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America Questions Neutrality

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1 America Questions Neutrality

2 Divided Loyalties Naturalized US citizens Economic Ties
Had ties to nations Germans: sympathized with Germany Irish: saw war as chance for Ireland to gain independence Close to Britain Ancestry & language Economic Ties Stronger with Allies U.S. exports by year

3 The War Hits Home US Mobilizes for war British Blockade
Ensure allied repayment of debts Prevent Germans from threatening US shipping British Blockade German coast Neutral ports US ships refused to challenge blockade Led to famine in Germany by 1917 US angered until Germany responded

4 German U-Boat Response
Unterseeboot (Submarine) Used to counter blockade Any British or allied ship would be sunk Lusitania May 7, 1915 British passenger liner sunk by German U-boat 128 Americans killed Changed American public opinion, but still doesn’t propel the country into the war

5 Woodrow Wilson’s Response
Ruled out military response August 1915: U-boat sinks The Arabic 2 Americans dead Sussex Pledge Germany would stop unrestricted submarine warfare US would persuade GB to lift food blockade

6 1916 Election Woodrow Wilson (D) Charles Evan Hughes (R)
Campaign slogan - “He kept us out of the war” Charles Evan Hughes (R) Pledged to uphold America’s right to freedom of seas Promised not to be too severe on Germany Wilson Wins re-election Close vote

7 United States Declares War
Wilson calls for “peace without victory” Germany ignores calls Kaiser announces U-boats will sink all ships Wilson waits for “actual overt acts” It came early in 1917…

8 German Provocation Zimmerman Telegram
Telegram from German Foreign minister to German ambassador in Mexico Proposed alliance between Mexico & Germany Intercepted by Britain, sent to Woodrow Wilson Leaked to U.S. press on March 1, 1917 Infuriated Americans Territory promised to Mexico

9 Zimmerman Note On the first of February, we intend to begin unrestricted submarine warfare. In spite of this, it is our intention to endeavour to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we propose an alliance on the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war together and make peace together. We shall give generous financial support, and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The details of settlement are left to you.

10 Zimmerman Note You are instructed to inform the President [of Mexico] of the above in the greatest confidence as soon as it is certain that there will be an outbreak of war with the United States and suggest that the President, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence with this plan; at the same time, offer to mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call to the attention of the President that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England to make peace in a few months

11 Breaking of the Sussex Pledge
Germany becomes convinced they can win the war with the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare January 1917 – Germany begins unrestricted sub warfare 4 unarmed American merchant ships sunk

12 America Acts April 2, 1917 Russian monarchy overthrown
Wilson delivers war message to Congress Russian monarchy overthrown Wilson can now say this is a, “War of democracies against brutal monarchies.” Congress approves resolution

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