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Patti Peeples, RPh, PhD CEO and Founder CONNECTED. COMMUNITY. 1 st Inaugural Workshop More Effective.

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Presentation on theme: "Patti Peeples, RPh, PhD CEO and Founder CONNECTED. COMMUNITY. 1 st Inaugural Workshop More Effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patti Peeples, RPh, PhD CEO and Founder CONNECTED. COMMUNITY. 1 st Inaugural Workshop #HEORcomm @www_healthecon More Effective Writing and Communications for Health Outcomes, Market Access, and Value Messaging Tom Drake, MA, CMPP Director

2 NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY: HEOR EXECS & MEDICAL WRITERS/EDITORS (AUGUST 2014) HEOR (n=59) Diverse site of employment: 43% Pharma, 23% Consulting, 10% Agency Decision-maker: 78% Manager/Director; rest were VP+ Experienced: 50% had 3-10+ years); 35% PhD Outsource: 48% do NOT have internal medical writing team Medical Writers/Editors (n=109) Serve clients: 47% Freelance, 16% Agency/Consulting, 14% Pharma Role in organization: 79% Manager/Director; 64% had 3-10+ years experience; 38% PhD Global Outcomes Group, Inc.

3 HEOR WRITING LANDSCAPE 48% do NOT have internal Medical Writing Team 62% DO sub-contract HEOR publications & communication tools to outside vendor Most frequently Dossiers, Manuscripts, Posters, MA Reviews Least frequently Web content Infographics 63% interested in strategy sessions on developing/writing HEOR tools Global Outcomes Group, Inc.

4 SURVEY RESULTS – ACCEPTED AS ISPOR POSTER To : Tom Drake, Patti Peeples, Amy Smalarz and Bonny McClain This is a reminder about your research abstract: PHP84: IMPROVED HEOR WRITING SKILLS OF KEEN INTEREST TO BIO/PHARMA HEOR DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS Which was accepted for poster presentation at the ISPOR 20th Annual International Meeting to be held May 16-20 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Presentation date: Monday May 18 Global Outcomes Group, Inc.

5 The US prescription drug market will be worth around $550 billion in five years, up from $395 billion in 2014, reported research and consulting group GlobalData*. Global Outcomes Group, Inc. * Medical Marketing & Media, March 18, 2015 Oncology is expected to be a growing market

6 ASCO WANTS TO TALK VALUE WHEN TALKING CANCER The organization is encouraging doctors to initiate patient conversations about cost within the context of “personal goals of care, potential treatment options, expected benefits and the physical and financial impacts of treatment options.” Global Outcomes Group, Inc.


8 LOCAL MEDICAL WRITER & THINKER – BEN FRANKLIN Many of Franklin's medical writings showed the same spirit of public activism that characterized his civic and national projects. He repeatedly used his skills with pen and press in support of innovations that could make a difference in the public health. Most significant, perhaps, was his lifelong endorsement of smallpox inoculation. Poor Richard's Almanac includes Franklin's most famous advice on health, including such maxims as: Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise Be not sick too late, nor well too soon Time is an herb that cures all diseases Eat to live and not live to eat. Global Outcomes Group, Inc.

9 Why I Hope to Die at 75 An argument that society and families—and you—will be better off if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly. The Atlantic, October 2014 March 4, 2014 Skip Your Annual Physical New York Times, January 8, 2015 Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel U of Penn Reinventing American Health Care Global Outcomes Group, Inc.

10 “NO OUTCOMES NO INCOME” March 2010 David B. Nash, MD, MBA Dean, Jefferson School of Population Health Thomas Jefferson School of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Global Outcomes Group, Inc.

11 WHAT IS HEALTH ECONOMICS AND OUTCOMES RESEARCH? A PRIMER FOR MEDICAL WRITERS BY CAITLIN ROTHERMEL, MA, MPHC PRINCIPAL, MEDLITERA, SEATTLE, WA Increasingly, medical writers are being asked to work with health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) information. HEOR uses data from both economic and clinical research to assess the clinical and economic value of new treatments. Many medical writers have the underlying skills required to incorporate HEOR concepts into their work but need more background to do this comfortably. This article provides an introduction to health economics study design, key terms, and commonly used outcomes research approaches. It also describes how health economics writing resembles and differs from traditional medical writing. It briefly explores the present and future role of HEOR in US health policy. Global Outcomes Group, Inc.

12 1 st Inaugural Workshop Today’s Program SECTION I: The Value Story – Evolution of HealthCare and Market Demand for HEOR- based Communication Tools SECTION II: Publication Criteria, Standards, and Format Frameworks Breakout Sessions in 4 Tracks – A Deeper Dive into Methods, Reporting, and Communication Tools SECTION III: Disseminate It and Maximize It Global Outcomes Group, Inc.

13 1 st Inaugural Workshop Media Partners #HEORcomm @www_healthecon

14 1 st Inaugural Workshop Conference resources, please visit: Slide decks Master Resource List Website: HealthEconomics.Com resource list Feedback Patti: Tom: Complete the Feedback survey Future events West coast, UK Company-specific training available Wifi Free in Lobby #HEORcomm @www_healthecon

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