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2 Matthew 16:16 3 I. People Will Give Wrong Answers A.Matt. 16:14 Great Compliments, But Wrong Answers B.Once people (with good hearts) saw how Jesus.

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2 2 Matthew 16:16

3 3 I. People Will Give Wrong Answers A.Matt. 16:14 Great Compliments, But Wrong Answers B.Once people (with good hearts) saw how Jesus fulfilled all prophecies about the Messiah, their hearts burned within them (Luke 24:32) C. Wrong Answers Today Jews: a rabbi, exalted by disciples not God Muslims: a prophet, teachings were corrupted Buddhists: one of many lights Hindus: one of many gods and saviors Jehovah’s Witnesses: a created angel Secular humanists: just a good teacher

4 4 II. Peter Confessed Jesus’ Deity A.Who Is Jesus, the Son of Man? (Dan. 7:14) Messiah, Anointed King, Promised Savior! The Son of God (Psalm 2) B.All Inclusive Creed His Word: Final, absolute standard (John 12:48) “And Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

5 5 III. Christ Did Not Confess Peter A. Flow of Context vs. 13, 15 At issue is identity of Jesus, not Peter vs. 16 Peter is confessing, honoring, exalting Christ – NOT vice versa vs. 17 Truth revealed is about Christ, not Peter B. Peter is Petros, and his confession is Petra vs. 18 an intended play on words Petros Petros : “a stone that might be thrown” (Vine) Petra Petra : “a mass of rock” (Vine) Greek nouns need not agree (1 Cor. 10:4) Christ is the only foundation (1 Cor. 3:11)

6 6 III. Christ Did Not Confess Peter A. Flow of Context B. Peter is Petros, his confession is Petra C. No Office of Pope in the NT D. Other Disciples Not Aware Peter Crowned Matt. 18:1 “Who is the greatest…?” Matt. 20:21 “Grant that these my two sons…” D. Acts 10:25-26 Peter Not Aware If Crowned E. Matt. 8:14-15; 1 Cor. 9:5 Peter Married, Popes Forbidden to Marry

7 7 IV. Truth Comes From God A.Matt. 16:17 Truth Confessed is Divine Revelation, not Human Speculation Flesh & blood = human origin Father in heaven = divine origin 2 Pet. 1:16-21 This is the vital distinction in all religious issues

8 8 V. Jesus is the Builder of HIS Church A. Matt. 16:18 “I Will Build My Church” Built on great confession of truth Church: all of the saved, in the realm of fellowship with God CHURCH: EKKLESIA Called out Not HierarchyNot CathedralNot Denomination Sinners Called by Gospel

9 V. Jesus is the Builder of HIS Church A. Matt. 16:18 “I Will Build My Church” Built on great confession of truth Church: all of the saved, in the realm of fellowship with God Wrong church: no salvation, no fellowship with God

10 10 Churches Built by Man, Not Christ 606RomeBoniface IIIRoman Catholic 1520GermanyMartin LutherLutheran 1534EnglandHenry VIIIEpiscopal 1536SwitzerlandJohn CalvinPresbyterian 1550EnglandRobert BrowneCongregational 1607HollandJohn SmytheBaptist 1739EnglandJohn WesleyMethodist 1830AmericaJoseph SmithMormon 1830AmericaWilliam MillerAdventists 1866AmericaMary B. EddyChristian Science 1872AmericaCharles RussellJehovah’s Witness

11 11 VI. Gates of Hades Won’t Hold A. Matt. 16:18 “Shall Not Prevail” Hades: realm of death Not defeated by death, but thru death defeated Satan Hebrews 2:14-15 Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

12 12 VII. The Keys Opened the Kingdom A. Peter’s Preaching Opened the Gates Peter preached to Jews & Gentiles (Acts 2,10) Keys: the Messiah had “the key of the house of David” (Isa. 22:22; Rev. 3:7) Bind & loose: reveal law of kingdom; all apostles included in Matt. 18:18 “My church” 16:18 = “kingdom of heaven” 16:19 Matthew 16:19 “And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”

13 13 VII. The Keys Opened the Kingdom A. Peter’s Preaching Opened the Gates B. Identified by Name of Christ, Not Human Names Acts 11:26 “the disciples were called Christians” 1 Cor. 1:10-13 “I am of Paul…Apollos…Cephas… Is Christ divided? … Were you baptized in the name of Paul?” THEN Paulite-Christian Apollosite-Christian Cephasite-Christian NOW Lutheran-Christian Baptist-Christian Catholic-Christian

14 14 Churches Built by Man, Not Christ 606RomeBoniface IIIRoman Catholic 1520GermanyMartin LutherLutheran 1534EnglandHenry VIIIEpiscopal 1536SwitzerlandJohn CalvinPresbyterian 1550EnglandRobert BrowneCongregational 1607HollandJohn SmytheBaptist 1739EnglandJohn WesleyMethodist 1830AmericaJoseph SmithMormon 1830AmericaWilliam MillerAdventists 1866AmericaMary B. EddyChristian Science 1872AmericaCharles RussellJehovah’s Witness

15 15 VII. The Keys Opened the Kingdom A. Peter’s Preaching Opened the Gates B. Identified by Name of Christ, Not Human Names C. Established on Pentecost in Jerusalem 33 A.D. Matt. 16:18 “I will build My church… keys to the kingdom” Mark 9:1 “some of you standing here shall not taste death until they see the kingdom come with power” Acts 1:3-4 “…speaking of…the kingdom… commanded them… do not depart from Jerusalem” Acts 2:41, 47 “the Lord added to the church daily” He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love” Col.1:13 “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love” Rev. 1:6 “He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to God”

16 16 VII. The Keys Opened the Kingdom A. Peter’s Preaching Opened the Gates B. Identified by Name of Christ, Not Human Names C. Established on Pentecost in Jerusalem 33 A.D. D. Christ is Head, No Earthly Head or Headqtrs Eph. 1:22 “…put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church” Matt. 28:18 “All authority is given unto me…” Headqtrs. on earth =man-made church, wrong church

17 17   People Will Give Wrong Answers   Peter Confessed Jesus’ Deity   Christ Did Not Confess Peter   Truth Comes From God   Jesus is the Builder of the Church   The Gates of Hades Won’t Hold   The Keys Opened the Kingdom

18 Will You Become A Christian? Hear The Gospel (Rom. 10:17) Believe That Jesus is the Son of God (John 8:24) Repent of Your Sins (Acts 17:30) Confess That Jesus is the Son of God (Acts 8:37) Be Baptized for the Forgiveness of Sins (Acts 2:38) Live Faithfully Until You Die (Rev. 2:10)

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