Ltd., 2013 - Confidential

49 ** Reference Material Ex Libris Ltd., 2013 - Confidential

50 **

51 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 And onward... Rethinking LAM UI Design Aggregate data from more sources Provide more context More proofs of concept Provide tools and workflows for: Named Entity Recognition Natural Language Processing Metadata Aggregation / Provenance Management Bibframe & Schema.org More use cases Join the Discussion: https://listserv.nd.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=IGELU-ELUNA-LOD-SIWG https://listserv.nd.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A0=IGELU-ELUNA-LOD-SIWG

52 Harper - ELUNA - LODLAM Trends, Tools, Vendors - May 1, 2014 Thanks! corey.harper@nyu.edu 212.998.2479 @chrpr

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