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Components of Thermodynamic Cycles
What can be the components of thermodynamic cycles? Turbines, valves, compressors, pumps, heat exchangers (evaporators, condensers), mixers,
Throttling Devices (Valves)
Typical assumptions for throttling devices No work Potential energy changes are zero Kinetic energy changes are usually small Heat transfer is usually small Two port device
Look at energy equation:
Apply assumptions from previous page: We obtain: or Does the fluid temperature: increase, decrease, or remain constant as it goes through an adiabatic valve?
Look at implications: If the fluid is liquid/vapor:
h const. P const. During throttling process: The pressure drops, The temperature drops, Enthalpy is constant
Look at implications: if fluid is an ideal gas:
Cp is always a positive number, thus:
P1 > P2 P S T T v v s Pressão Entalpia Temperatura En. Interna
Entropia diminui constante gás ideal h=h(T), portanto T fica constante gás ideal u=u(T), portanto u fica constante diminui, Ds = Cpln(T2/T1)-Rln(P2/P1)
15MPa 611K (340oC) s, kJ/(kgK) T (K) 373K (100oC)
Cold embrittlement (dureza e rigidez mas baixa resistência a tensão)
T-1000 (Robert Patrick)
Cold embrittlement (dureza e rigidez mas baixa resistência a tensão)
Consequences of the Temperature Drop on Material Strenght Cold embrittlement (dureza e rigidez mas baixa resistência a tensão) Low temperature embrittlement does affect most materials more or less pronounced. It causes overloaded components to fracture spontaneously rather than accommodating the stress by plastic deformation. The picture shows a fractured fitting whose material was not suitable for low temperatures.
TEAMPLAY Refrigerant 12 enters a valve as a saturated liquid at Mpa and leaves at MPa. What is the quality and the temperature of the refrigerant at the exit of the valve? State (1) Liquid saturated, x=0 Psat = MPa Tsat = ? Hliq = ? State (2) Liq+vap x=? Psat = MPa Tsat = ? Hliq = ? 0.33 40oC -15oC 75kJ/kg 22 & 180 kJ/kg
P-h Diagram of an Ideal Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle
Throttling Isentropic compression (1 to 2) Constant pressure condensation (2 to 3) Isenthalpic expansion (3 to 4) Constant pressure evaporation (4 to 1) P-h Diagram of an Ideal Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle The refrigerant enters the compressor as a saturated vapor and is cooled to the saturated liquid state in the condenser. It is then throttled to the evaporator and vaporizes as it absorbs heat from the refrigerated space.
Heat exchangers are used in a variety of industries
Automotive - radiator Refrigeration - evaporators/condensers Power production - boilers/condensers Power electronics - heat sinks Chemical/petroleum industry- mixing processes
Something a little closer to home..
Heat Exchangers
Condenser/evaporator for heat pump
Heat Exchangers If we have steady flow, then:
Now, we must deal with multiple inlets and outlets: If we have steady flow, then:
Heat Exchangers 0, (sometimes negligible) 0, (usually negligible)
0, (sometimes negligible) 0, (usually negligible) 0, (sometimes negligible) 0, (usually negligible)
Heat Exchangers And we are left with
The energy change of fluid A is equal to the negative of the energy change in fluid B.
SC Resp.: mw = 2.576 kg/s mw = ? kg/s hw = 100 kJ/kg mvap = 0.1 kg/s
hvap = 2776 kJ/kg mc = ? kg/s hc = 200 kJ/kg Resp.: mw = kg/s
Nozzles and Diffusers V1, P1
Nozzle--a device which accelerates a fluid as the pressure is decreased. V1, P1 V2, P2 Diffuser--a device which decelerates a fluid and increases the pressure. V1, P1 V2, P2 These configuration is for sub-sonic flow.
For supersonic flow, the shape of the nozzle is reversed.
General shapes of nozzles and diffusers
Subsonic flow nozzle diffuser Supersonic flow
conservation of energy
q = 0 (adiabatic) w = 0 (these are not work producing devices; neither is work done on them)
Sample Problem Diffuser INLET T1 = 300C P1 = 100 kPa V1 = 250 m/s
An adiabatic diffuser is employed to reduce the velocity of a stream of air from 250 m/s to 35 m/s. The inlet pressure is 100 kPa and the inlet temperature is 300°C. Determine the required outlet area in cm2 if the mass flow rate is 7 kg/s and the final pressure is 167 kPa. INLET T1 = 300C P1 = 100 kPa V1 = 250 m/s = 7 kg/s Diffuser OUTLET P2 = 167 kPa V2 = 35 m/s A2=?
Conservation of Mass: Steady State Regime
solve for A2 But we don’t know v2! Remember ideal gas equation of state? and We know T1 and P1, so v1 is simple. We know P2, but what about T2? NEED ENERGY EQUATION!!!!
Energy Eqn If we assumed constant specific heats, we could get T2 directly The ideal gas law: And the area:
Vapor Power Cycles We’ll look specifically at the Rankine cycle, which is a vapor power cycle. It is the primary electrical producing cycle in the world. The cycle can use a variety of fuels.
We’ll simplify the power plant
compressor and turbine must handle two phase flows!
TH < TC TH 1 2 Carnot Vapor Cycle 4 TL 3 s The Carnot cycle is not a suitable model for vapor power cycles because it cannot be approximated in practice.
