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Int 1 Revision Word Processing Most people are familiar with word processing packages such as Microsoft Word, Open Office and Word Perfect. Here are some.

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Presentation on theme: "Int 1 Revision Word Processing Most people are familiar with word processing packages such as Microsoft Word, Open Office and Word Perfect. Here are some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Int 1 Revision Word Processing Most people are familiar with word processing packages such as Microsoft Word, Open Office and Word Perfect. Here are some of the most commonly used word processing tools:

2 Standard features All word processing programs allow you to: All word processing programs allow you to: enter and edit text enter and edit text save save print print cut/copy/paste - you can copy from one part of a document to another cut/copy/paste - you can copy from one part of a document to another check your spelling check your spelling

3 Text formatting Text formatting is important to make the text appear as you would like it to look. The normal features are: Text formatting is important to make the text appear as you would like it to look. The normal features are: different fonts different fonts different text sizes different text sizes different alignments (left, centre, right or justified) different alignments (left, centre, right or justified) bold print bold print underline underline italics italics bullet points bullet points

4 Files types.DOC – The file type used by Microsoft Word can only be edited in Microsoft Word.DOC – The file type used by Microsoft Word can only be edited in Microsoft Word.RTF – Rich Text File, can be edited with other text editors can save formatting information..RTF – Rich Text File, can be edited with other text editors can save formatting information..TXT – Plain text, can not use certain characters, just text, low file size but none of the bells and whistles of word documents..TXT – Plain text, can not use certain characters, just text, low file size but none of the bells and whistles of word documents.

5 Mail-merge Mailmerge is a word processing feature which allows users to 'personalise' letters with names and addresses from a database. The four main steps in setting up a mail-merged letter are: Mailmerge is a word processing feature which allows users to 'personalise' letters with names and addresses from a database. The four main steps in setting up a mail-merged letter are: 1. Create the database with fields for the names and addresses of the people to send the letter to. 2. Write the letter using a word processing package and link the letter to the database. 3. Use a query to find a subset of relevant people and send a targeted letter to them.

6 Mail Merge Continued 4.Using the mail merge wizard, enter codes in the letter where the name and address of the customers should appear. 5.Merge-print, taking the data from the database and inserting it in the letters, producing one letter for each person in the subset of relevant people from the database.

7 Other features Other features that may be expected include find and replace, which replaces one word with another, and the ability to import graphics e.g. from a clip art library. Headers and footers and page numbering are very useful. Other features that may be expected include find and replace, which replaces one word with another, and the ability to import graphics e.g. from a clip art library. Headers and footers and page numbering are very useful.

8 Features of a word processor Spell checker Spell checker Often in an exam you will be asked to explain how a spell checker works. Often in an exam you will be asked to explain how a spell checker works. It's not enough simply to say that it checks a document for spelling mistakes. It's not enough simply to say that it checks a document for spelling mistakes. Here's a fuller explanation:- Here's a fuller explanation:- A spell checker compares each word in a document with words stored in its dictionary. If it does not recognise a word it will indicate an error and usually suggest alternatives. A spell checker compares each word in a document with words stored in its dictionary. If it does not recognise a word it will indicate an error and usually suggest alternatives.

9 Do spell checkers always get it right? Not always. No dictionary contains every English word, especially technical ones. Not always. No dictionary contains every English word, especially technical ones. Some words can be spelt in different ways. Some words can be spelt in different ways. For example:- For example:- Can you spot the error in the next sentence? The spell checker can't. Can you spot the error in the next sentence? The spell checker can't. "The children opened there books." "The children opened there books." And some spell checkers use "American" English. And some spell checkers use "American" English. For example:- For example:- 'colour' might appear as color 'colour' might appear as color

10 More Features of a word processor Grammar checker Grammar checker The computer checks the document to ensure that sentences comply with the rules of English grammar. The computer checks the document to ensure that sentences comply with the rules of English grammar. Search and replace Search and replace This does pretty much what you would expect. You can type in one word or phrase and get the word processor to replace it by another all the way through a document. This does pretty much what you would expect. You can type in one word or phrase and get the word processor to replace it by another all the way through a document. How does it work? How does it work? Global search and replace. Searches one term through the entire document and replaces it with another. Global search and replace. Searches one term through the entire document and replaces it with another.

11 Oh no, not more Features of a word processor Standard paragraphs and standard letters Standard paragraphs and standard letters People often confuse these two terms. People often confuse these two terms. A standard paragraph is a piece of text stored on file which can be copied and pasted into a new document. A standard paragraph is a piece of text stored on file which can be copied and pasted into a new document. Who uses standard paragraphs? Who uses standard paragraphs? Lawyers making up contracts will often use the same phrases in many different contracts. Lawyers making up contracts will often use the same phrases in many different contracts. A lazy teacher writing school reports may use the same comments over and over:- "Could do better"! A lazy teacher writing school reports may use the same comments over and over:- "Could do better"!

12 My goodness, even more Features of a word processor A standard letter is a letter which is stored on a file which is sent to lots of different people, with only slight changes made to the personal details. Advertising mail offering you entry into a prize draw is a good example of a standard letter. A standard letter is a letter which is stored on a file which is sent to lots of different people, with only slight changes made to the personal details. Advertising mail offering you entry into a prize draw is a good example of a standard letter. Personal details are often merged into the letter from a database. (Mail Merge) Personal details are often merged into the letter from a database. (Mail Merge) Who uses standard letters? Who uses standard letters? Companies sending out advertisements. Companies sending out advertisements. Libraries sending out reminders of videos or books overdue for return. Libraries sending out reminders of videos or books overdue for return.

13 Advanced Data Entry Text is normally typed in to the word processor but it can be entered in more advanced ways Text is normally typed in to the word processor but it can be entered in more advanced ways Voice recognition Software – The user speaks into a microphone and the computer will recognise the words and input them into a document. Voice recognition Software – The user speaks into a microphone and the computer will recognise the words and input them into a document. Scanning text with a scanner and applying a OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program to recognise the characters as letters and saving to a document that can be edited. Scanning text with a scanner and applying a OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program to recognise the characters as letters and saving to a document that can be edited.

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