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Treasurer Training 2014-2015 Cory Lang, Student Senate Treasurer Jake Boldig, Student Senate Finance Chair Elizabeth Brzeski, Senior Director of Student.

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Presentation on theme: "Treasurer Training 2014-2015 Cory Lang, Student Senate Treasurer Jake Boldig, Student Senate Finance Chair Elizabeth Brzeski, Senior Director of Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treasurer Training 2014-2015 Cory Lang, Student Senate Treasurer Jake Boldig, Student Senate Finance Chair Elizabeth Brzeski, Senior Director of Student Affairs

2 Duties & Responsibilities  Keeping financial records in order  Paying all bills on time  Presenting creative ways to raise funds  Being trustworthy and responsible  Creating and proposing the organization’s budget for following academic year  Follow proper policies and procedures including Carroll University Student Senate Financial Allocating Guidelines  Understand how to use all of the budget forms

3 Finance Guidelines  All financial rules that must be followed can be found in the Student Senate Financial Allocating Guidelines  Please take time to read over the Financial Guidelines  Look over any changes you may notice!  See Treasurers Information page

4 Account Numbers  Listed as a span of four different number sets  Example: 10-3590-5590-7583  Fund  All org accounts start with a “10” fund  Cost Center  All org accounts are under the “3590” cost center  Expense Account  Different expense account for each area  Ex: 5590 = supplies & other  Project Code  Each org has their own code  Ex: Student Senate = 7583

5 Commonly Used Expense Accts  5510: Travel & Conference  Hotel Accommodations  Airfare  Transportation  Conference Registration  Carroll University Van Rental  Mileage / Other transportation  5520: Postage  5530: Telephone & Fax Expense

6 Commonly Used Expense Accts  5540: Printing & Duplication Expense  Carroll Duplication Expense  Charges to print from an outside vendor  (Newspapers / Magazines / Etc.)  5545: Contracted Individuals  Independent Contractor:  Guest Lecturer  Entertainer  5550: Contracted Companies  Contracted through Agency:  Band  Performer

7 Commonly Used Expense Accts  5560: Rentals Expense  Rentals of Equipment:  Chairs, Tables, Etc. (from an outside company, not though Carroll)  School Buses (First Student Bus Company)  Movie Rentals (Swank)  5570: Subscriptions & Memberships  Magazines, Periodicals, Etc.  Membership to organizations (individual & group)  5590: Supplies & Other  Charges that don’t fit anywhere else  Supplies  Bookstore Charges  Prizes  5740: Chartwells

8 Reservations and Events Fee Student Senate 2013-2014 Financial Allocating Guidelines Article III, Section 15:  The Student Senate will set aside an adequate amount of money to supplement costs incurred through the Reservations and Events Office. If any late fees are incurred, these will not be funded by the Student Senate or any funds received from the Student Senate. Organizations must pay for any late fees using either their “O” account or they must find funding outside of Senate or their budget to cover these costs.

9 Reservations and Events Fee  Step 1: Reserve rooms, tables, chairs, etc.  Step 2: Hold event!  Step 3: Send receipt to  **If late fees are incurred, the organization will be responsible for covering the event fees with their “O” account.**

10 Reservations and Events Fee  Organizations will be initially charged for Reservations and events fees.  The Student Senate treasurer will then transfer money into the organizations account (reimbursement)  Helps to maintain accurate record keeping of all organization’s events.

11 Financial Forms  Request for Payment Form Request for Payment Form  Found on Treasurers Information page  All original receipts must be included (NO COPIES!!!!)  Must be submitted within 30 days of purchase  If prizes are on there, must include prize log  List of attendees if outside event  Example: Chicago trip to Shedd Aquarium  Tax Exemption  W9  Prize Winners Log Prize Winners Log  Found on Treasurers Information page  Must be filled out for any prize winners  Only Carroll Students should be winning prizes  Fill out for specific request (make it look nice)

12 Financial Forms *All forms found on Treasurers Information Page*  Invoice  Budget Transfer Request  Used to transfer money from one expense account to another within your organization  Can only transfer in whole dollar amounts  To cover charges in other expense areas  Request for Purchase Order Form  Another way to purchase items from vendor  No need to be reimbursed  Still send invoice, but company feels more comfortable with it

13 Financial Forms  Expense Report for Travel  Itemizes Travel  Must remember 75% and $100 cap rules!  Attach all receipts  Conference agenda attached  Student Senate Request for Funding Form  Due Wednesdays at Noon in order to be discussed at the next Finance Committee meeting  Fill out on Campus Computer  Email in attachment to

14 Internal Charges  Carroll University Van Charges  Use of Vans  Gas Charges  Chartwells  Bookstore  Duplication  Mailroom  When you are told what the charges are, please report them to

15 Frequently Asked Questions  Where can I find all of these forms?  On the Treasurers Information page  When do all Request for Payment need to be in?  Friday by noon  So they can be taken care of for the following week  Where do I turn them in?  DO NOT TAKE THEM TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE  Take them to the Student Affairs Office  Wooden shelf underneath the TV on wall  Bottom of shelf, box that says “Student Org Requests”

16 Frequently Asked Questions  Can the forms be printed and then filled out by hand?  Please fill them out on a campus computer and then print  Business Office needs to be able to read them  What kind of documentation needed?  Original receipts or documents that prove the request  Prize logs  List of attendees for outside events  Conference Agendas for travel  W9s if needed

17 Frequently Asked Questions  How much is in my budget?  You should be keeping track  Can track in spreadsheet  Can double check with SS treasurer  When do Requests for Funding need to be in?  Wednesdays by noon to

18 Additional Questions?

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