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How do they relate to the command terms and to your SAQs and ERQs? THE IMPORTANCE OF THE LEARNING OUTCOMES.

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2 How do they relate to the command terms and to your SAQs and ERQs? THE IMPORTANCE OF THE LEARNING OUTCOMES

3 Because they are the key to the depth of understanding and the skills needed Because every exam question will use a learning outcome as its basis Therefore if you have directed your study towards the learning outcomes you are ready for …..SUCCESS! WHY ARE THE LEARNING OUTCOMES IMPORTANT?

4 Your work is assessed (marked) according to four levels of assessment objectives. (See p 8 of the Psychology Guide). ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES LevelAssessment objectivePaper 1Paper 2 1Knowledge and comprehension of specified content40% 2Application and analysis30%20% 3Synthesis and evaluation20% 4Selection and use of skills appropriate to Psychology (Mainly important in the internally assessed expt.) 10%20%

5 In the LEARNING OUTCOMES the COMMAND TERMS are associated with ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES 1, 2 or 3 and indicate the depth of understanding that is required of you in relation to each item of content. COMMAND TERMS

6 LevelUsed forCommand Term Learning Outcome Example 1SAQs onlyOutlineOutline principles that define the cognitive level of analysis 2SAQs and in ERQs, along with a Level 3 command term ExplainExplain how principles that define the biological level of analysis may be demonstrated in research (through theories and/or studies) 3ERQs onlyDiscussDiscuss two effects of the environment on physiological processes COMMAND TERMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES EXAMPLES (see p9 of Psych Guide for the full list) There will be no tricks – you will NOT get an SAQ that asks you to Discuss or Evaluate. But the command term may be a different one from the same or the next lower level. For example ‘Outline’ can be changed for ‘Describe’ and ‘Explain’ for ‘Analyse’, as these are command terms from the same level.

7  The Learning Outcomes are in the Psychology Guide, under each LOA  They are also in the Crane and Hannibal course text, at the beginning of each chapter.  Think of them as a target that your learning is aimed towards  Here are three colour-coded sheets, so that you can see at a glance how much depth to go into with each LOA. BLOA Learning Outcomes CLOA Learning OutcomesCLOA Learning Outcomes So you can all be Winners! SCLOA Learning OutcomesSCLOA Learning Outcomes (left mouse button and double-click) USE THE PSYCHOLOGY GUIDE AND THE TEXT BOOK

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