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In the Event of War Gina SmithGina Smith Survival Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "In the Event of War Gina SmithGina Smith Survival Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the Event of War Gina SmithGina Smith Survival Skills

2 Fallout Shelters The Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) were responsible for helping people prepare for a nuclear assault. Primarily for people living in suburban areas. Officials at the FDCA believed that if people were educated and well prepared they would be able to survive an atomic bomb. – Eisenhower administration distributed this information.

3 Construction of Fallout Shelters Materials had to be heavy enough to provide fallout protection. These include.. – Concrete – Bricks – Earth – Sand Walls had to be at least 12 inches thick. Required shielding could be accomplished by using 10 times the amount of any quality of materials capable of cutting gamma-rays in half. –.4 inches of lead – 2.4 inches of concrete – 3.6 inches of packed dirt – 500 feet of air.

4 Kearny Fallout Meter (KFM) Developed by Cresson Kearny Radiation meter designed to be able to be constructed immediately before/during nuclear attack – By someone with normal mechanical ability – From common household items How it works.. – Electrostatic charge is placed upon two aluminum foil leaves. – As radiation strikes the meter the foil leaves lose their charge and start to drop. – Drop can be measured and a rate can be established.

5 Kearny Fallout Meter (KFM)

6 Kearny Air Pump Created by Cresson Kearny Air pump used to ventilate a fallout shelter. Designed in a way that a person with normal mechanical skills can operate and construct one. Human powered and employed during a time of crisis – Usually during nuclear attack In warm weather an excessive amount of outside air must be pumped into a fallout shelter. – Otherwise body heat and water vapor will raise the temperature-humidity conditions to dangerously high levels.


8 Family Drills Turn off stove Close windows Unplug appliances Lock doors Gather materials Go to basement Get under tables – Secure yourself with pillows

9 Duck and Cover Targeted audience – United States school children from the 1950’s to the 1980’s. Protection in an unexpected nuclear attack Taught children to.. – Immediately stop what you are doing – Get on the ground under some cover Table or next to a wall – Assume the fetal position Lying face down, covering their heads with their hands

10 eature=related

11 Supplies Survival crackers Survival biscuits Dry cereal Beans Flour Rice Potatoes Military meals – Read to eat Carbohydrate supplement Canned water – Steel barrel with two plastic layers – Layers were either heat sealed or tied If the liners leaked, it wouldn’t be long before the metal barrel began to rust

12 Supplies Continued Potassium iodine and potassium iodate tablets – To prevent thyroid cancer from radioactive waves Light sticks – Last up to eight hours 5 gallon buckets Plastic garage bags Bleach Medical tools – Scissors – Cleansing agent – Antiseptic spray

13 19.5" long, 14" high and 10" deep

14 Evacuation drills Shelters Reliable ventilation Fire protection – Fire extinguisher Lighting Sanitation First aid materials Survival Skills

15 Eleven Steps to Survival 1.Know the effects of nuclear explosion 2.Know the facts of radioactive fallout 3.Know the warning signals and have a battery powered radio 4.Know how to take shelter 5.Have fourteen days of emergency supplies 6.Know how to prevent and fighting fires 7.Know first aid and home nursing 8.Know emergency cleanliness 9.Know how to get rid of radio active dust 10.Know your municipal plans 11.Have a plan for your family and yourself To learn more about the eleven steps to survival during a nuclear attack go to

16 "Fallout Shelter Supplies-Food Rations Page." Civil Defense Museum-Main Page. Web. 26 Feb. 2010.. "11 Steps to Nuclear War Fallout Survival." Potassium Iodide Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ. Iodine pills, tablets, Nuke Prep Products. Web. 27 Feb. 2010.. "HowStuffWorks "How Fallout Shelters Work"" Howstuffworks "Home and Garden" Web. 25 Feb. 2010.. "Fallout Shelter Supplies-Water Barrel Page." Civil Defense Museum-Main Page. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.. "Stocking Your Bomb Shelter." Underground Bomb Shelter. Web. 26 Feb. 2010. IMAGES 1091_zl.jpg 1091_zl.jpg 1091_zl.jpg 1091_zl.jpg

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