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PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL NETWORKING BASIC TOUR Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 1.

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Presentation on theme: "PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL NETWORKING BASIC TOUR Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROFESSIONAL SOCIAL NETWORKING BASIC TOUR Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 1

2 What Is LinkedIn? LinkedIn is a Professional Network that you can use to: Build a visual/interactive resume Connect with other professionals with similar goals and interests Link to groups, institutions and clubs Search for jobs and career advancements Create a custom learning environment with industry professionals Let’s Get Started!!! Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 2

3 3 Sign In And Create Your Account

4 Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 4 Create Your Profile

5 Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 5 Search For People You Know

6 Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 6 Add Connections or Skip This Step

7 Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 7 Select Your Plan

8 Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 8 Create Your Profile and Choose What You Want To Include

9 Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 9 Editing Your Entries

10 Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 10 Add A Resume And Picture To Your Profile

11 Adding Your Contacts Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 11

12 Sending a Message To A Contact Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 12

13 Sharing an Update Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 13

14 Editing Tags Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 14

15 Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 15

16 Joining Groups Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 16

17 Search For Jobs Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 17

18 Message Center Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 18

19 Search For Companies Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 19

20 Help From Linked In Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 20

21 Public Computer Center, Moore Memorial Library, Greene NY 21 Manage Your Account Click the drop down box and choose “Settings” Look at the bottom left and choose “Account” Select Manage Social Advertising Unselect this box and save if you do not want to be used in advertising and select “Save”

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