 Parousia based on view of Millennium (Rev 20:1-10)  from Latin, mille = 1,000 & annus = year;  aka, chiliasm, from Greek chilioi, meaning 1,000 Lecture.

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Presentation on theme: " Parousia based on view of Millennium (Rev 20:1-10)  from Latin, mille = 1,000 & annus = year;  aka, chiliasm, from Greek chilioi, meaning 1,000 Lecture."— Presentation transcript:

1  Parousia based on view of Millennium (Rev 20:1-10)  from Latin, mille = 1,000 & annus = year;  aka, chiliasm, from Greek chilioi, meaning 1,000 Lecture for 24 June: The Millennium

2  Non-literal/spiritualized view o No literal Second Coming/Millennium o Christ advances in and through the Church, both corporately and individually The Millennium  Amillennial view o From a-, meaning “no or none” o No literal Millennium after Second Coming o All prophecies are fulfilled between Two Comings of Christ o View originated with Augustine

3  Postmillennial view  The preaching of Gospel by the Church will usher in Second Coming  No literal Millennium after Second Coming  View may have started with Early Church Fathers Origen, Eusebius, Athanasius, Augustine  Became popular Post-Reformation – Great Awakenings (by Daniel Whitby) The Millennium

4  Literal/Premillennial view  Per Rev 19 – 20, Christ will literally/bodily return to earth @ end of Tribulation/instituting literal 1,000 year reign on earth)  Early Church Fathers up to Origen/Augustine almost exclusively Premillennialists  Amillennialism started with Origen /was propagated as doctrine of Roman Catholic Church w/Augustine (early 5 th century)

5  Literal/Premillennial view ( continued)  Premillennialism returns Pre & during Reformation, but was overshadowed by rise of Postmillennialism (Daniel Whitby, 1638-1726) in Post-Reformation Period  Premillennialism resurfaced as primary again w/John Nelson Darby (1800-82), co-founder of Plymouth Brethren/Father of Dispensationalism  Since WWII, Postmillennialism faded away, but Amillennialism has regained popularity The Millennium

6  Refer to Second Coming Lecture – Literal reading/Premillennial View of Rev 19 – 20:  Occurs after Tribulation/Armageddon/Second Coming/Judgment of Israel/Nations (Rev 19; Matt 24-25)  Satan is bound/cast into Bottomless Pit/sealed for duration of 1,000 years (yet, released at end of Millennium for short time to rally unbelievers vs. King Jesus – Armageddon II) The Millennium

7  Messiah Jesus reigns as King of Kings/ Lord of Lords (Resurrected Saints reign w/Him) Millennial Kingdom

8  Refer to Second Coming Lecture – Literal reading/ Premillennial View of Rev 19 – 20 – (continued)  Redeemed Nation Israel & Redeemed of the Nations/Gentiles repopulate the earth  Lasts literally 1,000 years (completion of Creation Week Prophetic Timeline)

9  Millennial Kingdom fulfills all Eternal Covenants (Abrahamic/Davidic/Palestinic/New)  Land, Seed (Nation), King/Throne/Royal House, Spiritual Blessing (New Heart/forgiveness of Sin/filling of Holy Spirit)

10  Millennial Kingdom characterized by: Righteousness/Holiness/Obedience/ Truth/Fullness of the Holy Spirit, which includes:  Peace (Shalom), Joy, Holiness, Glory, Comfort, Justice, Full Knowledge, Instruction, Wholeness, Maturity, Prosperity, Unified Worship, Manifest Presence of God  Theocratic Government (fulfilled Kingdom of God w/Messiah/King Jesus ruling/reigning from Jerusalem)  Resurrected Saints reign w/Jesus, (e.g., Resurrected King David as Regent, Nobles/Governors, Lesser Authorities, Judges)

11  Millennium characterized by: Righteousness/Holiness/Obedience/ Truth/Fullness of the Holy Spirit, includes:  Millennial Temple exists per Ezekiel 40 – 46:24 (as preview of New Jerusalem of Rev 21)

12 For next time:  Read:  Geisler, pp. 1450-1461;  Hebert Sections 1.2.7, 1.2.9;  Study for devotion:  Isa 13:6-13;  Dan 9:24-27 & 12:1;  Joel 2:1-11;  1 Thess 5:2-9;  2 Thess 2:2-12;  Rev 5-18

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