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Mail Entry & Payment Technology The World of MIDs, CRIDS, and the Business Customer Gateway.

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Presentation on theme: "Mail Entry & Payment Technology The World of MIDs, CRIDS, and the Business Customer Gateway."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mail Entry & Payment Technology The World of MIDs, CRIDS, and the Business Customer Gateway

2 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 2 Our Goal for Today  The focus will be on Customer Registration IDs (CRIDs), Mailer IDs (MIDs), and how you can obtain MIDs and CRIDs.  You will learn about the multiple ways Mail Owners and Mailing Agents can acquire a MID, when and how it is used in the Intelligent Mail barcode, electronic mailing information and receipt of Full-Service data.

3 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 3 Agenda  Overview of Intelligent Mail  Business Customer Gateway (BCG)  Customer Registration ID (CRID)  Mailer ID (MID)  Using CRIDs and MIDs By/For Relationship Full-Service Data Delegation

4 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 4 Overview of Intelligent Mail  A technology platform made possible by the suite of Intelligent Mail barcodes  Intelligent Mail services apply to the following mail and processing categories:  First-Class Mail ® letters and flats  Standard Mail ® letters and flats  Periodicals letters and flats  Bound Printed Matter flats  Reply Mail  Permit Reply Mail  Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM)

5 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 5 Intelligent Mail Options  Basic Option Mailers to use Intelligent Mail barcodes on letter-size and flat mailpieces in place of the POSTNET™ barcode  Full-Service Option Mailers to use Intelligent Mail barcodes on letter-size and flat mailpieces in place of the POSTNET™ barcode Under the Full-Service option mailers are required to use a unique Intelligent Mail® tray barcode on the Intelligent Mail® tray label applied to trays or sacks and keep this barcode unique for 45 days Under the Full-Service option mailers are required to use a unique Intelligent Mail® container barcode on the Intelligent Mail® container placard and keep this barcode unique for 45 days

6 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 6 Intelligent Mail™ Barcode Suite Intelligent Mail Tray Barcodes for Mailpiece Intelligent Mail Tray Barcodes on Handling Units Intelligent Mail Barcode for Containers

7 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 7 IMb Service Options: Basic and Full-Service Description BasicFull-Service IM TM Barcode on mailpieces Required IM tray barcode on trays & sack labels OptionalRequired IM container barcode on container placards OptionalRequired Electronic documentation (eDoc) OptionalRequired Start-the-ClockNAAvailable Automated address correction at no additional charge NAAvailable

8 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 8 The Business Customer Gateway Bridge to CRIDS and MIDS

9 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 9 Business Customer Gateway (BCG)  Customers will go through the BCG to perform critical tasks such as: View company information Manage Mailer IDs Manage electronic data exchange Schedule mailing appointments View postage statements and transactions Track and confirm

10 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 10 So What’s Next?

11 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 11 Creating Accounts  Establish Administrator and User Access  Obtain Customer Registration ID  Acquire Mailer ID’s

12 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 12 New Accounts  New user creates username and password  New users request access to services and business locations when signing-up or they can be requested by the Business Service Administrator  A user requests a service by selecting one of the service links  Some services require a Business Service Administrator (BSA)

13 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 13 Business Service Administrator (BSA)  Key contact for a Business Location for the management of the selected Service  Approves and deactivates all user requests for that Service at a business location  Establishes the business locations (CRIDs) where permits and Mailer IDs will be linked

14 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 14 BSA Assignment  The BCG sign up process is such that the first user who requests access to a business service from a new business location is prompted to assume the BSA role.  If user declines, the service request goes into a pending status until there is a BSA for this Service at the Business Location  The BSA may assign additional approved users to the BSA role

15 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 15 Ok, so what are CRIDS and MIDS

16 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 16 CRIDs and MIDs  Customer Registration IDs (CRIDs) and Mailer IDs (MIDs) are used to identify Mail Owners and Mailing Agents and to determine the recipient(s) of information regarding a mailing  Mailer IDs (MIDs) are linked to a Business location (CRID)  Users’ access to mailing information is determined by their Services and the Business Locations (CRIDs) to which they are linked Identifies company location Created by USPS Assigned by USPS based on volume

17 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 17 Customer Registration ID (CRID)  Unique identifier created by the USPS to identify a company at a business location address  Connects a business Location’s information across all USPS applications  Associates every Permit Number and Mailer ID issued (there may be multiple Permit Numbers or MIDs associated to a single CRID)  Used to identify submitter of electronic documentation

18 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 18 Locating CRIDs  The User Profile displays the user’s Business locations including the CRIDs (Customer Registration IDs) associated to those locations

19 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 19 I just dealt with CRIDs, now what’s a MID?

