 What? A letter that is responsive and shows gratitude towards an act of kindness or generosity.  Who? A kind or generous individual worthy of thanks.

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3  What? A letter that is responsive and shows gratitude towards an act of kindness or generosity.  Who? A kind or generous individual worthy of thanks. When? A courtesy letter is traditionally written when an individual receives something and would love to express their gratitude.

4  A form of writing that assists a writer in selecting a topic, verify a purpose, consider an audience, and get ready to write.  Complete Graphic Organizer



7  Guthrie, J. (2003, May 18). Letter Writing: The Lost Art - An Educator's Reference Desk Lesson Plan. The Educator's Reference Desk: Resource Guides. Retrieved March 29, 2011, from http://www.eduref.org/cgi- bin/printlessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons http://www.eduref.org/cgi- bin/printlessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons  Walker, C (2011, April 1) A Task For Courtesy Letter Writing. Created April 1, 2011 at Valdosta State University.  Formal Letter Format. (n.d.). Creative Writing: Topics, Tips & Guidelines. Retrieved April 6, 2011, from http://www.creativewriting- prompts.com/formal-letter-format.html

8 Your task is to write a letter to friend, real or imaginary, thanking them for coming to your birthday party.

9  Complete your graphic organizer


11  Form of Writing: Courtesy Letter The drafting of a courtesy letter must always include a heading of the letter, a greeting, a letter opening, a topic, the body of the letter, a wrap up of the letter, the closing of the letter, and a place for the composer of the letter to sign their letter.  Stage of Writing: Drafting This is a rough draft. It does not need to be a work of perfection. It can be sloppy and a culmination of all of your ideas thrown together. The idea is to transform your graphically organized thoughts into thoughts in the form of a letter.


13  Thank You To Teacher. (2008). Thank You Letter Examples. Retrieved April 1, 2011 from http://www.thankyouletter.ws/thank_you_to_teache r.php http://www.thankyouletter.ws/thank_you_to_teache r.php

14  The students and I will create a courtesy letter together using a randomly selected heading, greeting, letter opening, topic, body of the letter, wrap up of the letter, closing of the letter, and finally we will end the letter by allowing the composer (a random student in class) of the letter to sign the letter.

15  The task is to create a draft using the information collected on a previously made courtesy letter graphic organizer from the prewriting stage.

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