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Presentation on theme: "Protists."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protists

2 1. Ancestor of eukaryotes. Chromosomes Plasma membrane
2. Infoldings of membrane. Figure 29.8 A Hypothesis for the Origin of the Nuclear Envelope. 3. Eukaryotic cell. Nucleus Endoplasmic reticulum

3 Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic cells

4 endosymbiosis


6 Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic cells

7 Protist Diversity

8 Paraphyletic group This icon shows the overall
Bacteria This icon shows the overall tree of life. The highlighted branch indicates which lineage is shown in more detail below Archaea EUKARYA Bacteria Archaea Paraphyletic group EUKARYA Fungi Animals All eukaryotes are protists (orange branches) except for the fungi, animals, and land plants Common ancestor of all eukaryotes Figure 29.1 Protists Are Paraphyletic. Land plants

9 Unikonta vs bikonta

10 7 lineages of protists Figure 29.7
Bacteria Archaea AMOEBOZOA 7 lineages of protists Lobose amoebae Cellular slime molds Plasmodial slime molds UNIKONTA OPISTHOKONTA Fungi Choanoflagellates All eukaryotes are protists except for the fungi, animals, and land plants Animals EXCAVATA Parabasilids EUKARYOTES Diplomonads Euglenids Kinetoplastids PLANTAE Glaucophyte algae Red algae Green algae Green plants Land plants BIKONTA Figure 29.7 Phylogenetic Analyses Have Identified Seven Major Lineages of Eukaryotes. RHIZARIA Foraminifera Chlorarachniophytes ALVEOLATA Ciliates Dinoflagellates Apicomplexa CHROMALVEOLATA STRAMENOPILA Oomycetes Diatoms Brown algae

11 pseudopodium Adaptations for obtaining energy - ingestion

12 Primary vs secondary endosymbiosis
AMOEBOZOA OPISTHOKONTA Primary vs secondary endosymbiosis EXCAVATA Parabasilids EUKARYOTES Diplomonads Euglenids Kinetoplastids PLANTAE Glaucophyte algae Red algae Primary (initial) endosymbiosis: occurred here Green algae Land plants RHIZARIA Secondary endosymbiosis: Red algal and green algal chloroplasts were transferred to other protists Foraminifera Chlorarachniophytes Figure 29.14 Photosynthesis Arose in Protists by Primary Endosymbiosis, Then Spread among Lineages via Secondary Endosymbiosis. ALVEOLATA Ciliates Dinoflagellates Apicomplexa CHROMALVEOLATA STRAMENOPILA Oomycetes Diatoms Brown algae

13 Adaptations for movement


15 Alternation of Generations

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