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Speaker: Tamar Shapatava

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1 Ministry of Defence of Georgia LEPL Cyber Security Bureau Cyber Security Policy
Speaker: Tamar Shapatava Address: Tsotne Dadiani Str. 30 Tbilisi, Georgia

2 Cyber Security Bureau MIA - Cyber Crime; CSB - Defence Sector;
Cyber Security Bureau (CSB) was established in 2014 under supervision of Ministry of Defence of Georgia “Law of Georgia on Information Security” defines the roles and responsibilities in the field of cyber security: MIA - Cyber Crime; CSB - Defence Sector; DEA - Public Sector.

3 The Goal of the CS Bureau
To Build and Maintain Robust Cyber Security For Georgian Defence Sector.

4 Critical Infrastructure System Subjects in Defense Sector in peace:
Cyber Security Bureau Critical Infrastructure System Subjects: Ministry of Defense of Georgia; Military Hospital of MoD; Cadets’ Military Lyceum under MoD; National Defense Academy; Cyber Security Bureau. Where is Cyber Security Bureau in warfare situation?

5 TASKS Educational Programs and Training
Enhancement of Cyber Security Capabilities Educational Programs and Training Legislative Initiatives

6 Cyber Security Policy Cyber Security Policy
The GOAL of the document is to describe MoD’s vision how to build and maintain robust Cyber Security in the defence sphere of Georgia. This keynote document defines priorities, approaches and methods necessary for effective development and enhancement of cyber security capabilities in reaction to worldwide challenges in cyber space; Document was elaborated by LEPL Cyber Security Bureau and signed by the Minster of Defence of Georgia on November 4, 2014; The document was elaborated in consideration with NATO cyber experts in Brussels and other foreign and local partner recommendations; Cyber security development is one of the integral components of the commitments taken by Georgia in NATO and European integration process; The document has strategic significance, through which Ministry of Defence of Georgia confirms cyber security implementation importance and defines bureau as core exercising entity.

7 Basis of the Document The experience of partner countries in cyber security sphere; “Strategic Review of Defence ”; “Threat Assessment Document of Georgia ”; “Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan for Implementation of Cyber Security Strategy of Georgia ”; “National Security Concept of Georgia”; “Minister’s Vision for ”; “National Military Strategy of Georgia”.

8 All Necessary Components for Policy Implementation
Cyber security capability enhancement and cyber capabilities integration into military operations; Provision of educational programs & trainings for Bureau staff in cyber security field; Strong collaboration on international level - establishing bilateral and multilateral relations; Promote and raise awareness in defence and private sectors; Establish cyber discipline along with other disciplines in defence educational system; Legislation harmonization; Interagency cooperation.

9 Cyber Security Policy Main items covered by the policy:
Establishment and enhancement of 24/7 services; Rapid identification of threats and risks; Response and prevention; Crisis management through predictive, protective and recovery mechanisms; Elaboration of conceptual documents; Research and analysis of threats, risks and challenges; Educational and awareness programs and trainings; Legislative initiatives; National and international relations.

10 Further Step after Cyber Security Policy
Cyber Security Policy Related Action Plan: Second commitment against NATO – more comprehensive document providing detailed information in regard with the implementation of the objectives set forth is Cyber Security Policy. The document is under elaboration process and is expected to be finalized by the end of 2014.

11 Current Activities Cyber Security Bureau
Strengthen 24/7 CSIRT Services; Cooperation on International Level; Information Technology System Assessment, Security Systems Preliminary Audit in the Defense Sector of Georgia; Promote Technical Team Professional Development & develop awareness raising programs in Defense and Private Sectors; Participation in Annual Military Exercises Organized by MoD; Establish and Strengthen Relations with Governmental and Non-governmental Organizations.

12 Thank you for your attention
Contact Information for Cyber Security Bureau: Cell: Web: In Slide Show mode, click the arrow to enter the PowerPoint Getting Started Center.

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