20 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 20 Mailer ID  The Mailer Id (MID) is a 6- or 9-digit number assigned by the Postal Service TM based primarily on documented historic mail volume. A 6- digit MID is issued based on annual volume of 10 million pieces A 9- digit MID is issued based on annual volume of 1 million pieces  Mailer IDs are used for: Identification in the Intelligent Mail® mailpiece, handling unit and container barcodes Electronic documentation (eDoc) to identify the mail owner, mailing agent, or other service provider. Mail owner data delegation for receipt of Full-Service feedback  MIDs are acquired / managed through the Mailer ID service on the BCG  Multiple Mailer IDs may be linked to a single CRID

21 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 21 Example of MID IMb With a 6-digit MID, there are 9-digits available for the Serial Number. With a 9-digit MID, there are only 6- digits available for the Serial Number. 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Barcode ID (2N) Service Type ID (3N) Mailer ID (6N) Mailer ID (9N) Serial Number (9N) Serial Number (6N) Routing Code (0, 5, 9 or 11N) Intelligent Mail Barcode for Letters and Flats: 6-Digit and 9-Digit Mailer IDs

22 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 22 Multiple Mailer IDs  Primary reasons for requesting multiple Mailer IDs include:  Mail volume  Managing unique barcodes  Multiple mail service providers  To request additional Mailer IDs Business Customer Gateway may make additional MIDs available  Mail volume must be substantiated in PostalOne!®  Alternative, submit a Mailer ID application  Mail volume must be substantiated via PostalOne! by MDA or BMEU  Request must be justified  The intent of this MID application is to request an exception to the quantity or type of MID(s) or when the Mailing Agent is requesting MID(s) on behalf of the Mail Owner.

23 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 23 MID for Barcode Uniqueness  Full-Service IM™ barcodes must be unique for at least 45 days from the date of induction into the USPS®. This applies to mailpieces, handling units and containers This means you must plan ahead for your own timelines Below is an example of a possible timeline USPS – 45 days begins at the time of induction Drop Shipment Storage for multiple mailing dates Production List/Data Processing 5 Days10 Days80 Days 15 Days45 Days = 155 Days

24 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 24 Now, how can I get a MID?

25 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 25 What would you like to do? If you are a…Use these instructions You will be able to… You will receive… Acquire a single MID/CRID Mail OwnerSingle MID Generation via Business Customer Gateway Go to the BCG and request the MID/CRID A MID and CRID from BCG Acquire multiple MIDs/CRIDs using a manual process Mail Owner or Mail Service Provider Bulk Acquisition via Manual Data Request Submit Excel spreadsheet without accessing BCG Up to 500 CRIDS and/or MIDs on behalf of others Acquire multiple MIDs/CRIDs using Mail.XML Mail Owner or Mail Service Provider Bulk Acquisition and Verification via Mail.XML Submit a Mail.XML request message Multiple MIDs on behalf of others Acquiring a MID

26 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 26 Acquiring MIDs through BCG  All postal business customers log on to the Business Customer Gateway through a single sign on using Gateway user names and passwords to access all online services.  In order to get a MID through the BCG, a new user must create a Business Account  Once registered, a CRID for the business location will be assigned  New CRIDs will not be assigned to existing user

27 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 27 How can I obtain a single Mailer ID (MID)?  The following steps outline how to acquire a Mailer ID: 1. Obtain a username and password from Business Customer Gateway and login. 2. From the Welcome Screen of the Gateway, click on the link to “Mailer ID”. 3. Populate the requested information which will allow you to create a MID.

