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HALDEBIQUE Geoffroy ROYER Johan  Crime motivated attacks  Hacktivism  Cyber Warfare.

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3  Crime motivated attacks  Hacktivism  Cyber Warfare

4  Way of protesting for people by doing politically-motivated cyber attacks  October 1989: first ever act of Hacktivism

5  Created on 4Chan in 2003  Some of their actions are really famous:  2008. DDoS against Church of scientology  2011. Support the protests in Tunisia Hacked a Child Pornography server Hacked Paypal to support Wikileaks  2012. Hacked Universal Music homepage after the closure of megaupload

6  Notorious for having hacked: -Sony the 23rd of May 2011 -Nintendo the 6th of June 2011 -The CIA the 15th of June 2011  Dissolved in 2011

7  Politicaly motivated hacking done by a nation in order to spy and affect another nation’s computers or networks

8  Guy-Philippe Goldstein: How cyberattacks threaten real-world peace (TED talk)

9  DDoS & Botnet

10  Worms

11  Trojanhorse

12  Spying  Stealing informations  Confuse  Give false informations  Attack and destroy computers or facilities

13  2007. DDoS attack against Estonia by Russia  2008. Georgia’s networks are targeted during the Russia-Georgia war  2010. China launches a lot of cyber attacks  2010. The virus Stuxnet is discovered in Iran

14  China is the first country that recognized the potential of Cyber warfare  Mainly spying and data theft, which is not aggressive enough to trigger an official reaction  Problem of Cyber warfare : we can’t know the origin of the attack for sure

15 (2010)(2011)(2012)(2012)  Stuxnet can manipulate engines in facilities such as water pumps in nuclear plants  The Stuxnet project started in 2007, but was only noticed in 2010, and we only knew in 2012 that the attack originated from the USA

16  Stuxnet and the other’s source code is available online and can be used again  We still don’t know for what purpose the other programs were created, and what they do exactly

17  Video of an engine under a cyber attack  But all devices with a wireless function can be hacked and used for malevolent ends

18  Most of the softwares are made by private companies (Microsoft), which are paying more attention to profit than security  Zero-day vulnerability windows can last up to seven years, if it’s not forever !  People need to be more sensibilized

19 Debate Time :


21  What is the difference between Hacktivism and Cyber warfare ?  What is a (computer) worm ?  What is a (trojan) horse ?

22  Name three important events linked to Cyber warfare  What was the purpose of Stuxnet ?  What is a zero-day vulnerability ?

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