Minute Minder #1  Please move your minute minder sticky to 25 full single pages.  Please put 1.) in the margin read article on your table and answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Minute Minder #1  Please move your minute minder sticky to 25 full single pages.  Please put 1.) in the margin read article on your table and answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minute Minder #1  Please move your minute minder sticky to 25 full single pages.  Please put 1.) in the margin read article on your table and answer the following questions a.What does a food chain show? b.Where does the initial energy come from? c.Is all energy passed to the next level and if not, where does it go? d.Can there be equal numbers of foxes and grass? (explain your answers in a few sentences.

2 Cell City  Purpose - To make mental connections between cell structures and their functions in order to better understand the role of the various organelles and how they interact.  How we will do this - Make analogies between the functional parts of a city and the functional parts of a cell.

3 Cell Membrane  Description – thin membrane composed of phospholipids that is imbedded with proteins  Purpose – selective barrier  City Analogy - ???

4 Cell Membrane  Description – thin membrane composed of phospholipids that is imbedded with proteins  Purpose – selective barrier  City Analogy - City limits, city border (I think of a bouncer)

5 Cytoplasm  Description – clear in color and has a gel- like appearance. Composed mostly of water and also contains enzymes, salts, organelles, and various organic molecules.  Purpose - The cytoplasm helps to move materials around the cell and also dissolves cellular waste.  City Analogy – ?????

6 Cytoplasm  Description – clear in color and has a gel- like appearance. Composed mostly of water and also contains enzymes, salts, organelles, and various organic molecules.  Purpose - The cytoplasm helps to move materials around the cell and also dissolves cellular waste.  City Analogy – Delivery van Delivery Van

7 Nucleus  Description- Surrounded by a double membrane and contains all DNA (instructions) for the cell  Purpose- Keep safe and regulate all the instructions for cellular operation.  City Analogy- ???????

8 Nucleus  Description- Surrounded by a double membrane and contains all DNA (instructions) for the cell  Purpose- Keep safe and regulate all the instructions for cellular operation.  City Analogy- city hall/ library City Hall

9 Endoplasmic Reticulum  Description – Network of membranes that’s attached to the nucleus. Two types:  Rough ER: studded with ribosomes; it makes proteins  Smooth ER: no ribosomes; it makes lipids  Purpose - Responsible for transport of cellular material  City Analogy – ?????? Road System

10 Endoplasmic Reticulum  Description – Network of membranes that’s attached to the nucleus. Two types:  Rough ER: studded with ribosomes; it makes proteins  Smooth ER: no ribosomes; it makes lipids  Purpose - Responsible for transport of cellular material  City Analogy – Roadways and highways. Road System

11 Mitochondria  Description – double membrane organelle responsible for cellular respiration. Has it’s own DNA, you have your mothers!  Purpose - Responsible for providing energy for the cell  City Analogy – ?????? Road System Power Plant

12 Mitochondria  Description – double membrane organelle responsible for cellular respiration. Has it’s own DNA, you have your mothers!  Purpose - Responsible for providing energy for the cell  City Analogy – Power plant Road System Power Plant

13 Vacuole  Description – recall that it’s large and permanent while animals might have them but they are smaller and usually more than one.  Purpose - Storage container for water, food, enzymes, wastes, pigments, etc.  City Analogy – ???????? Road System Warehouse

14 Vacuole  Description – recall that it’s large and permanent while animals might have them but they are smaller and usually more than one.  Purpose - Storage container for water, food, enzymes, wastes, pigments, etc.  City Analogy – warehouse, silo, or water tower. Road System Warehouse

15 Chloroplast  Description – Has a double bound membrane that’s only found only in plant cells. Contains the green pigment chlorophyll. Site of food (glucose) production  Purpose - convert sunlight to sugar with water.  City Analogy – ??????? Road System

16 Chloroplast  Description – Has a double bound membrane that’s only found only in plant cells. Contains the green pigment chlorophyll. Site of food (glucose) production  Purpose - convert sunlight to sugar with water.  City Analogy – solar panels, wind power Road System

17 Cell Wall  Description – Found in plant and bacteria cells. Made of cellulose, type of sugar.  Purpose – Makes a rigid protective barrier that aids in structure.  City Analogy – ???????? Road System

18 Cell Wall  Description – Found in plant and bacteria cells. Made of cellulose, type of sugar.  Purpose – Makes a rigid protective barrier that aids in structure.  City Analogy – Vatican City Wall, fences, military base Road System

19 Cytoskeleton  Description – acts a skeleton and muscle for the cell. Made of three types of filaments:  Microtubules, actin, and intermediate filaments  Purpose - Helps provide shape and structure to the cell. Helps organelles move around  City Analogy – ??????? Road System

20 Cytoskeleton  Description – acts a skeleton and muscle for the cell. Made of three types of filaments:  Microtubules, actin, and intermediate filaments  Purpose - Helps provide shape and structure to the cell. Helps organelles move around  City Analogy – Crane and construction signs and detours Road System

21 Ribosomes  Description – Found attached to rough ER or floating free in the cytoplasm. Produced in the nucleolus.  Purpose - Read instructions from the nucleus to build proteins.  City Analogy – ??????? Road System

22 Ribosomes  Description – Found attached to rough ER or floating free in the cytoplasm. Produced in the nucleolus.  Purpose - Read instructions from the nucleus to build proteins.  City Analogy – Factories, construction companies. Road System

23 Golgi Apparatus  Description – Molecules are transported to and from the Golgi by vesicles where it stores, modifies and packages proteins. Looks like a stack of plates.  Purpose – modify proteins. Packages items to be moved around and out of the cell.  City Analogy – UPS, postal service Road System

24 Golgi Apparatus  Description – Molecules are transported to and from the Golgi by vesicles where it stores, modifies and packages proteins. Looks like a stack of plates.  Purpose – modify proteins. Packages items to be moved around and out of the cell.  City Analogy – ?????? Road System

25 Lysosomes  Description – Membrane bound vesicle that contains digestive enzymes that break down waste.  Purpose - Recycling used and warn out parts of the cell.  City Analogy – ?????? Road System

26 Lysosomes  Description – Membrane bound vesicle that contains digestive enzymes that break down waste.  Purpose - Recycling used and warn out parts of the cell.  City Analogy – garbage and recycling centers. Road System

27 Reality Check  Cell models - basic representation to give you an idea of the organelles in a cell. (not reality)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJEfe XU3f24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJEfe XU3f24

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