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New Club Officer Training Communications and Technology April 11, 2011.

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2 New Club Officer Training Communications and Technology April 11, 2011

3 2 Congratulations on your election! You now have the opportunity and responsibility to shape student life at Columbia Business School.

4 3 Each member of our community has an opportunity and responsibility to represent and promote the Columbia Business School brand. The Public Relations department represents the School to the press, and is responsible for all external media coverage. Your primary PR contact is Keshia Mark, Assistant Director (212.854.7120; ) Promoting our shared brand

5 4 How can club officers help? ● Focus on ideas: –highlight our faculty in your programs –consider our institutional mission and values (global impact, entrepreneurial mindset, bridging theory and practice) ● Focus on networks: –include our alumni in your activities Promoting our shared brand

6 5 Club Resources Groups Management –Your intranet (file storage, member list, officer list) –Your access to EMS to plan events –Handles membership, club elections & more ● Club Mailing Lists – Bettyblue ● Student Email Lists ● Club Website –Your extranet –We provide server space and access, you do the rest ● Qualtrics –Online survey application

7 6 Groups Management ● To access your club’s Groups Management site log in at: ● Then click on your club’s name in the left navigation bar

8 7 Groups Management Features Use the left navigation bar to access the groups management features: Constitution Discussions File Sharing Messages Calendar Polling/Elections Administer Membership Manage Events Sub Groups – Handy for committees or executive boards – Inherit settings from main group – Share in file quota Announcements

9 8 Updating your club’s details ● Use the EDIT buttons to update: –Introduction / description –Student Club Details (including website URL) –This information will be displayed on the CBS website at

10 9 Updating Club Officers: IMPORTANT! Club Officers -Officers’ titles are used to determine mailing list membership and will be displayed on the CBS website -Make sure this is updated to avoid missing important Club Officer announcements ● Owner = Officer –To add a member to the officer list you must first set them as an owner under administer membership

11 Updating Membership Lists ● Club members who are not able to register through the online credit card system can also pay by cash or check ● Add these members to your list manually by clicking “Administer Membership” 10

12 11 Club Membership ● Based on academic calendar year –Year ends in August (grace period in September) ● Dues –Clubs can have 1 year or 2 year dues or one flat fee –Clubs can offer January discount if summer programming is not planned ● Two ways to join –online by credit card automatically adds a member –Paying by Check made out to Columbia University or Cash requires: ‘Add member’ manually Check one or both –1 st year dues paid –2 nd year dues paid

13 12 Communications Options ● Through “Messages” ● All members automatically enrolled ● Easily select recipients (one or many) ● Text-based (no images) ● Can only be used by club members within Groups Management ● Can send formatted email including images ● All lists must be moderated by an officer ● Communications from external sources can be allowed ● Must be updated manually (at least twice a year; September and January) Bettyblue Groups Management 12

14 13 BettyBlue Mailing List Each club has: a) An administrative account to handle your club’s BettyBlue mailing list(s). b) A generic mailing list for the club. To administer your account log in at using your e-mail address and password Your login and password should be passed down through previous club officers (ask them now, before they graduate!) If you need to reset your password you can e-mail ITG Student Support at 13

15 14 Managing your list Mailing list management Updating your mailing list at the beginning of the semester: ● Click on [Edit Subscriber List] ● Copy everyone under Current Subscribers and paste in “Subscribers to Delete” ● Copy all current members from Groups Management membership list and paste into “Subscribers to Add” ● Hit submit Tip: You should continue to refresh your mailing lists for the first few weeks each semester to add any late dues payers 14

16 15 Moderating messages Moderating messages: a) Click on ‘Moderate Messages’ b) Click on the Subject to read the message c) Select the ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’ radio button d) The message will not be sent out to your list until it is approved Approve or Reject Message 15

17 16 Policies BettyBlue lists ● All lists must be moderated: –Lists are moderated from this site: –The login and password for your account should be passed down by club officers Career Management Center ● Please add your Career Management Center Liaison(s): –as a member of your club in Groups Management –to any “working groups” you have in Groups Management –to any additional mailing lists in Bettyblue that you think will be helpful ● Your VP of Careers should be able to help you identify your Career Management Center Liaison or you can ask CMC directly 16

18 Student Email Lists ● Discussions Select student-based broadcast e-mails — such as cluster, Student Events, Student Bulletin, Marketplace, Real Estate and Book lists — display in the Discussions section of the Community site.Community site Student Books For textbook buy or sell announcements Student Marketplace For buy or sell (other than apartments or books) announcements Student Real Estate For housing announcements 17

19 Student Email Lists ● Student Events Reserved for student club event announcements only. E-mails from individual students not associated with student clubs should be directed to Student Marketplace. ● Student Bulletin This list is for student clubs, interest groups, and other recognized organizations to broadcast news and announcements to the entire student body. Examples of this are study tours, competitions, ticket sales, fundraisers, etc. Note that election-related announcements are no longer permitted. Candidates should be recruited from the membership only. Election results will be disseminated by the GBA weekly during the designated election period (please email 18

20 19 Club Website Club Websites serve as the face of your club to external audiences ● It must be kept up-to-date ● Your login and password should be passed down through previous club officers (ask them now before they graduate). If you need to reset the password, please reach out to ITG Student Support ( ● The rest is up to you

21 20 Website Policies Your Club on the WWW The Student Services website −Your club description, a list of officers, and a link to your club website are listed on this site for the world to see ( −The info on this site feeds from Groups Management Your Club must be up to date in the system by May 1 Please note that new AVP’s should not be marked as “owners” until their second semester Club Website (’S-NAME/) –Serves as the face of your club to external audiences –Must be up to date or we will not link it to the Student Services site –If your club does not have a website you will need to request and obtain approval from OSA. Please e-mail OSA at and copy Student Support at

22 21 Qualtrics Survey Tool Qualtrics is a full-featured survey and polling application Leader in academic and corporate institutions Accessible to all constituents at no-cost while at the School and post-graduation Widely used in School courses Lifetime unrestricted use as long as it is used for academic applications Visit to create account

23 22 Important Steps to Take Now ● Transition with outgoing Officers –BettyBlue passwords –FTP passwords (for club website) ● In Groups Management (by May 1) –Make sure officers are owners and officers’ titles and terms of office are set correctly –Ensure club description and constitution are up to date ● Your Website –Decide if you will have one –Updates must be complete by May 1 –Outdated Websites will be removed after May 1

24 23 Policies ● 2 nd year students must remain as primary contacts for the administration and external constituents ● AVPs should not be granted access to EMS and should not be listed as an officer in Groups Management in their first semester ● Outgoing board members are responsible for updating the new board in Groups Management ● All fall event requests for club programming involving external speakers or companies are due in EMS on Sept. 30 th ● Career and alumni programming must be discussed with the appropriate administrative office before approval in EMS ● All club lists must be moderated by the president or a designee from the club. 23

25 24 Getting Help ● Office of Student Affairs ( can help - Groups Management (manage dues and your club’s membership) - EMS (set up event, request room, manage registrations) - FormBuilder (form set up, usage) - Bettyblue (update your mailing, questions of moderation) - Qualtrics (usage) - Website (commissioning developers, branding) ● ITG Student Support ( can help - Groups Management / EMS (establish a new club, access and technical issues) - FormBuilder (200+ submissions downloads, technical support) - Bettyblue (new club account, technical issues) - Qualtrics (student-body roster, tech support liaison) - Website space, FTP access (new club set up, forwarding)

26 25 Thank you for coming and we wish you success in your new position!

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