Ideal power plant cycle is called the Rankine Cycle
The model cycle for vapor power cycles is the Rankine cycle which is composed of four internally reversible processes: 1-2 reversible adiabatic (isentropic) compression in the pump 2-3 constant pressure heat addition in the boiler. 3-4 reversible adiabatic (isentropic) expansion through turbine 4-1 constant pressure heat rejection in the condenser
Ideal power plant cycle is called the Rankine Cycle
The model cycle for vapor power cycles is the Rankine cycle which is composed of four internally reversible processes: 1-2 reversible adiabatic (isentropic) compression in the pump 2-3 constant pressure heat addition in the boiler. 3-4 reversible adiabatic (isentropic) expansion through turbine 4-1 constant pressure heat rejection in the condenser
What are the main parameters we want to describe the cycle?
Net Power Net Specific Work Efficiency or
Start our analysis with the pump
The pump is adiabatic, with no kinetic or potential energy changes. The work per unit mass is:
Boiler is the next component
Boilers do no work. In boilers, heat is added to the working fluid, so the heat transfer term is already positive. So,
Proceeding to the Turbine
Turbines are almost always adiabatic. In addition, we’ll usually ignore kinetic and potential energy changes:
Last component is the Condenser
Condensers do no work (they are heat exchangers), and if there is no KE and PE,
Start an analysis: A Rankine cycle has an exhaust pressure from the turbine of 0.1 bars. Determine the quality of the steam leaving the turbine and the thermal efficiency of the cycle which has turbine inlet pressure of 150 bars and 600C. P = 15 MPa P = 0.01 MPa Assumptions: Pump and turbine are isentropic; P2 = P3 = 150 bars = 15 MPa T3 = 600C P4 = P1 = 0.1 bars = 0.01 MPa Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible
Put together property data
Pump (1 to 2) -> isoentropic (const. volume) Boiler [heat exchanger] (2 to 3) -> const. pressure Turbine (3 to 4) -> isoentropic Condenser [heat-exchanger] (4 to 1) -> const. pressure
P = 15 MPa P = 0.01 MPa Property Data
Let start with pump work
P = 15 MPa P = 0.01 MPa Let start with pump work
More calculations... Enthalpy at pump outlet:
Plugging in some numbers:
How Can I Get The Pump Outlet Temp?
If the Enthalpy at pump outlet is KJ/kg, then consider the compressed liquid a the same temperature of the saturated liquid which has h = KJ/kg Interpolating from the saturated steam table one finds: 49oC
P = 15 MPa P = 0.01 MPa Calculate heat input
P = 15 MPa P = 0.01 MPa Turbine work Isentropic: Turbine work:
Overall thermal efficiency
Some general characteristics of the Rankine cycle
Low condensing pressure (below atmospheric pressure) High vapor temperature entering the turbine (600 to 1000C) Small backwork ratio (bwr)
Questions … Consider the ideal Rankine cycle from 1-2-3-4:
How would you increase its thermal efficiency ? What determines the upper T limit? What determines the lower T limit? Improve the efficiency of the Rankine Cycle: decrease exhaust pressure of turbine decreases condensing temperature increases work output increases heat input decreases quality at turbine outlet
Lowering Turbine Exit Pressure
The average temperature during heat rejection can be decreased by lowering the turbine exit pressure. Consequently, the condenser pressure of most vapor power plants is well below the atmospheric pressure.
Reducing Condenser Pressure
Notice that reducing the condenser pressure (which will lower the temperature of heat rejection and again increase the efficiency) will also reduce the quality of the steam exiting the turbine. Turbines do not like to see water coming out the exhaust. Lower qualities mean water droplets are forming before the steam leaves the turbine. Water droplets lead to turbine blade erosion. Efforts are made to keep the quality > 90%.
Raising Boiler Pressure
The average temperature during heat addition can be increased by raising the boiler pressure or by superheating the fluid to high temperatures. There is a limit to the degree of superheating, however, since the fluid temperature is not allowed to exceed a metallurgically safe value.
Increase Superheat (Boiler Temperature)
Work output increases faster than heat input, so the cycle efficiency increases. higher quality Increasing Superheat * increases heat input * increases work output * increases quality at turbine outlet * may produce material problems if temperature gets too high
Effect of Increasing Boiler Pressure on the Ideal Rankine cycle keeping constant the Boiler Outlet Temperature Tmax
TEAMPLAY Consider a simple ideal Rankine cycle with fixed turbine inlet temperature and condenser pressure. What is the effect of increasing the boiler pressure on Pump work input: (a) increases, (b) decreases, (c) the same Turbine work output: Heat supplied: Heat rejected: Cycle efficiency: Moisture content at turbine exit:
Simple schematic of Rankine reheat cycle
The Ideal Reheat Rankine Cycle
Reheat on T-s diagram: Note that T5 < T3. Many systems reheat to the same temp (T5=T3).
Cogeneration The production of more than one useful form of energy (such as process heat and electric power) from the same energy source is called cogeneration. Cogeneration plants produce electric power while meeting the process heat requirements of certain industrial processes. This way, more of the energy transferred to the fluid in the boiler is utilized for a useful purpose. The fraction of energy that is used for either process heat or power generation is called the utilization factor of the cogeneration plant.
An Ideal Cogeneration Plant
Schematic and T-s Diagram for Cogeneration
Combined Gas-Steam Power Plant
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