James Cook James Cook was born in yorkshire England and entered the navy as a able sea man in 1755. he was given command of the bark Endeavour a well.

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3 James Cook James Cook was born in yorkshire England and entered the navy as a able sea man in 1755. he was given command of the bark Endeavour a well constructed ship of 368 tons. In the same year Captain Cook received instructions to set sail for the pacific in order to study the planet Venus across the disk of the sun. this was predicted to take place on the 3 rd of June 1769.

4 The Endeavour On 26 th of august 1769 the Endeavour set sail from Plymouth stocked with 18 months of supplies and with 94 men on board. Joining cook were Joesve Banks, the botanist, Daniel solander, a naturalist and Charles Green, from the greenwitch observatory. (the Endeavour)

5 His voyages Captain James Cook made 3 trips to the pacific. He was speared and killed by the Hawaiian natives. He was killed in Hawaii on his 3 rd voyage. The first voyage was to observe the transit of Venus for his sponsors the royal society (English scientists) and to see if he could beat the French.

6 About him Occupation: Explorer Born: October 27, 1728 in Yorkshire, England Died: Killed by natives at the Hawaiian Islands on February 14, 1779 Best known for: Exploring the South Pacific. James Cook was a British navigator and explorer who sailed and mapped much of the south pacific.

7 Routes of Captain James Cook through the South Pacific. The first voyage is in red, the second in green, and the third in blue

8 Facts The first European to set foot on Australia's east coast was Cook's nephew Isaac Smith. The Endeavour also had scientists aboard including botanist Joseph Banks. They collected and recorded numerous plants and animals throughout their journey. Tahiti was so nice and the natives so friendly that some of Cook's crew wanted to stay. The Maori warriors in New Zealand wore tattoos on their faces. Some of the Endeavour's sailors got tattoos on their arms and started a tradition that continues today.

9 Nicolas young Nicolas Young was a sailor on Captain James Cook's ship in his first voyage. He was eleven years old when the ship left England on 26 August 1768. He was a stowaway on the Endeavour. Nicholas Young sighted New Zealand on 7 October 1769. Captain James Cook named the place Young Nicks Head after Nick and rewarded him with a gallon of rum.

10 The civilians Joseph Banks: Naturalist & Botanist Daniel Solander: Naturalist & Doctor Charles Green: Astronomer John Reynolds: Artist Sydney Parkinson: Artist Herman Sporing: Artist Alexander Buchan: Artist James Roberts: Servant Peter Briscoe: Servant Thomas Richmond: Servant

11 The crew

12 By Amie Broad 2013

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