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Descriptive words / Adjectives for movements ( fast ). PLEASE COPY.

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2 Descriptive words / Adjectives for movements ( fast ). PLEASE COPY.

3 Use these words in your short story project. You will be tested on these words for the finals. So, check dictionary for precise meaning.

4 bolt bounce careen chase dart dash

5 drive drop flee flick fly gallop

6 hop hurl hurry lift plummet

7 plunge propel race ram run

8 rush sail scamper scramble scurry

9 shove skip smash soar speed

10 spin spring sprint streak stride

11 swat swerve swing swoop trot whisk zip zoom

12 Descriptive words / Adjectives for movements ( Slow ).

13 amble bend crawl creep drag

14 drift droop edge heave loiter

15 lumber plod saunter slink slouch

16 sneak stagger stalk stray stroll

17 swagger sway tiptoe waddle

18 Descriptive words / Adjectives for touch and feel.

19 cold cool crisp damp dry

20 dull elastic explode feathery firm

21 fishy fleshy fragile furry fuzzy

22 gritty hairy hard hot icy

23 leathery lukewarm moist oily pebbly

24 prickly pulpy rough rubbery sandy

25 satiny sharp silky slimy slippery

26 smooth soft spongy steamy sticky

27 stuccoed tacky tender tepid textured thick thin

28 Descriptive words / Adjectives for Taste

29 alkaline bitter bittersweet bland burnt

30 buttery crisp fishy fruity gingery

31 hearty hot mellow oily overripe

32 peppery raw ripe salty sour

33 spicy spoiled sugary sweet tangy

34 medicinal tasteless unripe vinegary velvety

35 warm waxy wet wooly

36 Descriptive words / Adjectives for Smell below.

37 acidy acrid aromatic balmy briny

38 burnt damp dank earthy fishy

39 fragrant fresh gamy gaseous mildewed

40 moldy musty perfumed piney pungent

41 putrid rancid reek rotten savory

42 scented sharp sickly sour spicy

43 spoiled stagnant stench sweet tempting

44 Descriptive words / Adjectives for Hearing ( Soft Sounds )

45 buzz chime clink crackle faint

46 gurgle harmony (musical) hiss hum hush

47 inaudible lilting melody murmur mute

48 mutter patter peep purr rush

49 rustle sigh snap speechless still

50 swish tinkle twitter whir whisper zing

51 Descriptive words / Adjectives for Hearing ( Loud Sounds )

52 bang bark bedlam blare bleat

53 bluster boom brawl bray bump

54 caterwaul clamor clap clash crash

55 deafening din discord earsplitting grate

56 hubbub jangle noise pandemonium piercing

57 racket rage rasp raucous riot

58 roar rowdy rumble scream screech

59 shout slam smash squawk stamp

60 stomp thud thump thunder tumult

61 whine whistle yell

62 Reading, writing may become obsolete in future, experts say By Dick Pelletier When was the last time you saw fast-food restaurant employees’ actually key prices into the register? Today, clerks behind the counter press buttons with pictures of cups, burgers, or bags of fries. They never need to read or remember cost of items.



65 Then about 10,000 years ago an explosion of information emerged with the onset of the agricultural revolution and memory overload quickly followed. Human memories were no longer efficient and reliable enough to store and share the huge volume of new ideas. To overcome this problem, our forbearers developed a remarkable technology that has lasted for thousands of years – written language.


67 However, scientists believe that today’s reading and writing technologies will not serve us well in tomorrow’s high-tech world. Oxford University Professor Lady Greenfield suggests traditional learning systems; lectures, exams, and books; even reading and writing, will become obsolete in a society filled with voice- interactive machines and an Internet that could one day store all the world’s information.

68 Tomorrow’s students will be more comfortable voicing commands to mobile devices and other displays to ask questions, retrieve information, and play music and videos. Searching through books will be considered a waste of time. Forces driving this transformation include the following:

69 Growing numbers of young people strongly prefer speech over other communication systems. Billions of non-literate citizens around the world with poor reading, writing and language skills want access to information, but most become frustrated in attempts to get it. Interactive voice systems expected by 2012 will replace most keyboards and remote controls.

70 Germany’s Infineon Technologies has recently developed a series of chips powerful enough to enable mobile devices to process huge data loads required for future education and entertainment needs.


72 Advanced interactive visual display systems will empower everyone on Earth to understand information regardless of their ability to read or write. Positive futurists believe that this breakthrough could, by as early as mid-century or before, enable more nations to come together technologically and linguistically and participate in what promises to become an amazing "magical future.”

73 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Verbs can be classified as transitive or intransitive.

