ADDIE A Technology Instrument By Margarita C. Chavez.

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1 ADDIE A Technology Instrument By Margarita C. Chavez

2 What is an ADDIE and it’s purpose?  An ADDIE stands for the steps of the model.  It provides instructional designers with framework.  It helps designers be creative as efficient as they can be.

3 An ADDIE follows five-phase instructional design model consisting each step has an outcome that feeds into the next step in the sequence. Evaluation AnalysisDesign Development Implementation  Analyze: Define the needs and constraints  Design: Specify learning activities, assessment and choose methods and media  Develop: Begin production formative evaluation and revise  Implement: Put the plan into action  Evaluate: Evaluate the plan from all levels for next implementation

4 What will the learners achieve in using this instructional design?  Learners will achieve the goals of the lessons  Learners evaluation will allow to demonstrate their needs  Learners design and development of the training materials will guide of the use of the instructional  Learners evaluation is helpful with the training program using processes with exact measurable outcomes

5 What is the ADDIE’s Background?  It came about with the development of the cold war after world war II as the United States military struggled with itself to find a way to create more effective training programs for increasingly complex subjects.  Results were this struggle for increased effectiveness bore fruit into the form of Instructional Systems design.(Castagnoio,2008)

6 Who design the ADDIE?  Chuck Castagnolo : Was a professional seminar leader, speaker, trainer, educator and writer who designed and presented innovative and motivating real estate finance, first-time homebuyer and personal finance seminars and courses through community colleges, community centers, adult continuing education programs and Realtor sponsored events.

7 Chuck Castagnolo Education:  He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and Finance from San Jose State University, and teaching credentials from the University of California  He uses the literature on ADDIE estimates that there are well over 100 different ISD variations in use today, with almost all being based on the generic ADDIE model. (Castagnolo,2008)

8 Originator  Unknown. Refined by Dick, W., and Carey, L. And Leshin, C. B., Pollock, J., & Reigeluth, C.M. (1992)

9 What is a model?  A model is a theoretical construct or mental picture that helps one understand something that cannot easily be observed or experienced directly

10 Why have a rapid prototyping continual feedback ?  Because it has sometimes been cited as a way to improve the generic ADDIE model and revisions are made as necessary, its important for users have the opportunity for feedback.

11 Why is implementation needed for the ADDIE?  Implementation phase is where the developed course is actually put into action, and the final product, developed based on needs and errors discovered while testing with a prototype product, is presented to the target audience.(Theories, 2008)

12 Why is ADDIE model Instructional Design recommended for Learner’s  The use of a well-designed systematic instructional  Feedback outcomes  Creation of content and learning materials based on design phase  Implementation plan  Identifying the learning problems  Accomplishing goals and objectives of the audience’s needs

13 References  Learning Theories,(2008) http://www.learning –  Castagnolo, Chuck,(2008) Castagnolo, Chuck,(2008) model-why-use  EDTEC (700) The ADDIE Model

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