Detailed Design Presentation February 21, 2006 NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 1 NSG Software Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Detailed Design Presentation February 21, 2006 NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 1 NSG Software Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Detailed Design Presentation February 21, 2006 NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 1 NSG Software Development

2 Welcome Ms. Jami Cotler & Dr. Scott Hunter NSG Software Development 2 February 21, 2006

3 NSG Software Development Justin Spegele - Team Leader & Webmaster Kristen Dobreski - Librarian Matthew Warner - Lead Programmer & System Administrator Daniel Lomanto - Development Manager NSG Software Development 3 February 21, 2006

4 Detailed Design February 21, 2006 Presented By: Justin Spegele Matthew Warner Kristen Dobreski NSG Software Development 4 February 21, 2006

5 Agenda Prototypes - Justin Spegele Database - Matthew Warner Testing Plan - Kristen Dobreski NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 5

6 Prototypes NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 6

7 Student Registration Page NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 7

8 Lecture Instructor Registration Page NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 8

9 Lab Instructor Registration Page NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 9

10 Course Coordinator - View Grade Summaries NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 10

11 Lab Instructor - View Grade Summaries NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 11

12 Student - Upload Labs NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 12

13 Database NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 13

14 Assignments Table Column NameTypeNullsColumn Comments AssignIdTextNOEach assignment receives an ID to distinguish between them. SubTimeNumberYESThe time and date the assignment was submitted. CourseIdNumberYESUnique ID assigned to each lab section. SubNameTextYESName of the submitted assignment NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 14

15 Sections Table Column NameTypeNullsColumn Comments CourseIDTextNOUnique ID assigned to each lab section. CouseNameTextYesSection number assigned to the course. NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 15

16 Lab Files Table Column NameTypeNullsColumn Comments UserNameTextYESUnique name given to each user login. SubTimeNumberYESThe time and date the assignment was submitted. AssignIDNumberYESEach assignment receives an ID to distinguish between them. SubNameTextNOName of the submitted assignment. NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 16

17 Results Table Column NameTypeNullsColumn Comments AssignIDTextNOEach assignment receives an ID to distinguish between them. MostWrongNumberYESTells which question were marked wrong the most frequently. AvgScoreNumberYESAverage score of the files that were submitted and graded. NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 17

18 Account Table Column NameTypeNullsColumn Comments UserNameTextNOUnique name given to each user for login. SubTimeTextYESPassword needed to enter the system. LevelTextYESLevel determines what the user has access to. Ex) student, course coordinator. LecSectionTextYESUnique ID assigned to each lecture section. LabSectionTextYESUnique ID assigned to each lab section. NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 18

19 Entity Relationship Diagram NSG Software Development 19 February 21, 2006

20 Testing Plan NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 20

21 Approach The version of our Test Plan is Version 1, Revision 0. Each Update to the GUI or other superficial changes warrant a new revision. Any update in excel will warrant a new version of our software. NSG Software Development 21 February 21, 2006

22 Approach Cont’d We will correct any errors as they occur throughout our testing process. If any major problems should arise, we will discuss it with our clients to decide on the best way to fix the error. NSG Software Development 22 February 21, 2006

23 Features To Be Tested There are two main sections that we will be conducting our testing on: The Interface. The main thing is to make sure the web page flows correctly and easily. The correction of submitted labs. NSG Software Development 23 February 21, 2006

24 Item Pass/Fail Criteria Functions Each function will be tested on various types of data contained within various types of cells. If an undesirable output occurs then testing will suspend and the problem will be assessed and fixed. NSG Software Development 24 February 21, 2006

25 Item Pass/Fail Criteria Cont’d GUI’s (Graphical User Interface’s) There will be individual Test Cases for the interface on items such as: Links, Buttons, Text Boxes, Drop-Down Menus, and other sources of user input. Each Test Case will have to pass in order for the interface to be completed. NSG Software Development 25 February 21, 2006

26 Sample Testing Case AttemptedExpected ResultPassFailComments 1.) Right Click Menu pops up. Menu pops up 2.) Left Click Allows user to enter text. Allows user to enter text. Field Name: “Username” Text Box NSG Software Development 26 February 21, 2006

27 Schedule NSG Software Development 27 February 21, 2006

28 Gantt Chart NSG Software Development 28 February 21, 2006

29 Linear Sequential Method (Waterfall Model) NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 29

30 What’s Next? Acceptance Test Documents Due: May 1, 2006 Presentation: May 2, 2006 Academic May 5, 2006 Celebration End of Semester May 8, 2006 Meeting (Alumni House) NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 30

31 Any Questions? Thank You! NSG Software DevelopmentFebruary 21, 2006 31

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