74 A transitive verb requires both a subject and an object. i.e. I gave you the doll. (doll is the direct object of “gave” and “you”) Without a direct object, the meaning of a transitive verb is unclear. Incomplete: The boy held. (What did the boy hold?) Complete: The boy held the owl.

75 An intransitive verb cannot take an object. i.e. The child will nap until 2:00. (Nap is an intransitive verb, and the sentence has no object.)

76 Underline the verb in each sentence and identify if it is used transitively or intransitively. Circle the object of each transitive verb. 1.Bill is watching a movie. 2.Sally paints. 3.Bill struggled at his new school. 4.The ballerinas dance wonderfully. 5.The movie is about to begin, so we will eat our ice cream in the car. 6.I am reading Harry Potter. 7.She rolled a lucky number seven.

77 Answer Key 1. watching/transitive 2. paints/intransitive 3. struggled/intransitive 4. dance/intransitive 5. eat/ transitive 6. reading/ transitive 7. rolled/transitive

78 bolt verb Definition of BOLT intransitive verb 1: to move suddenly or nervously : start 2: to move or proceed rapidly : dash 3a : to dart off or away : flee b : to break away from control or a set course 4: to break away from or oppose one's previous affiliation (as with a political party or sports team) 5: to produce seed prematurely transitive verb 1a archaic : shoot, discharge b : flush, start 2: to say impulsively : blurt 3: to secure with a bolt 4: to attach or fasten with bolts 5: to eat hastily or without chewing 6: to break away from or refuse to support (as a political party)

79 ca·reen verb \kə-ˈrēn\ Definition of CAREEN transitive verb 1: to put (a ship or boat) on a beach especially in order to clean, caulk, or repair the hull 2: to cause to heel over intransitive verb 1a : to careen a boat b : to undergo this process 2: to heel over 3: to sway from side to side : lurch 4: career Examples of CAREEN Origin of CAREEN from carine side of a ship, from Middle French, submerged part of a hull, from Latin carina hull, half of a nutshell; perhaps akin to Greek karyon nut First Known Use: circa 1583 Related to CAREEN Synonyms: rock, lurch, pitch, roll, seesaw, sway, toss, wobble (also wabble )Antonyms: crawl, creep, poke

80 bounce verb \ˈbau̇n(t)s\ bounced bounc·ing Definition of BOUNCE transitive verb 1 obsolete : beat, bump 2: to cause to rebound or be reflected 3a : dismiss, fire b : to expel precipitately from a place c : to eliminate from a competition by defeating 4: to issue (a check) drawn on an account with insufficient funds 5: to present (as an idea) to another person to elicit comments or to gain approval —usually used with off

81 bounce verb \ˈbau̇n(t)s\ intransitive verb 1: to rebound or reflect after striking a surface (as the ground) 2: to recover from a blow or a defeat quickly —usually used with back 3: to be returned by a bank because of insufficient funds in a checking account 4a : to leap suddenly : bound b : to walk with springing steps5: to hit a baseball so that it hits the ground before it reaches an infielder. Examples of BOUNCE He was bouncing a tennis ball against the garage door.bouncing the ball back and forth. The children love to bounce on the bed. The winner bounced up and down with delight. Her curls bounced as she jumped. He bounced the baby on his knee. She gave me a check for 20 dollars, but the check bounced, and I never got the money. He bounced a 100-dollar check at the grocery store. The store charges a $15 fee for a bounced check.

82 Origin of BOUNCE Middle English bounsen First Known Use: 13th century Related to BOUNCE Synonyms: banish, boot (out), eject, cast out, chase, dismiss, drum (out), expel, extrude, kick out, oust, out, rout, run off, throw out, turf (out) [chiefly British], turn out Antonyms: employ, engage, hire, retain, sign (up or on), take on

83 chase verb chased chas·ing Definition of CHASE transitive verb 1a : to follow rapidly : pursue b : hunt c : to follow regularly or persistently with the intention of attracting or alluring 2 obsolete : harass 3: to seek out —often used with down 4: to cause to depart or flee : drive 5: to cause the removal of (a baseball pitcher) by a batting rally 6: to swing at (a baseball pitched out of the strike zone)

84 intransitive verb 1: to chase an animal, person, or thing 2:rush, hasten Origin of CHASE Middle English, from Anglo-French chacer, from Vulgar Latin *captiare — more at catchFirst Known Use: 14th century Synonym Discussion of CHASE chase, pursue, follow, trail mean to go after or on the track of something or someone. chase implies going swiftly after and trying to overtake something fleeing or running. pursue suggests a continuing effort to overtake, reach, or attain. follow puts less emphasis upon speed or intent to overtake. trail may stress a following of tracks or traces rather than a visible object.

