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Computer Architecture Introduction to MIMD architectures Ola Flygt Växjö University +46 470 70 86.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Architecture Introduction to MIMD architectures Ola Flygt Växjö University +46 470 70 86."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Architecture Introduction to MIMD architectures Ola Flygt Växjö University +46 470 70 86 49

2 Outline  {Multi-processor}  {Multi-computer}  15.1 Architectural concepts  15.2 Problems of scalable computers  15.3 Main design issues of scalable MIMD computers CH01

3 Multi-computer: Structure of Distributed Memory MIMD Architectures

4 Multi-computer (distributed memory system): Advantages and Disadvantages + Highly Scalable + Message passing solves memory access synchronization problem - Load balancing problem - Deadlock in message passing - Need to physically copying data between processes

5 Multi-processor: Structure of Shared Memory MIMD Architectures

6 Multi-processor (shared memory system): Advantages and Disadvantages + No need to partition data or program, uniprocessor programming techniques can be adapted + Communication between processor is efficient - Synchronized access to share data in memory needed. Synchronising constructs (semaphores, conditional critical regions, monitors) result in nondeterministc behaviour which can lead programming errors that are difficult to discover - Lack of scalability due to (memory) contention problem

7 Best of Both Worlds: Multicomputer using virtual shared memory  Also called distributed shared memory architecture  The local memories of multi-computer are components of global address space:  any processor can access the local memory of any other processor  Three approaches:  Non-uniform memory access (NUMA) machines  Cache-only memory access (COMA) machines  Cache-coherent non-uniform memory access (CC-NUMA) machines

8 Structure of NUMA Architectures

9 NUMA  Logically shared memory is physically distributed  Different access of local and remote memory blocks. Remote access takes much more time – latency  Sensitive to data and program distribution  Close to distributed memory systems, yet the programming paradigm is different  Example: Cray T3D

10 NUMA: remote load

11 Structure of COMA Architectures

12 COMA  Each block of the shared memory works as local cache of a processor  Continuous, dynamic migration of data  Hit-rate decreases the traffic on the Interconnection Network  Solutions for data-consistency increase the same traffic (see cache coherency problem later)  Examples: KSR-1, DDM

13 Structure of CC-NUMA Architectures

14 CC-NUMA  A combination of NUMA and COMA  Initially static data distribution, then dynamic data migration  Cache coherency problem is to be solved  COMA and CC-NUMA are used in newer generation of parallel computers  Examples: Convex SPP1000, Stanford DASH, MIT Alewife

15 Classification of MIMD computers

16 Problems and solutions  Problems of scalable computers 1. Tolerate and hide latency of remote loads 2. Tolerate and hide idling due to synchronization  Solutions 1. Cache memory  problem of cache coherence 2. Prefetching 3. Threads and fast context switching

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