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The Ukraine: Unrest in Eastern Europe Ms. Jerome Europe Map.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ukraine: Unrest in Eastern Europe Ms. Jerome Europe Map."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ukraine: Unrest in Eastern Europe Ms. Jerome Europe Map

2 People to Know Find Pictures  Ousted President of the Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych  President of Russia Vladimir Putin  Yulia Tymoshenko:  Yanukovych’s opposition  Pro West

3 I am a Ukrainian

4 Why do Revolutions Happen? What Revolutions can you name? Find pictures to insert…

5 Understanding unrest in Eastern Europe  Purpose: Putting the present political unrest in the context of:  Imperialism  Revolutions  Cold War

6 Where is the Ukraine? In relation to Europe? Russia? Circle it

7 The Ukraine in the 20 th century

8 The Soviet Union Find statue of Lenin in Kiev

9 Holodomor: “Death By Famine” 1932-1933  Stalin’s policies toward the Ukrainians were brutal.  He sought to eliminate the “kulaks” – wealthy landowners, in a process known as “______________”  Ukraine has long been the breadbasket of Europe  A majority of the grain from the Ukraine was sold to Western Europe in an effort to fuel Stalin’s 5-Year Plan of Industrialization.  The ensuing famine killed upwards of _________________  Some countries have joined the Ukraine in calling it a genocide.  The Famine Video The Famine Video

10 The Ukraine in WWII  When did the Nazis enter Kiev?  Two concentration camps were built in the Ukraine.  How many people were killed?  When was Kiev liberated?  “Liberation” was not as hopeful as the people had hoped. “We will take the southern Ukraine, especially the Crimea, and make it an exclusively a German colony…” Adolf Hitler July 1941

11 The Cold War  A process of “Russification” in the Soviet Union barred the Ukrainian language from the government, education, courts etc.  Soviet terror persisted in the Ukraine.  1991 Nationalist fervor—first Democratically elected president  Break from collapsing Soviet Union  Former Communist Party leaders cast themselves as nationalists and assumed power. Corruption was widespread despite the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

12 The Warsaw Pact: Find a Picture

13 The Orange Revolution 2004-5  The Orange Revolution  Who led the Orange Revolution? What was it?

14 What’s going on in the Ukraine? Part I:  What started the protests?  Anti—government protets started late in 2013  President Viktor Yanukovych intended to sign a trade agreement with the European Union.  On November 21 st 2013, he suspended such talks.  A deal with the EU (Known as the EU’s “Eastern Partnership”) would have created political ties with the West and generated economic growth in the Ukraine

15 What is the European Union?  A trading Bloc in Europe  Offers free trade to participating members  Dismantled tariffs  They operate under one currency  Find a Map:

16 What is the Customs Union?  Founded January, 2010  Similar to the EU in its goals within its countries  Former Soviet States  The U.S. is against it—sees it as an attempt to reunite the USSR  Find a map:

17 Customs Union – European Union

18 Part II:  Yulia Tymoshenko

19 Outrage and Protest: Find Four pictures

20 February 20 th  77 People are killed in 48 hours  Protestors vs. police  Many killed by snipers  President Yanukovych disappeared on Feb 22, 2014 and protestors took control of the administrative buildings.  Yanukovych later appeared on TV and said he was still president/ Tymoshenko is released: President won't resign. Denounce opponents as Nazis President won't resign. Denounce opponents as Nazis


22  Look at this map. What might it suggest to you about support for the protest… Where is it the strongest?

23 Election Maps  Generate 2 statements from the maps below:  1.  2.

24 Tensions Escalate  March 1:  There are large factions of the population who are pro Russia  Obama to Putin:  Putin to Obama:  March 4 th : Putin calls forces “_____________”

25 Russia in Crimea

26 1.Is this Imperialism? 2.What should the U.S. do? 1.Is this a continuation of the Cold War? 1.Did the Cold War ever end or was there just a long thaw? 1.Why not give up Crimea? 1.Are there echoes of “Munich ’38” in this situation? 2.Why is the Ukraine so important to Putin?

27 Assignment: Due Thursday:  Find an article from this week relating to the Ukraine  Read it.  Write a 1 page response  What is the article about?  How does it relate to imperialism, the Cold War, revolutions, or any other topic relevant in our discussion.  To be handed in. Be prepared to discuss

28 Sources:      explainer/ explainer/  04579393324230970300 04579393324230970300  explainer/index.html explainer/index.html  9/this-one-map-helps-explain-ukraines-protests/ 9/this-one-map-helps-explain-ukraines-protests/

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