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Containers made by Gönczi Zsófia. Are these words countable or uncountable? There is some…

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Presentation on theme: "Containers made by Gönczi Zsófia. Are these words countable or uncountable? There is some…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Containers made by Gönczi Zsófia

2 Are these words countable or uncountable? There is some…

3 Uncountable countable marmalade beer leaves cups pie plates milk pineapples bread meat coffee salt There are some

4 How can we count uncountable nouns? some coffee a cup of coffee four cups of coffee some watera bottle of water three bottles of water some wine two bottles of wine

5 some chocolate a bar of chocolate some milk a carton of milk some flour a packet of flour some honey a jar of honey

6 What else can you keep in a carton? a carton of eggs a carton of milk a carton of raspberries a carton of french fried potatoes a carton of orange juice

7 What is in a packet? a packet of flour a packet of euro a packet of cigarettes a packet of biscuits a packet of spagetti a packet of bacon

8 What is in the jar? a jar of honey a jar of coins a jar of marmalade

9 This is a … This is a … …glass of milk … a jug of milk … a carton of milk

10 …can of orange juice … a carton of orange juice … a jug of orange juice

11 This is a … This is a … …slice of bread … a slice of cake … an orange slice

12 This is a … This is a … …tin of beans … two tins of fish

13 Test your memory! Memorise the shopping list.

14 - - Here you are. -Hello! Can I help you? -Yes, please. I need a kilo of onion, a carton of milk, two tins of beans, three cans of cola, two bottles of wine, a bar of soap, two cartons of eggs a stick of butter.

15 - - Here you are. -Hello! Can I help you? -Yes, please. I need a kilo of onion, a carton of milk, two tins of beans, three cans of cola, two bottles of wine, a bar of soap, two cartons of eggs a stick of butter.

16 - Here you are. Now, play the dialogue! -Hello! Can I help you? -Yes, please. I need…

17 Listen to the movie and write the shopping list in your exercise book!

18 Thanks for your attention!

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