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Soaps and Sitcoms: Realism, Representation, Ideology.

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Presentation on theme: "Soaps and Sitcoms: Realism, Representation, Ideology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soaps and Sitcoms: Realism, Representation, Ideology

2 Representation and ideology Reality Check Realism as a framework for studying TV: Is TV realistic? Does it have to do with “reality”? How realistic is it?

3 Representation and ideology example: soap opera realism?

4 Representation and ideology different kinds and sources of realism:


6 Kinds/dimensions of “realism” - believability/credibility - plausibility - probability - actuality - verisimilitude - truthfulness - naturalism

7 Kinds/dimensions of “realism” psychological individualism common sense/the “normal”

8 Kinds/dimensions of “realism” psychological individualism common sense/the “normal”... ideological assumptions which are generated through representation

9 Representation and ideology Stuart Hall: language as a model for the production of meaning in culture representation > signification > signs > reading etc.

10 Representation and ideology Stuart Hall: language as a model for the production of meaning in culture representation > signification > signs > reading etc. convention(s) code(s) arbitrariness

11 Representation and ideology... meaning: relocated into arbitrary closure of meaning = ideology social practices of producing meaning

12 The “Circuit of Culture” Paul Du Gay, Stuart Hall, Linda Janes, Hugh Mackay, und Keith Negus. Doing Cultural Studies. The Story of the Sony Walkman. London: Sage/The Open University, 1997. representation identity production consumption regulation

13 Representation and ideology... meaning: relocated into arbitrary closure of meaning = ideology social practices of producing meaning... influence of anthropology: rituals, performativity

14 Realism and representation Graeme Burton: “Modes and conventions of realism are linked to genres. Degrees of naturalism and authenticity attach themselves to soaps, but horror stories do not assume naturalism, indeed they allow for a degree of fantasy and we adjust our expectations accordingly.”

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