28 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 28 Register with BCG 1. Access BCG by going to: 2. Click on the New User Registration link on BCG Main Page 3. Begin by creating a Business Account Profile. Enter the requested information, as shown to generate a business account username and password. Create a Business Account Profile

29 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 29 Create a Business Account Profile 4. Once all the information has been entered, click the Create Account button located on the bottom right of the screen. 5. Once you are registered, the above screen will appear. Wait a few seconds and the screen will automatically update so that you can then select the Business Services you wish to be accessible to your account. Completed Registration

30 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 30 Adding Services to Your Account 6. You will see a list of the available business services. Click on “Mailer ID” to add the service to your account. This will allow you to request a MID. Associate the Service with a Location 7. The service you selected now appears. Notice that the CRID was automatically created behind the scenes when you selected your service(s) from the previous screen. Click on the checkbox to associate this service with this location and click on “Next”.

31 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 31 Confirm Adding a Service 8. Review the information and confirm your selection to associate this service with this business location.

32 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 32 BSA Access Granted 10. After accepting the BSA role, the above screen will appear. Click “Continue” to advance to the BCG home page where you will be able to request a MID. 9. When creating a new user account, if no one from this location has previously logged in and accepted the overall BSA role, you will be prompted to accept it. If you do not accept it, all requests for services will be pending and you will be unable to proceed until someone accepts this role. BSA Request

33 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 33 BCG Welcome Screen 11. You may request a MID from the BCG welcome screen. Under the Design & Prepare section, select the “Mailer ID” link. MID Error Message 12. As a new user, there will be no MIDs associated with the CRID yet. The following message will appear. Click on OK and advance to the next screen.

34 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 34 Request a MID 13. To request a new Mailer ID for the Business Location, select “Request a MID” button. Displays the Mailer IDs that are associated with the selected business location from the Mailer ID. As a first time user, you have not associated a MID with this CRID yet but once an association with a MID and CRID had been made, this would be populated. Request a Mailer ID

35 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 35 Request a MID 14. Next, to apply for a MID, select the type of MID that you are eligible to receive: A 6- digit MID is issued based on annual volume of 10 million pieces A 9- digit MID is issued based on annual volume of 1 million pieces

36 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 36 Request a MID 15. Next, select the quantity of MIDs you would like to request. Place that number in the rectangular box and click Request MID. Mail Owners/Preparers with sufficient volume can request five 6-Digit MIDS or ten 9-Digit MIDs

37 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 37 Select MID Service Type 16. Scrolling down further on the page, you must also select the MID service type. To finish, click “Request MID”. Your Mailer ID will be displayed on the next screen in blue.

38 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 38 Review Your MID Service Type Your requested Mailer ID is displayed in blue.

39 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 39 Bulk Acquisition via Manual Data Request  Mail Service Providers to acquire MIDs on behalf of others. CRIDs and/or 9-digit MIDs may be generated one at a time, or in bulk  Mail Service Providers must submit applications and files to USPS in accordance with the following Excel format below. Additional details can be found on RIBBS at: des/MIDCRIDAgentExcelProcess.pdf des/MIDCRIDAgentExcelProcess.pdf  Each Excel spreadsheet may include requests for up to 500 CRIDs and/or nine-digit MIDs per spreadsheet. If additional CRIDs or nine-digit MIDs are needed, the customer may submit multiple spreadsheets, each with a maximum of 500 CRIDs and/or nine-digit MIDs per spreadsheet. Request Format Customer Source ID Company NameAddress 1Address 2CityStateZIPCountry Delegate to MID# (Optional)

40 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 40 Bulk Acquisition Manual Process  Once the Excel spreadsheet has been created and populated, the Mail Service Provider should prepare and send an e-mail to the PostalOne! Customer Care Center: The email must be submitted by the Mail Service Provider’s Business Service Administrator for the Mailer ID service. The Subject line of the email should read “CRID / Mailer ID Application”. The body of the email must contain the following elements: Name of Requesting Company (Mail Service Provider) Mailer ID Business Service Administrator Name and Number (for questions or issues. Indicate if request is for both nine-digit Mailer IDs and CRIDs or CRID Only.

