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Published byBlake Flynn Modified over 9 years ago
2012-2013 Assessment Report School of Health & Human Performance Department: Kinesiology, Sport Studies, & Physical Education (KSSPE) Chair: Dr. Susan Petersen Assessment Coordinators: Dr. Peter Hager & Dr. Danny Too Date of Presentation: October 23, 2013
KSSPE Programs Assessed 5 Undergraduate Majors – Athletic Training (AT) – Exercise Science (ES) – Kinesiology (KIN) – Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) – Sport Management (SM) KSSPE Graduate Program (Grad)
Student Learning Outcomes: Athletic Training Major Student will be able to employ injury evaluation and management techniques.* Student will be able to employ strengthening, conditioning and rehabilitation techniques in athletic training.* Student will demonstrate the ability to define the basic elements of anatomy & physiology.
Student Learning Outcomes: Athletic Training Major Student will demonstrate the ability to apply the concepts of injury etiology and pathology to specific injuries. Student will demonstrate the ability to analyze rehabilitation and conditioning techniques. Student will demonstrate the ability to describe the basic administrative concepts in Athletic Training Student will demonstrate the ability to apply injury prevention strategies and techniques.
Student Learning Outcomes: Athletic Training Major Student will perform each of the Clinical Proficiencies in athletic training. Student will be able to apply administrative concepts and practices to their clinical experience and clinical proficiencies. Student will successfully complete the BOC, Inc. certification exam.
AT SLO #1: Student will be able to employ injury evaluation and management techniques 5 Assessments – Sets of 15 exam questions (PES 411, PEP 412, PEP 413) – Injury evaluation practical exam for shoulder (PEP 412) and knee (PEP 413) Benchmark: 80% of assessed students will attain a grade of 80% or higher.
AT SLO #1: Assessment Data AssessmentnExceedingMeetingApproachingNot Meeting PES 411 QS 149 (64%)5 (36%)0 (0%) PEP 412 QS 1410 (71%)4 (29%)0 (0%) PEP 412 PE 1412 (86%)2 (14%)0 (0%) PEP 413 QS 148 (57%)6 (43%)0 (0%) PEP 413 PE 1410 (78%)4 (22%)0 (0%)
AT SLO #1: What We Learned 100% of assessed students met benchmark. Content is being taught effectively.
AT SLO #1: Closing the Loop (CTL) We will continue to instruct the course with the current methodology and content. Benchmark increase will be considered for future assessments. No further resources necessary for CTL.
AT SLO #2:SWBAT employ strengthening, conditioning and rehabilitation techniques in athletic training. 2 Assessments – Rehabilitation Project (PEP 358) – Strength and Conditioning Project (PEP 362) Benchmark: 80% of assessed students will attain a grade of 80% or higher.
AT SLO #2: Assessment Data AssessmentnExceedingMeetingApproachingNot Meeting PEP 3581410 (72%)2 (14%) 0 (0%) PEP 362147 (50%) 0 (0%)
AT SLO #2: What We Learned 26 of 28 assessed students met benchmark (93%). Content is being taught effectively.
AT SLO #2: Closing the Loop (CTL) We will continue to instruct the course with the current methodology and content. Benchmark increase will be considered for future assessments. No further resources necessary for CTL.
Student Learning Outcomes: Exercise Science Major The student will be able to describe the core principles of exercise physiology and related exercise science for the general population. * The student will be able to independently evaluate the five components of fitness of a client and then design an appropriate, safe, and effective training program to meet the client’s needs. The student will identify the principles of clinical exercise physiology, as well as describe the pathophysiology of disease and their associated risk factors.
Student Learning Outcomes: Exercise Science Major The student will describe the principles of nutrition and physical activity behavior change in order to promote healthful living. The student will identify and explain the issues of safety, injury prevention, emergency procedures and program administration related to exercise program development and implementation. The student will apply the principles of exercise science in a practical learning environment.
Student Learning Outcomes: Exercise Science Major The student will describe the ethical demands/challenges of the exercise science related professions and the human/social context in which graduates will work. As a result of preparation by our curriculum, students will be prepared for, and participate in, a national credentialing exam (i.e. ACSM HFS, NSCA CSCS, etc). Our undergraduates will complete their B.S. degree in Exercise Science and will be employed and/or accepted to graduate school within a year of graduation.
ES SLO #1: The student will be able to describe the core principles of exercise physiology and related exercise science for the general population. 5 Assessments – Final Exam question sets (PES 325, 335, 420) – Unit Exam grade mean (PES 410) – Unit Exam grade (PES 413) Benchmark: 80% of students will earn ≥ a C
ES SLO #1: Assessment Data AssessmentnExceedingMeetingApproachingNot Meeting PES 325 QS482 (4.17%)9 (18.75%)18 (37.5 %)30 (62.5 %) PES 335 QS4821 (43.75%)15 (31.25%)10 (20.83%)2 (4.17%) PES 410 EA3017 (56.67%)9 (30%)2 (6.67%) PES 413 E5120 (39%)26 (51%)5 (10%)0 (0%) PES 420 QS4820 (41.67%)16 (33.33%)6 (12.5%)
ES SLO #1: What We Learned Benchmark was met in 2 of 5 assessments. Assessments in which benchmark was not met – Were all rigorous science classes (Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Biomechanics) – Were all Final Exam Question Sets
ES SLO #1: What We Learned General SLOs can be more difficult to assess with more specific measures (i.e., question sets)
ES SLO #1: Closing the Loop Possible changes to assessments and/or benchmarks. Instructional adjustments No further resources necessary for CTL.
