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AdvOSS Software Architectures. Target Markets Wimax/4G LTECDMA Broadband Prepaid Voice Residential VoBBSIP Trunking VoIP Peering.

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Presentation on theme: "AdvOSS Software Architectures. Target Markets Wimax/4G LTECDMA Broadband Prepaid Voice Residential VoBBSIP Trunking VoIP Peering."— Presentation transcript:

1 AdvOSS Software Architectures

2 Target Markets Wimax/4G LTECDMA Broadband Prepaid Voice Residential VoBBSIP Trunking VoIP Peering

3 Carrier Grade Quality AdvOSS platforms offer carrier grade quality for its products. These quality benefits are achieved through a combination of: 0 Enabling Technologies 0 Software Architectures

4 Enabling Technologies These are a range of technologies that are used by AdvOSS in its platforms to achieve quality objectives. Many of these technologies are developed by AdvOSS. Others are third party technologies or features used by AdvOSS to achieve its quality ends.

5 1. AMPS AMPS (Asynchronous Middleware of Parallel Systems) It is an AdvOSS own technology. It is a middleware that is internally running on a high performance asynchronous processing engine and offers many aspects of reliability, efficiency and others. Details can be found at http://OpenAMPS.org

6 2. Protocol Stacks AdvOSS has its own developed protocol stacks that are built on top of AMPS. These stacks are available for the following protocols: 0 SIP 0 Radius 0 Diameter

7 3. Service Delivery Engine AdvOSS SDE is a Service Creation Engine with a service execution engine that allows high speed execution of work flows. SDE is based on industry standard CCXML (Call Control XML). We have made proprietary extensions to it and call it SCCXML (Service Creation and Control XML). Details can be found at http://sccxml.org


9 4. Media Server AdvOSS Media Server is a powerful media handling server that realizes industry standard MSCML (Media Server Control Markup Language) with some proprietary extensions.

10 5. Heart-Beat AdvOSS Heart-Beat is a High Availability framework that exposes Virtual IP connections upon identical servers and the heart-beat mechanism allows an automatic IP take over from one server to the other when one server goes down.

11 6. Packet Router Packet Router is yet another AdvOSS technology that is based on AdvOSS’ own protocol stacks and AMPS. It allows load distribution and dispatching of layer 7 packets at high speed. A layer 4 and a layer 7 dispatcher together achieve highest speed load distribution among serving nodes.

12 6. Packet Router

13 7. DTMS DTMS (Database and Transaction Management System) is an AdvOSS database abstraction layer and provides for: 0 Database independence 0 Support for distributed databases

14 8. SysLog SysLog is AdvOSS’ own technology for reliable very high speed logging of records into databases or text files.

15 9. Orchestrator Orchestrator is yet another AdvOSS technology part of AdvOSS Provisioning Engine that allows work flow execution through any external third party work flow execution engine. Following languages are supported out of the box: 0 Xproc (a w3c standard for pipelined workflows) 0 Groovy Pipelines (Proprietary language) 0 SCCXML (Through AdvOSS SDP)

16 9. Orchestrator

17 Software Architectures In addition to the above mentioned enabling technologies, AdvOSS uses many aspects of software architecture and design in its products to achieve quality objectives.

18 1. Layered Architecture AdvOSS products are designed in layers which typically are: 0 Dispatching 0 Applications 0 Processes 0 APIs 0 Database Processing

19 2. Work Flow driven processes All AdvOSS Applications are written in work flow languages which are open source and work on a work flow processing engine.

20 3. Policy Driven APIs All AdvOSS APIs are transactional in nature and embed all the business logic in them. To keep them compliant with changing business rules, they all designed to work with Policy Servers that allows realization of company policies into the APIs.

21 4. Service Oriented Architectures All AdvOSS Products are designed based on a SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) enabling an operator to extend the functionality through loosely coupled components.

22 5. Shared Information & Data All AdvOSS Platforms are designed on a shared information and data model. This SID is shared among all products in all platforms of Service Delivery, Service Management and Service Charging.

