Проект The ABC of Ecology Present Simple or Present Perfect Автор: учитель английского языка Негова Л.Э. Школа 551 Кировского района 2007 г.

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Presentation on theme: "Проект The ABC of Ecology Present Simple or Present Perfect Автор: учитель английского языка Негова Л.Э. Школа 551 Кировского района 2007 г."— Presentation transcript:

1 Проект The ABC of Ecology Present Simple or Present Perfect Автор: учитель английского языка Негова Л.Э. Школа 551 Кировского района 2007 г.

2 Аннотация : Проект предусматривает проведение 3-х уроков по теме «ABC Ecology» в 8-х классах общеобразовательной школы четвертый год обучения на уроках английского языка. Цель проекта: мотивация при изучении иностранного языка.

3 План урока: Чтение и перевод песни «Зеленые поля».«Зеленые поля». Выбор схемы.схемы Выбор правильной формы глагола.формы глагола Чтение текста и поиск незнакомых слов.Чтение текста Перевод текста с использованием новых слов.Перевод текста Работа по группам. Составление текста о животных.Работа по группам

4 Чтение и перевод песни «Зеленые поля». Once there were Once there were green fields kissed by the sun, Once there were valleys rivers used to run,. Once there was blue sky with white clouds high above, Once they were part of an everlasting love. We were the lovers who strolled through green fields. Green fields are gone now, parched by the sun, Gone from the valleys where rivers used to run, Gone with the cold wind that swept into my heart, Gone with the lovers let their dreams depart. Where are the green fields that we used to roam? I’ll never know what made you run away. однажды когда-то текли в вышине вечная бродили исчезли; освещенные проник в мое сердце упустили свою мечту когда-то гуляли заставило тебя уехать

5 Выбор схемы Past simple Present perfect had + V3 have \has+V3 V3 V2

6 Выбор правильной формы глагола Choose the right form of the verbs to complete the sentences: past simple or present perfect 1) What Nick (wear) at the party? — I don't know. I (see, not) him then. 2) Look! Bob (draw) a very good picture. I like it. 3) John (fly) to Paris yesterday. 4) Jane is not in Moscow. She (fly) to St. Petersburg. 5) Mrs Stubbs (grow) beautiful forget-me-nots in her garden last spring. 6) My little granddaughter (grow) a very big tomato. Would you like to look at it? 7) How long you (wear) this dress? — I don't remember. I know that I (wear) it for year.

7 Чтение текста и поиск незнакомых слов What Is Ecology? No living thing or group of living things can live and grow in isolation. All organisms, both plants and animals, need energy to develop and all species of living things influence the lives of others. Ecology is a science. It studies how plants, animals and other living things live in relation to each other and to their environment. People have always studied living things in their natural environment, in other words, they have always studied the air, the water, the soil and all the other things that surround a person, animal or plant. The environment can influence the growth and health of living things. Ecologists also study what happens to different species. They collect information about their population number, diet, form, size and behavior. Ecology is one of the most important sciences nowadays. It teaches us how to survive in the modern world.

8 Learn some new words. Influence Study Each Relation Surround Collect Behavior Survive Отношение Каждый Собирать Поведение Environment Влиять В наши дни Изучать Окружающая среда Nowadays Окружать Выжить

9 Работа по группам. Составление текста о животных.

10 What their natural environment? What do they feed on? Example: Fish. Fish live in water. Rivers, lakes, seas and oceans are their natural environment. They feed on other fish, water plants and other water organisms.

11 ЛИТЕРАТУРА О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. Английский язык. М., Дрофа, 2006 M. Vince, J. West. Smart. Книга для учащихся.

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