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Performance Metrics Reporting Requirements Including Enhancements Qasim Yunus Tariq Alauddin 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Metrics Reporting Requirements Including Enhancements Qasim Yunus Tariq Alauddin 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Metrics Reporting Requirements Including Enhancements Qasim Yunus Tariq Alauddin 1

2 Background Average TRIR Process Safety Incidents Severity Distribution Incidents – Phase III Metric Summary 2 Performance Metrics Reporting Requirements Including Enhancements

3 Background 3 Industry level bench marking and comparisons require average of Incident rates (TRIR / PSTIR) For public reporting of performance, measures which the stakeholders can relate to are needed.

4 Average TRIR # of Recordable Injuries Man-hours Worked TRIR ABC41,000,0000.80 XYZ22,000,0000.20 Average of TRIR’s0.50 Overall TRIR63,000,0000.40 4 Simple average is 25 % higher than the weighted average GPCA level average TRIR require additional data

5 Process Safety Incident Severity Center Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) defines severity levels used in PSISR calculation 5

6 6 Process Safety Incidents Severity Categories

7 Example - PSI Severity level Consequences of PSI Incident Severity Level from CCPS Table 2 Recordable Injury to Employee or Contractor4 Lost Word Day ( Lost Time) Injury3 Fire or explosion resulting in direct cost 100,00 to 1 Million $3 On Site Fatality employee or contractor2 Fire or explosion resulting in direct cost > 10 million $1 7 Man hours Worked1, 000,000 # of Process Safety Incidents13 PSTIR -Process Safety Total Incident Rate=(13*200,000)/1,000,000 =2.6 PSISR - Process Safety Incident Severity Rate =(49*200,000)/1,000,000 = 9.8

8 Example Process Safety Performance Report for Stake Holders 8 Source: ACC Data

9 Additional Data for Industry Level Metrics and Reporting Man-hours worked – Contractors – Employees Number of Recordable Injuries – Contractors – Employees Process Safety Incidents Severity Level Annual Production 9 No Additional reporting Burden. This information is already available with the companies who are reporting the GPCA metrics.

10 Phase III Metrics Including Distribution Incidents Reporting to start March 2013 for 2012 Data Distribution incidents data to be broken down by means of transport  Road  Sea  Pipeline  Rail Definition of injury due to a Distribution Incidents aligned with the occupational injury definitions. Proposed definition in review stage 10

11 Distribution Incident Definition Any incidents during the transport of chemicals, resulting in death or Injury  death of an employee or member of public or  a lost time (lost work day) injury to an employee of the shipper or carrier or  an injury to the public or employee that require hospitalization Irrespective of whether or not the chemical product contributed to the death and/or injury - Spill or Release of Product  More than 50 kilogram or liter of dangerous goods (classification according to the UN Recommendations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods), or  More than 1000 kilogram or liter of non-dangerous goods 11

12 Distribution Incident Definition Damage exceeding US $ 50,000, to the property of any party (including environmental cleanup), resulting from the transport incident, irrespective of whether or not the chemical product contributed to the damage. Involvement of authorities Direct involvement of the authorities or emergency services in the transport incident, or the evacuation of persons or closure of public traffic routes for three hours or more caused by the transport incident 12

13 Distribution Incident Reporting Member Reporting Instructions – Incidents are attributable to the GPCA member if the member is the shipper, (shipment originates from the member company) or the carrier – Members need to report annual number of incidents broken down by each means of transportation i.e. Rail, pipeline, road, or sea. 13

14 GPCA Metrics Template 14

15 GPCA Metrics Template 15

16 16 Thank you ?

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