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1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

2 Unit 1 Lay down Areas 1- Contactor Parking 2- Contactor Parking 3- Duke Energy Employee Parking 4- Turbine Crew Trailers and Equipment 5- Turbine Crews 6- Turbine Crew and AGT (Entire Turbine Deck) 7- Mobile Crane and Chemical Cleaning Tanks 8- Turbine Crew 9- Scaffolding lay down area 10- SCR Prep Area 11- Crane for APH AND Economizer work 12- IRWIN trailer 13- Contractor Entrance

3 Unit 1 Lay down Areas 14- Scrubber Scaffolding Lay down 15- Scrubber Contractor Parking (Limited) 16- Contractor Expansion Joints lay down 17- Fuel handling Building (Turbine Crew) 18- Lay Down area for APH and Economizer 19- NDE Trailer 20- NDE and EDDY Current trailers

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