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What is global warming? Global worming is the rising of temperature in the earth.

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Presentation on theme: "What is global warming? Global worming is the rising of temperature in the earth."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is global warming? Global worming is the rising of temperature in the earth.


4 GREEN HOUSE GASES: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.water vaporcarbon dioxidemethanenitrous oxideozone Some are natural and others are the result of human activities (burning fossil fuels like coal)

5 Acid rain is particularly damaging to lakes, streams, and forests and the plants and animals that live in these ecosystems. ACID RAIN


7 Precipitation that reaches the surface of the earth can occur in many different forms, including rain, freezing rain, snow, sleet, and hail.


9 Precipitation is the water falling from clouds in liquid form or in solid form. Drizzle is very thin rain

10 Hail forms on condensation nuclei when supercooled water freezes on contact.

11 Rarely, at a temperature of around -2 °C snowflakes can form in threefold symmetry - triangular snowflakes.

12 –Freezing rain is when the drops of water touch an object it freezis

13 sleet refers to snow that has partially melted on its fall to the ground


15 SOLUTIONS 1) use possessions that they still can be used. 2) recycle paper, glass, cans and plastic (glasses, plates, etc).

16 Solutions 2 Plant trees, plants or plant other life forms that can help us in our life. Put trash in the correct trash cans. Recycle instead of throwing trash to the streets, dumps, etc. NO! YES!

17 Possible Consequences of Global Warming Global temperatures have been rising and are expected to continue at least into the near future. How the Earth's climate will respond and what exactly this means for living things or the environment is still unknown.

18 Precipitation

19 Precipitation images

20 When global warming heats the world, there is much more evaporation in oceans, lakes, rivers,etc.

21 When there is more evaporation, there are more clouds

22 When there are more clouds it rains more.

23 When it rains more there are more fluds.

24 So what can we do to stop precipitation and global warming at school??


26 USE LESS THINGS! Send notes by e-mail instead of paper notes. Bring snacks to school in tuppers instead of ziplock bags. Turn off the lights when leaving the class room. Don’t ask for unecessary bags when shopping in the school shop Take only the napkins you need when having lunch. Don’t let the water running unecessarily when washing your hands. Some ideas to reduce at school : Don’t leave unecessary blank spaces in your copybooks and pages

27 Use both sides of the paper before recycling it. Reuse envelopes Reuse packages from home for science and art projects. Sell used books to next year students Reuse pencils from last year instead of buying new ones

28 Remember there is always less contamination, less use of energy and less use of natural resources when recycling than when manufacturing the same product from new materials At school we recycle paper and cardboard DON`T FORGET:

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