Student Learning Outcomes: Kinesiology Major Students will be able to explain physiological, kinesiological, and biomechanical principles related to physical activity.* Students will be able to evaluate the socio- cultural and historical context of physical activity.* Students will be able to explain psychological and motor behavior principles related to physical activity.
Student Learning Outcomes: Kinesiology Major Students will be able to explain physical activity’s importance for health, wellness, and quality of life. Students will be able to analyze philosophic issues and arguments related to physical activity. Students will be able to exhibit the skills required for proficient performance in physical activity.
KIN SLO #1:SWBAT explain physiological, kinesiological, & biomechanical principles related to physical activity. 2 Assessments – Final Exam questions sets (PES 326 & PES 335) Benchmark: 70% of Kinesiology majors will score 70% or better. No double majors were included in KIN assessments.
KIN SLO #1: Assessment Data AssessmentnExceedingMeetingApproachingNot Meeting PES 33593 (33.33%)2 (22.22%) PES 3261616 (25%)3 (18.75%)2 (12.5%)7 (43.75%)
KIN SLO #1: What We Learned Benchmark was met in neither assessment. Assessments were both – rigorous science classes (Kinetics & Exercise Physiology) – Were all Final Exam Question Sets
KIN SLO #1: What We Learned General SLOs can be more difficult to assess with more specific measures (i.e., question sets)
KIN SLO #1: Closing the Loop Possible changes to assessments and/or benchmarks. Instructional adjustments To obtain richer data, KIN assessments will include all KIN majors in the future. No further resources necessary for CTL.
KIN SLO #2: Students will be able to evaluate the socio- cultural and historical context of physical activity. 2 Assessments – Final Exam question set (PES 305) – Unit Exam Essay Score means (PES 441) Benchmark: 70% of Kinesiology majors will score 70% or better. No double majors were included in KIN assessments.
KIN SLO #2: Assessment Data AssessmentnExceedingMeetingApproachingNot Meeting PES 305138 (61.5%)4 (30.8%)0 (0%)1 (7.7%) PES 4411612 (75%)4 (25%)0 (0%)
KIN SLO #2: What We Learned Both benchmarks were met. Content is being taught effectively
KIN SLO #2: Closing the Loop We will continue to instruct the course with the current methodology and content. Increase benchmarks? To obtain richer data, KIN assessments will include all KIN majors in the future.
Student Learning Outcomes: PETE Major Teacher education candidates will plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with state and national standards in order to address the diverse needs of all students.* Teacher education candidates will be able to use effective organizational, communication and pedagogical skills and strategies to enhance student participation.
Student Learning Outcomes: PETE Major Teacher education candidates will be able to utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and inform instructional decisions. Teacher education candidates will have the knowledge and skill necessary to demonstrate competent movement performance across a number of sport skills. Teacher education candidates will have the knowledge and skill necessary to demonstrate health enhancing fitness.
Student Learning Outcomes: PETE Major Teacher education candidates will demonstrate dispositions essential to becoming effective professionals. Teacher education candidates will know and apply discipline specific scientific concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals.
PETE SLO #1: Teacher education candidates will plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with state and national standards in order to address the diverse needs of all students. 2 Assessments – Unit Plan Assignment as graded by rubric (PEP 444 & PEP 476) Benchmark: 80% of students will rate “Proficient” or above (“Proficient”, or Exemplary”).
PETE SLO #1: Assessment Data AssessmentnExceedingMeetingApproachingNot Meeting PEP 4764437 (84%)5 (12%)1 (2%) PEP 444526 (12%)40 (77%)4 (8%)2 (3%)
PETE SLO #1: What We Learned Benchmark was met in both assessments. Content is being taught effectively NCATE data is not equivalent to Middle States data
PETE SLO #1: Closing the Loop For PEP 476, the lowest percentage was on the assessment plan piece of the unit plan (89% met benchmark). Physical Education Teacher Education faculty will discuss this piece in the Fall 2013 to make decisions how to enhance student performance on this piece of the unit plan.
PETE SLO #1: Closing the Loop For PEP 444, instructors of PEP 444 will provide more detailed instruction regarding how to construct an appropriate rainy day plan and detailed block plan as well as how to cite specific resources in Fall 2013. No further resources necessary for CTL.
Student Learning Outcomes: Sport Management Major The student will exhibit characteristics reflective of a competent sport management professional.* The student will employ practical sport management skills at a real life sport organization setting.*
Student Learning Outcomes: Sport Management Major The student will apply appropriate marketing related principles in sport management settings. The student will exhibit management skills pertinent to sport organizations. The student will be able to explain the structure/function of sport organizations.
