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SANITATION FOR COMMUNITIES 19 November 2013 Photo credit: Gates Foundation.

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1 SANITATION FOR COMMUNITIES 19 November 2013 Photo credit: Gates Foundation

2 40% of people in the world still do not have a toilet November 19 th is World Toilet Day – stand up for the right to a toilet! SANITATION FACTS SANITATION FOR COMMUNITIES Photo credit:

3 SANITATION FOR COMMUNITIES Sanitation can keep your family healthy One gram of human faeces can contain: 10,000,000 viruses 1,000,000 bacteria 1,000 parasite cysts 100 parasite eggs SANITATION KEEPS FAMILIES HEALTHY Photo credit: Gates Foundation

4 SANITATION FOR COMMUNITIES Improved sanitation and hygiene can reduce: Diarrhoea kills 1 million children each year SANITATION KEEPS FAMILIES HEALTHY Photo credit: Gates Foundation Cholera Dysentery Worms Trachoma Pneumonia Malnutrition

5 SANITATION FOR COMMUNITIES Defecating in the open leaves women and girls at risk for sexual harassment and sexual assault Ecological sanitation can provide additional nutrients for your crops SANITATION IMPROVES WOMEN’S LIVES Photo credit: Heather Arnet/

6 SANITATION FOR COMMUNITIES In areas with poor sanitation, children carry up to 1000 worms at one time, making it difficult to attend and focus on school Girls are less likely to attend school and remain in school after puberty if adequate sanitation facilities are not available Improved sanitation could add 200 million days of school attendance per year SANITATION HELPS CHILDREN GET AN EDUCATION Photo credit: Heather Arney/

7 SANITATION FOR COMMUNITIES Without sanitation facilities, sewage is often discharged untreated into rivers, lakes and coastal areas 90% of diarrhoeal diseases are linked to environmental pollution SANITATION SUSTAINS CLEAN ENVIRONMENTS Photo credit: Chrissy Olson

8 SANITATION FOR COMMUNITIES Improve your family’s lives – Stand up for your right to a toilet! Leanne Burney, UN Secretary-General's Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation Email: Therese Dooley, UNICEF Email: Amanda Marlin, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council Email: Corinne Schuster-Wallace, United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health Email:

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