85 Dart verb Definition of DART transitive verb 1: to throw with a sudden movement 2: to thrust or move with sudden speed3: to shoot with a dart containing a usually tranquilizing drug intransitive verb: to move suddenly or rapidly <darted across the street Examples of DART We saw a deer dart across the road. The frog darted its tongue at a fly. First Known Use of DART 1573 Related to DART Synonyms: dance, flit, flick, flicker, flirt, flitter, flutter, zip

86 stride verb \ˈstrīd\ strode strid·den strid·ing Definition of STRIDE intransitive verb 1: to stand astride 2: to move with or as if with long steps 3: to take a very long step transitive verb 1: bestride, straddle 2: to step over 3: to move over or along with or as if with long measured steps — strid·er noun Examples of STRIDE She strode across the room towards me. Origin of STRIDE Middle English, from Old English strīdan; akin to Middle Low German striden to straddle, Old High German strītan to quarrel First Known Use: before 12th century Related to STRIDE Synonyms: file, pace, parade, march

87 dash verb \ˈdash\ Definition of DASH transitive verb 1: to break by striking or knocking 2: to knock, hurl, or thrust violently 3: splash, spatter 4a : ruin, destroy b : depress, saddenc : to make ashamed 5: to affect by mixing in something different 6: to complete, execute, or finish off hastily —used with down or off 7[euphemism] : 1 damn 4 intransitive verb 1: to move with sudden speed 2: smash Examples of DASH I'm sorry, but I must dash. I'm late.She dashed down the hallway to the bathroom. People were dashing inside to get out of the rain. The waves dashed the boat against the rocks. Her hopes of winning a medal were dashed after she broke her leg. Origin of DASH Middle English dasshen, probably from Middle French dachier to impel forward First Known Use: 14th century Related to DASH Synonyms: run, gallop, jog, scamper, sprint, trip, trotAntonyms: crawl, creep, poke

88 drive verb \ˈdrīv\ drove driv·en driv·ing Definition of DRIVE transitive verb 1a : to frighten or prod (as game or cattle) into moving in a desired direction b : to go through (an area) driving game animals 2: to carry on or through energetically 3a : to impart a forward motion to by physical force b : to repulse, remove, or cause to go by force, authority, or influence c : to set or keep in motion or operation d basketball : to move quickly and forcefully down or along 4a : to direct the motions and course of (a draft animal) b : to operate the mechanism and controls and direct the course of (as a vehicle) c : to convey in a vehicle d : to float (logs) down a stream

89 5a : to exert inescapable or coercive pressure on : force b : to compel to undergo or suffer a change (as in situation or emotional state) c : to urge relentlessly to continuous exertion d : to press or force into an activity, course, or direction e : to project, inject, or impress incisively 6: to force (a passage) by pressing or digging 7a : to propel (an object of play) swiftly or forcefully b : to hit (a golf ball) from the tee especially with a driver; also : to drive a golf ball onto (a green) c : to cause (a run or runner) to be scored in baseball —usually used with in 8: to give shape or impulse to

90 intransitive verb 1a : to dash, plunge, or surge ahead rapidly or violently b : to progress with strong momentum c : to make a quick and forceful move in basketball 2a : to operate a vehicle b : to have oneself carried in a vehicle 3: to drive a golf ball — driv·abil·i·ty also drive·abil·i·ty noun — driv·able also drive·able adjective — drive at: to intend to express, convey, or accomplish

91 Examples of DRIVE He drove the car down a bumpy road. Do you want to drive or should I? He is learning to drive. The car stopped and then drove off. A car drove by us slowly. The bus slowly drove away. We drove all night and arrived at dawn. We drove 160 miles to get here. I drive on this route every day. I drive this route every day. Origin of DRIVE Middle English, from Old English drīfan; akin to Old High German trīban to drive First Known Use: before 12th century Related to DRIVE Synonyms: herd, punch, run Antonyms: cut, cut out, deactivate, kill, shut off, turn off