SM SLO#1: Student will exhibit characteristics reflective of a competent sport management professional. 2 Assessments: Internship (PEP 468) & Exit Interview Benchmarks: – Internship:80% of students completing the internship will complete it with a “C” grade or better. – 80% of students completing the exit interview will earn a satisfactory score from the interview panel.
SM SLO #1: Assessment Data AssessmentnExceedingMeetingApproachingNot Meeting PEP 4681717 (100%)0 (0%) Exit Interview 22N/A22 (100%)N/A0 (0%)
SM SLO #1: What We Learned Benchmark was met in both assessments. SM majors are performing well in interview and internship situations.
SM SLO #1: Closing the Loop Program Coordinator Dr. Schneider and new sport management faculty will discuss increasing the benchmark for the assessment of this SLO and new supervisor evaluation and exit interview rubrics with KSSPE Assessment Co-Coordinator Dr. Hager in Fall 2013. No further resources necessary for CTL.
SM SLO #2: The student will employ practical sport management skills at a real life sport organization setting. 2 Assessments – Internship Work Experience (PEP 468) – Practicum Work Experience (PEP 460) Benchmark: 80% of students completing the work experience will do so with a “C” grade or better on their supervisor evaluation.
SM SLO #2: Assessment Data AssessmentnExceedingMeetingApproachingNot Meeting PEP 4681717 (100%)0 (0%) PEP 4603231 (97%)0 (0%)1 (3%)0 (0%)
SM SLO #2: What We Learned Benchmark was met in both assessments. SM majors are performing well in internship and Practicum work situations.
SM SLO #2: Closing the Loop Program Coordinator Dr. Schneider and new sport management faculty will discuss increasing the benchmark for the assessment of this SLO and new supervisor evaluation rubrics with KSSPE Assessment Co-Coordinator Dr. Hager in Fall 2013. No further resources necessary for CTL.
Student Learning Outcomes: KSSPE Graduate Program Students will be able to synthesize physical education-related and athletics-related research.* Students will be able to employ professional presentation skills.* Students will be able to use skills essential to research processes employed in physical education and athletics settings.
Student Learning Outcomes: KSSPE Graduate Program Students will be able to implement principles of learning to create/improve the learning environment in physical education and athletics. Students will be able to employ appropriate problem-solving techniques in physical education and athletic settings. Students will be able to select appropriate curricula/programming for participants in physical education and athletics settings.
Student Learning Outcomes: KSSPE Graduate Program Students will be able to implement models of teaching and coaching to create/improve the learning environment in physical education and athletics. Students will be able to use reflective skills that contribute to enhancing professionalism and leadership skills.
Grad SLO #1: Students will be able to synthesize physical education-related and athletics-related research. 1 Assessment (PES 798 Synthesis Project) Benchmark: 80% of students will earn a “Satisfactory” grade on their Synthesis Project.
Grad SLO #1: Assessment Data AssessmentnExceedingMeetingApproachingNot Meeting PES 79815N/A15 (100%)N/A0 (0%)
Grad SLO #1: What We Learned Benchmark was met. Students assessed have basic research & synthesizing skills needed to successfully complete the culminating synthesis project under an instructor’s guidance.
Grad SLO #1: Closing the Loop Program Coordinator Dr. Houston-Wilson and synthesis instructors will discuss increasing the benchmark for the assessment of this SLO and the development of a new synthesis project rubric with KSSPE Assessment Co-Coordinator Dr. Hager in Fall 2013. No further resources necessary for CTL.
Grad SLO #2: Students will be able to employ professional presentation skills. 2 Assessments: – Class Presentation (PES 686) – Synthesis Project Presentation (PES 798) Benchmarks: – 80 % of students will earn a grade of B or better on their class presentation. – 80% of students will earn a “Satisfactory” grade on their Synthesis Project Presentation
Grad SLO #2: Assessment Data AssessmentnExceedingMeetingApproachingNot Meeting PES 68632 (67%)1(33%)N/A0 (0%) PES 79815N/A15 (100%)N/A0 (0%)
Grad SLO #2: What We Learned Both benchmarks were met. Students assessed demonstrated at least satisfactory presentation skills.
Grad SLO #2: Closing the Loop Program Coordinator Dr. Houston-Wilson and synthesis instructors will discuss increasing the benchmark for the assessment of this SLO and the development of a new synthesis project presentation rubric with KSSPE Assessment Co- Coordinator Dr. Hager in Fall 2013. No further resources necessary for CTL.
How was the assessment accomplished? Student work assessed: What assignments in what courses-- tests, products of student work, etc.? Measurement strategy: scores, rubric, etc. Sample size: n students (Is this a sample or all eligible students?)
KSSPE Assessment Summary In Spring 2013, KSSPE coordinators and faculty carried out 25 separate assessments relating to 10 programmatic SLOs. KSSPE students met benchmarks in 20 of the 25 assessments (80%). All 5 assessments in which benchmarks were missed were from rigorous science classes.
Closing the Loop: Remaining Question How do you assess programs undergoing or planning substantial revisions?
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