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Crack or Cocaine: Know you Nose Candy The one time that knowing something about an amine can make a big difference.

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Presentation on theme: "Crack or Cocaine: Know you Nose Candy The one time that knowing something about an amine can make a big difference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crack or Cocaine: Know you Nose Candy The one time that knowing something about an amine can make a big difference

2 How Drugs Work Legal Stuff The Pill Caffeine SSRI’s Less than Legal Stuff Cocaine / Crack Meth LSD

3 Enzyme – Substrate Interactions

4 Axons and the Synapse Nerve cells don’t touch. Signals are transmitted by neurotransmitters. Enzymes will destroy neurotransmitters.

5 What you need to know Any kind of drug is a molecule that either: –Stimulates a system to do more of what it already does. –Stop a system from doing what it normally does. Agonist – a drug that fits a receptor and causes a response. Antagonist – a drug that fits a receptor and does not cause a response.

6 Brief History - Birth Control Pills 1957 – FDA approved for severe menstrual disorders. 1960 – FDA approved for contraception. 1964 – Still illegal in 8 states. Present – Some employers can claim ‘religious exemption’ and not provide insurance for access.

7 How it works Birth control pills contain analogs to estrogen and progestin. Prevents ovulation by raising hormone levels to mimic pregnancy.

8 Coffee & Caffeine

9 SSRI’s Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors –Paxil, Zoloft, Prozac, Celexa, Luvox Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM – 5) –Indications –Homosexuality removed 1973 Treat depression in cooperatively with counseling. 1 in 10 Americans uses them.

10 How SSRIs work Serotonin is the target neurotransmitter. SSRIs keep them from being reabsorbed. Doesn’t make more serotonin. Just makes it hang out longer.

11 The following is not legal

12 Crack Tertiary amine No formal charge Fat soluble Must be smoked

13 Cocaine Quaternary amine Charged molecule Water soluble Can be injected Sold as cocaine hydrochloride Ask for it by name

14 What is the cost for 1g of Cocaine? A.$1 – $5 B.$5 - $10 C.$10 - $100 D.$100 – $500 E.Over $500 F.I don’t know

15 The US is on the low end Source: CNN - Money

16 What is the cost of a crack rock? A.$1 - $5 B.$5 - $10 C.$10 - $100 D.$100 - $500 E.Over $500 F.I don’t know

17 An Expensive Atom… Crack costs about $5-10 per rock. It sets prostitution rates. Cocaine goes for about $100/g Sentencing for crack is about 18X more severe than cocaine. –Formerly 100X more severe –2010 Fair Sentencing Act (FSA) Fair?

18 How Cocaine Works Blocks the re- uptake of dopamine. Agonist. Dopamine hangs around longer and your body really likes that.

19 How Meth Works Amphetamines also are agonists for dopamine. They dissolve into the axon. Hang around for a while. Meth lasts a long time.

20 Class, meet meth A chiral carbon Trigonal pyramidal center. Nonpolar, stable molecule. Benzene ring

21 Making Meth

22 How Meth Works Blocks the reuptake of dopamine. Dissolves in to the axon. Hangs around for a long time. 8-10 of effects.

23 Finally LSD, and really long songs Lysergic acid Albert Hoffman recorded the first known trip in 1943. Common dose is around 25 micrograms.

24 Chemistry is not well known Interacts with post- synaptic receptors. Creates responses without stimuli. Interacts with serotonin receptors. Agonist

25 Some things to remember Drugs are and are not necessary. Drugs are and are not legal. Illegal drugs are not tested and are not regulated. Rules around drugs are not always clear, and favors prosecution.

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