Caltech Office of Annual & Special Gifts 2004 -2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program.

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1 Caltech Office of Annual & Special Gifts 2004 -2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program

2 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program Successes and Failures  Those classes with Reunion Class Chairs succeed in meeting or exceeding fiscal goals  Those without don’t succeed as well  Examples:  Class of 1954 – Reinaldo Gutierrez Class Chair  Class of 1984 – No Class Chair  Results:  1954: $80,385  1984: $22,001 ($10,000 from a single gift)

3 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program Best Practices  Last Year  Personalized Direct Mail  Tailor collateral materials to reflect the era and character of your fellow classmates  Establish a theme or idea for Solicitations that speaks to the Other members of the class (see example David Peisner)

4 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program 2003-2004 Reunion Class Chairs  1944 John Rempel  1949 Richard Morgan  1954 Reinaldo Gutierrez  1959 Richard Montgomery  1964 Richard Burgess  1969 (Deputy Chair CAFAC  1974 David Peisner – CD – ROM Project  1979 (Deputy Chair CAFAC)  1989 Cameron Campbell  1994 Joan-Marie Gimbel  1999 (Deputy Chair CAFAC)

5 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program 03-04 Reunion Results  1944 $40,035Donors (70)55.12%  1949 $32,921Donors (65)46.43%  1954 $80,385Donors (59) 70.24%  1959 $14,404Donors (57) 48.31%  1964 $46,075Donors (69)47.26%  1969 $20,075Donors (60)44.12%  1974 $32,001Donors (69)39.88%  1979 $16,975Donors (45)26.32%  1984 $22,001Donors (39)20.63%  1989 $7,250Donors (39)18.31%  1994 $7,095Donors (42)23.33%  1999 $7,700Donors (15)8.15% ____________________________________________________________ _____  9.6% increase in gifts / 68.5% increase in dollars

6 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program


8 2005 Reunion Classes and Gift Chairs 1970 Michael Stefanko & Ken Fong  1940 John Keyser 1975  1945 Don Duncan 1980 TBD  1950 TBD 1985 Paul Graven  1955 Edward Boughton 1990 TBD  1960 TBD 1995 Michael Coward  1965 William Pence 2000 TBD

9 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program ClassDollarsDonors 1940 1945 $30,000 $45,000 60 65 1950 1955 $50,000 $85,000 70 75 1960 1965 $50,000 $90,000 75 85 Reunion Objectives  Exceed Fiscal Goals  Increase Donors and Dollars  Increase Participation  Build Foundation for Program 1970 1975 $50,000 $40,000 90 1980 1985 $35,000 $25,000 70 65 1990 1995 $18,000 $10,000 45 35 2000$7,00025 Totals$535,000850

10 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program The Plan Utilize all available methods of communication to reach Reunion Alumni:  Direct Mail  Personalized by class year and reflecting the current progress and tone appropriate to each class year’s era  Email Solicitation  To complement DM program and also to provide updates and solicit feedback by alumni.  Volunteer Calling  Class volunteers to work with Reunion Gift Chairs to solicit fellow classmates by region and or house affiliation or personal connection.  Student House Appeal  A member of each of the houses in a Reunion year to email fellow house members to encourage their participation in Reunion efforts  Student Phone Program  The SPP will focus on personalizing appeals and improving the total of the reachable alumni base

11 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program The Plan  Personalized visits to Reunion alumni by members of Alumni Fund staff  Matching Challenges – inspire classmates to donate  Determine matching gift amount for your class (ex. $50)  Select leadership donor from the class capable of making a matching gift equal to the amount of all gifts made up to a certain level (ex. $5,000)  Implementation of “Dual Ask” program with potential major gift leadership donors; attend visits with members of PMG staff  Make ask to support Reunion Class Gift program

12 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program Best Practices  Collaborate with Alumni Fund staff to establish goals and set timelines  Class Gift Chairs – lead by example  Every Class Chair should begin Reunion Year by making their own donation to the Class Gift  Ensure timely recruitment of volunteers  Develop matching challenge or alternative program to inspire fellow classmates to participate and make gifts

13 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program Best Practices  Collaborate with Alumni Fund staff to develop communications program to generate awareness of and enthusiasm for Reunion program  Follow through on key objectives:  Recruit Multiple Callers  Actively Solicit Donors & Participants throughout FY  Meet All Deadlines  Develop effective methods for communicating with classmates, A&SG staff and all other key constituencies

14 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program Best Practices  “Your lack of preparation is not my emergency!”  Begin solicitation process early  If solicitations are not achieving the desired results communicate this fact to Alumni Fund staff and your volunteers  Provide leadership for your volunteers and classmates  Do not assume that tasks will be carried out  Provide consistent updates to staff and to fellow Class Chairs on progress  Reunion Gift Chairs to provide creative suggestions on soliciting fellow classmates

15 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program Measure Goals Quantitatively Measure results consistently throughout Reunion Giving year:  Provide updates on Class results in consistent and timely fashion by providing Annual Fund staff and classmates with updates on the following:  Financial progress  Class participation  Honor Roll  Goals for remainder of Reunion year  What needs to be done to achieve goals if off track

16 2004-2005 Caltech Reunion Class Gift Program RECOGNITION! THANK YOU TO ALL REUNION CLASS CHAIRS AND VOLUNTEERS there’s only one.caltech

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