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Synaptic Nerve Transmission Getting the Message From Here to There.

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Presentation on theme: "Synaptic Nerve Transmission Getting the Message From Here to There."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synaptic Nerve Transmission Getting the Message From Here to There

2 Nerve “Junctions” Synapse:Junction between nerve-nerve or nerve-muscle Synapse = “Gap”: How does the signal from the excited neuron get across the gap? TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW

3 Summary of Terms: Presynaptic Terminal: Axon – “terminal boutons” Postsynaptic Membrane: Dendrite, neuron cell body, muscle cell, or even another axon Synaptic Cleft: The Gap

4 More Terms: Synaptic Vesicles: Contain chemical signal Neurotransmitter Post Synaptic Receptors: Associated with ion channels Opening or closing channels when bound to neurotransmitter

5 Sequence of Synaptic Transmission: 1. An Action Potential arrives at the Presynaptic Terminal 2. The voltage causes the Synaptic Vesicles to release neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft. 3. Neurotransmitter binds with Postsynaptic receptors

6 And Next… Postsynaptic membrane channels open: Open Na+ Channels causes an action potential in the “downstream” cell Open K+ Channels causes hyperpolarization which means the cell is less able to be excited!

7 What Next? The Fate of Leftover Neurotransmitters 1. Why the bother? 2. Enzyme degradation 3. Active Transport “recycling” 4. Neurotoxin Target!

8 Neurotransmitters: Norepinepherine Acetylcholine Serotonin Dopamine GABA Glutamate…The list is growing!

9 Solve This Sherlock: What would happen to someone who is given an Monoamine oxidase inhibitor?

10 HINT: MAO Inhibitors block the enzymes that breakdown norepinepherine and serotonin…. Norepi and serotonin signals are lower than normal in persons suffering from depression

11 Assignment: Read: 8:201-216 The Synapse The Central Nervous System Answer: How do Cocaine and amphetamines affect the nervous system?

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