92 drop verb dropped drop·ping Definition of DROP intransitive verb1: to fall in drops 2a (1) : to fall unexpectedly or suddenly (2) : to descend from one line or level to anotherb : to fall in a state of collapse or deathc of a card : to become played by reason of the obligation to follow suitd of a ball : to fall or roll into a hole or basket 3: to enter or pass as if without conscious effort of will into some state, condition, or activity 4a : to cease to be of concern : lapse b : to pass from view or notice : disappear —often used with out c : to become less —often used with off 5: to move with a favoring wind or current —usually used with downtransitive verb 1: to let fall : cause to fall 2a : give up 2, abandon b : discontinue c : to break off an association or connection with : dismiss 3a : to utter or mention in a casual way b : write 4a : to lower or cause to descend from one level or position to another b : to cause to lessen or decrease : reduce 5 of an animal : to give birth to 6a : lose b : spend c : to get rid of 7a : to bring down with a shot or a blow b : to cause (a high card) to fall c : to toss or roll into a hole or basket 8a : to deposit or deliver during a usually brief stop —usually used with off b : air-drop 9: to cause (the voice) to be less loud 10a : to leave (a letter representing a speech sound) unsounded b : to leave out in writing : omit 11: to draw from an external point 12: to take (a drug) orally : swallow — drop·pa·ble adjective— drop a dime: to inform authorities (as police) of another's wrongdoing— drop behind: to fail to keep up— drop the ball: to make a mistake especially by failing to take timely, effective, or proper action

93 flee verb \ˈflē\ fled flee·ing Definition of FLEE intransitive verb 1a : to run away often from danger or evil : fly b : to hurry toward a place of security 2: to pass away swiftly : vanish transitive verb: to run away from : shun» Examples of FLEE The family fled from Nazi Germany to Britain in 1936. He was accused of trying to flee the scene of the accident. Many people fled the city to escape the fighting.He was forced to flee the country. Origin of FLEE Middle English flen, from Old English flēon; akin to Old High German fliohan to flee First Known Use: before 12th century Related to FLEE Synonyms: dematerialize, dissolve, evanesce, evaporate, fade, disappear, fly, go (away), melt, sink, vanish Antonyms: appear, materialize

94 flick verb Definition of FLICK transitive verb 1a : to move or propel with or as if with a flick b : to activate, deactivate, or change by or as if by flicking a switch 2a : to strike lightly with a quick sharp motion b : to remove with light blows intransitive verb 1: to go or pass quickly or abruptly 2: to direct flicks at something Examples of FLICK The snake flicked its tongue in and out.a cow flicking its tail back and forth She flicked her hair back over her shoulder. The snake's tongue flicked in and out. She flicked an ash into the ashtray. He flicked his cigarette butt out the window. The boys were flicking each other with towels. First Known Use of FLICK 1629 Related to FLICK Synonyms: dance, dart, flit, flicker, flirt, flitter, flutter, zip

95 swat transitive verb \ˈswät\ swat·ted swat·ting Definition of SWAT: to hit with a sharp slapping blow usually with an instrument (as a bat or flyswatter) Examples of SWAT She swatted the fly with a magazine. The cat was swatting the injured mouse with its paw. He swatted the tennis ball out of bounds. Origin of SWAT English dialect, to squat, alteration of English squat First Known Use: circa 1796 Related to SWAT Synonyms: bang, bash, bat, belt, biff, bludgeon, bob, bonk, bop, box, bust, clap, clip, clobber, clock, clout, crack, hammer, knock, nail, paste, pound, punch, rap, slam, slap, slog, slug, smack, smite, sock, strike, hit, swipe, tag, thump, thwack, wallop, whack, whale, zap

96 swerve verb \ˈswərv\ swerved swerv·ing Definition of SWERVE intransitive verb: to turn aside abruptly from a straight line or course : deviate transitive verb: to cause to turn aside or deviate— swerve noun Examples of SWERVE He lost control of the car and swerved toward a tree. Origin of SWERVE Middle English, from Old English sweorfan to wipe, file away; akin to Old High German swerban to wipe off, Welsh chwerfu to whirl First Known Use: 14th century Related to SWERVE Synonyms: break, cut, sheer, veer, yaw, zag, zigAntonyms: straighten

97 swoop verb \ˈswüp\ Definition of SWOOP intransitive verb: to move with a sweep transitive verb: to gain or carry off in or as if in a swoop —usually used with up— swoop·er Examples of SWOOP The police swooped in and captured the criminals. Origin of SWOOP alteration of Middle English swopen to sweep, from Old English swāpan — more at sweep First Known Use: 1566

98 trot verb trot·ted trot·ting Definition of TROT intransitive verb 1: to ride, drive, or proceed at a trot 2: to proceed briskly : hurry transitive verb 1: to cause to go at a trot 2: to traverse at a trot Examples of TROT A horse trotted past us. The batter trotted around the bases after hitting a home run. She trotted off to help. The little boy trotted along after his mother. First Known Use of TROT 14th century Related to TROT Synonyms: dash, gallop, jog, scamper, sprint, trip, run Antonyms: crawl, creep, poke

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