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Overview Presentation to the State Advisory Council/CT Early Childhood Education Cabinet Grace Whitney, PhD, MPA, IMH-E® (IV) Thursday, September 22, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview Presentation to the State Advisory Council/CT Early Childhood Education Cabinet Grace Whitney, PhD, MPA, IMH-E® (IV) Thursday, September 22, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview Presentation to the State Advisory Council/CT Early Childhood Education Cabinet Grace Whitney, PhD, MPA, IMH-E® (IV) Thursday, September 22, 2011

2 Assist in building early childhood systems and access to comprehensive services and support for all low-income children; Encourage widespread collaboration between Head Start and other appropriate programs, services, and initiatives; and to augment Head Start's capacity to be a partner in State initiatives on behalf of children and their families; and Facilitate the involvement of Head Start in State policies, plans, processes, and decisions affecting the Head Start target population and other low-income families.

3 1. Health (including physical health, mental health, oral health, nutrition and physical activity) 2. Education 3. Child Care 4. Welfare 5. Child Welfare 6. Community Services 7. Family Literacy 8. Services to Children with Disabilities 9. Children Experiencing Homelessness

4 School Transitions Professional Development Child Care and Early Childhood Systems Military Families

5 State Head Start Association State Training Center, UMass Region I Office, Boston Office of Head Start, Washington, DC National Network of HSSCOs National Training Centers/National TA Providers

6 5-year grant cycle with annual renewal $125,000 with 20% match 5-year work plan addressing all priority areas Annual Assessment of Partnership and Collaboration Needs ( Needs Assessment ) Program Profile 5-year Evaluation

7 Health Multidisciplinary Consultation Medication Administration Oral Health Dental Homes/Cavity Free Kids/800 Teaching Kits Child Welfare DCF-Head Start Partnership ECCP/Supportive Housing/Child FIRST


9 No working Relationship (little/ no contact) Cooperation (exchange info/referrals) Coordination (work together) Collaboration (share resources/ agreements) 200814%11%36%39% 2009008%92% 201006%094%

10 Nutrition and Physical Activity ** I Am Moving, I Am Learning Little Voices for Healthy Choices Homelessness** Head Start-Family Shelter Partnership **ARRA helped fund Head Start-Child Care andHead Start- Housing Partnerships

11 Infant Toddler Capacity Building Convene Early Head Start Providers CT Association for Infant Mental Health Infant Toddler Modules Interdisciplinary Consultation/Part C Infant Toddler Consultant Competencies Early Learning Guidelines, Mod 4, Rhode Island AIMH

12 DSS DCF Birth to Three DPH CHDI, CT-AIMH, LEARN, CCADV, and others

13 Healthy Child Care New England National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth; National Center for Homeless Education Zero to Three/NITCCI

14 New address and phone: CT Head Start State Collaboration Office CT State Department of Education 165 Capitol Avenue Hartford, CT 06106 860-713-6767

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