23 6. Role Aware Alerting All AdvOSS APIs send error messages that are already classified according to SLA roles of: 0 Operations 0 Configuration 0 Network 0 Work Flow and IT 0 Database 0 Code

24 7. Extensible Data Models All AdvOSS data models are infinitely extensible and enable to add new attributes for every object as and when required.

25 8. XML based core processing All core processing within applications is based on XML that allows easy extensions of code or meta data or data models.

26 9. Multi-Master Databases All AdvOSS databases are deployed in multi-master configuration

27 10. Monitoring Interfaces All AdvOSS Products provide extensive interfaces for monitoring of key performance indicators. This includes interfaces for different monitoring systems including through SNMP, XML or web.

28 11.RESTful APIs All AdvOSS Products GUI is written on top of RESTful APIs allowing easy integration with third party north bound systems.

29 12. Transactional APIs All AdvOSS Products have their own basic API. This API exposes all business logic as methods that are coded as a single transaction.

30 Business Benefits Above mentioned enabling technologies and architectural aspects are used to derive multiple business benefits.

31 1. High Availability AdvOSS High Availability framework allows the system to continue functioning in the condition of a hardware or network failure

32 Scenario 1: Failure of Application Node The Packet Router sends the packets to other nodes for processing

33 Scenario 2: Failure of Packet Router The AdvOSS Heart-Beat application moves packet routing to secondary node

34 Scenario 3: Failure of Database AdvOSS DTMS application moves traffic to secondary master server in the database.

35 2. Scalability AdvOSS Scalability Architecture allows a Service Provider to start small and grow as much as needed.Packet Router along with the dispatcher / serving node model allows for addition of new serving nodes on the fly for applications. For databases, multi-master deployment model allows for scaling out and adding new nodes for further processing.

36 Application Node Scalability Packet Router distributes the load onto multiple Application Nodes. Application nodes can be added as many as needed. Packet Router Scalability Packet Router is very efficient load distributor and works on Layer 7 load balancing. If needed, a Layer 4 load balancer can be added and multiple Layer 7 packet routers can be added

37 Database Scalability More nodes can be added in the multi-master ring for distribution of read loads onto multiple database server.

38 3. Redundancy AdvOSS Redundancy Architecture allows a Service Provider to keep extra resources either in load-sharing or hot-standby mode and use them in case of failures

39 Application Node Redundancy Packet Router keeps all application nodes in active load- sharing.

40 Packet Router Redundancy: AdvOSS Heart-Beat framework allows a Service Provider to keep two packet router nodes where one stays as a hot-standby and assumes the load on failure of primary node.

41 Database Redundancy: Multi-master Replication allows to keep extra databases fully ready with latest data in sync. In case of failure, such extra database nodes are used by DTMS automatically

42 4. Disaster Recovery And Geographical Redundancy Master / Slave Replication Remote Multi-Master replication Enables Geographical Redundancy

43 5. Live Upgradability Dispatcher / Node model allows to bring down a node and upgrade it while other nodes are serving Heart-Beat allows to move IP to other servers and upgrade the dispatcher node if needed.

44 6. Live re-configurability XML based configuration files That can be reloaded while servers are running

45 7. Overload protection Admission Control on ingress and rate limiting on egress provides over load protection

46 8. Service Assurance Service Assurance aware applications that continue to deliver service while some resources are unavailable

47 9. Customizability SCCXML based work flows for AAA Xproc or groovy based work flows for GUI

48 10. Adaptability Policy Driven APIs and architectures allow adapting to changes business needs and rules

49 11. Extensibility XML cores and extensible data models allow extending the core functionality and data models.

50 12. Testing and Staging Debugging criteria in packet router

51 13. Usability All operations teams have a highly usable web based GUI available to them. All administrative tasks have a desktop based GUI available to them.

52 Usability

53 14. Security Provisioning Engine based deployment model Role based security

54 15. Auditability Role based security Detailed audit trail

55 16. Monitoring SNMP agents Other performance monitoring counters Alerting interfaces Centralized Alerting application

56 Contact Us Website:http://AdvOSS.com Head Office:10691 Shellbridge Way, Suite 120 Richmond, BC V6X 2W8, Canada Tel: +1 (604) 800 0269

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