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Concrete Models Concrete Models (graphic organisers) provide a visual method of organising and summarising information. They help the student to organise.

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Presentation on theme: "Concrete Models Concrete Models (graphic organisers) provide a visual method of organising and summarising information. They help the student to organise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concrete Models Concrete Models (graphic organisers) provide a visual method of organising and summarising information. They help the student to organise disjointed information in a structured way. They facilitate the generation and development of ideas, expedite the construction of knowledge and aid the learning process. They provide active involvement to engage the kinaesthetic learner. They work best when used by small groups (pairs and triads). They are particularly powerful when groups are structured so that (i) each member has a leadership role/function e.g. Recorder, Researcher, Timekeeper, Clarifier, Turntaker (ensuring all group members participate), Summariser, Reporter. (ii) resources are shared in the group i.e. one worksheet per group. They provide a high quality teaching and learning methodology for the mixed ability classroom i.e. students with diverse abilities can work together where each student can make a real contribution to the overall learning of the group. They accommodate the needs of students with differing learning styles and intelligences.

2 Using Concrete Models Concrete Models (Graphic Organisers) may be used at all stages of the learning process. Pre-teaching a topic Introducing to a topic Teaching a topic Assessment for Learning Scaffolding Learning Independent Learning Study Revision

3 Contents of Pack 1. Ranking Ladder 2. Step 3. Chain of Events 4. Sequence Charts 5. Funnel 6. Fishbone 7. Braindrops 8. Cross Classification Chart 9. Two Venn Diagram 10. Three Venn Diagram 11. Four Corner Organiser 12. Starburst 13. Tri Pie 14. Research Grid

4 Step Ladder When a topic involves prioritising or establishing stages, with a definite beginning and end. text here

5 Stair Steps When a topic involves plotting a course or a step by step processing text here

6 Chain of Linked Events When a topic involves a series of interlinked events. Starting Idea text here

7 Sequence Chart When a topic involves a sequence of events or a series of causes. text here

8 Funnel When a topic involves synthesising ideas, drawing conclusions, reducing a lot of information to its core e.g. creating a definition. text here

9 Fish Bone When summarising a topic or when investigating multiple cause and effects or when collating factors associated with a complex topic and how they interrelate.

10 Brain Drops When creating ideas. text

11 Cross Classification Chart text When condensing and organising comparative data according to various criteria text Topic Criteria

12 Venn Diagram (2 Circles) When examining the similarities and differences between two items

13 Venn Diagram (3 Circles) When examining the similarities and differences between three items.

14 Venn Diagram (3 Circles)

15 Four Corner Organiser When characteristics of four related concepts/topics/people are being explored

16 The Tri Pie When expanding thinking to examine all aspects of a problem/issue Pro Con Grey Area

17 Starburst (all points covered) When establishing and remembering points relating to a topic

18 Research Grid For independent learning: questions are written and students research and write answers Q 1Q 2 Answer Q 3Q 4 Answer Q 5Q 6 Answer

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