41 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 41 Bulk Acquisition Manual Process Requests are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis Response spreadsheets will be e-mailed back to the originator Response Format Customer Source ID Company Name Address Line 1 Address Line 2CityStateZIPCountry Delegate to MID# (Opt) Pre- existing MIDCRID MID

42 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 42 Bulk Acquisition Manual Authorization The Postal Service will consider the Mailer ID Business Service Administrator to be duly authorized by the Mail Owner to make required certifications to the Postal Service. The following authorization statement: “This pertains to the Mailer ID (MID) and/or Customer Registration ID (CRID) requested on behalf of the Mail Owner(s) identified in the attached file to the United States Postal Service (USPS): We, (insert name of Mail Service Provider), certify to the United States Postal Service that we are acting as a Mail Service Provider with the US Postal Service to obtain the services requested for business mailing matters on a Mail Owners behalf. “ Privacy Notice: For information regarding our Privacy Policy visit

43 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 43 Bulk Acquisition and Verification via Mail.XML  Mail Service Providers can acquire multiple MIDs on behalf of others  Mail Service Providers can generate CRIDS and nine-digit MIDs in bulk or one at a time on behalf of others  CRIDs and nine-digit MIDs requests for customers is supported through the USPSMIDCreateRequest and USPSCRIDRequest Mail.xml messages  Mail Owners and Mail Service Providers must provide the company name and address information for the parties that need the CRID and/or nine-digit MID assignment

44 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 44 How do validate I am using the correct CRIDs & MIDs?

45 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 45 Validating CRIDs and MIDs What would you like to do? If you are a… Use these instructions You will be able to… You will receive… Validate MID/CRID ownership Mail Owner or Mail Service Provider Validating CRIDs and/or Nine-Digit MIDs Submit your request through BCG or Mail.XML message Review of validation on screen or message from Mail.XML

46 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 46 Validating CRIDs through BCG A user can validate ownership (name and address) of a CRID by using the “Add a Service” tool. 1. Logon to the Business Customer Gateway and select “Request Access” link. 2. Select any existing service listed. Note: The service selected has no impact on the validation process. It is just a means to access the CRID information. 3. Once a service has been selected, the “Select Business Locations” page is loaded. 4. Click the “Add Location” button.

47 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 47 Validating CRIDs through BCG 5. This will load the “Add a Service” page. The page should default to “Search by Existing Business CRID”. If the associated radio button is not selected, be sure to select the radio button to enable the search by CRID. 6. Enter the CRID you wish to validate in the “CRID” text box and push the “Continue” button. The system will then display the name and address associated with that CRID. 7. Validate the information for the CRID, click “Cancel” to end the search. Note: You do not want to add the service to your profile. 8. Repeat this process for each CRID you want to verify.

48 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 48 Validating MIDs through BCG 1. MIDs may be validated through the address book function in the “Mailer ID” tool. 2. To access the address book, login to the Business Customer Gateway and select “Mailer ID”. 3. At the top of the page, select the “Address Book: Add Data Recipients” link. 4. In the “Address Book”, enter the Mailer ID you wish to verify in the “MID” field and press the “Add Entry” button. 5. Validate the information for the CRID, click “Cancel”

49 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 49 Bulk Verification Manual Process  Create Excel spreadsheet and send an e-mail to the PostalOne! Customer Care Center: The email must be submitted by the Mail Service Provider’s Business Service Administrator for the Mailer ID service. The Subject line of the email should read “CRID / Mailer ID Application”. The body of the email must contain the following elements: Name of Requesting Company (Mail Service Provider) Mailer ID Business Service Administrator Name and Number (for questions or issues. Indicate that it is a validation request Use the same format as used for acquiring CRIDs or MIDs

50 Mail Entry & Payment Technology 50 Bulk Verification via Mail.XML  Mail Service Providers can validate multiple MIDs on behalf of others  If a CRID or nine-digit MID already exists, the USPSMIDQueryRequest and USPSCRIDQueryRequest Mail.xml response messages will provide the existing CRID and nine-digit MID information.  These messages can be used to validate mailer information prior to eDoc submission

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