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Four worshipping congregations Three ethnic groups Three sites Two languages One connection One Lord and Savior of us all.

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Presentation on theme: "Four worshipping congregations Three ethnic groups Three sites Two languages One connection One Lord and Savior of us all."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four worshipping congregations Three ethnic groups Three sites Two languages One connection One Lord and Savior of us all

2 Pleasure Ridge Park Restart  Worship and Visitation Team – Ten families to worship with the PRP Restart congregation and join members of the congregation in designing and executing a neighborhood marketing/visitation program  Musician Team – Singers, choirs, and musicians to provide special music periodically for the worship

3 Eben-Ezer New Start Worship and Children’s Ministry Team – Ten families to worship with the Eben-Ezer New Start congregation in the bilingual service on Sunday evening and to design and execute a children’s ministry to take place at the same time as the worship. Spanish-speaking persons are helpful, but not required Local Church Youth Group Visits – Youth groups to take a “field trip” and experience the bilingual worship (groups may come as often as desired and unannounced)

4 Preston Highway Restart Start Worship and Fellowship Team – Ten retired individuals or couples to join with the Preston Highway congregation on Tuesdays for worship, lunch, and fellowship Construction Teams – Carpenters and Carpet layers to finish the sanctuary remodeling (commitment lasts as long as the project requires)

5 West Broadway Restart Worship and Children’s Ministry Team – Ten families to worship with the West Broadway Restart congregation and in partnership with participants from Genesis United Methodist Church to design and execute a children’s ministry to take place at the same time as the worship. Construction Team – Workers to intall showers and improve restrooms for use during summer Youth Mission Trips Youth Mission Trips – For the summer of 2008, specifically designed projects or ministries for Youth groups who will reside at the West Broadway Ministry site. Sunday morning worship would be with Genesis UMC and Sunday evening worship would be with Eben-Ezer New Start.

6 Future Lynnview New Start Worship and Survey Team – a group to start a new Sunday worship at Preston Highway and survey the Lynnview area and develop a recommendation concerning the development of a New Start in the area.

7 Louisville District Restarts and New Initiatives  Vision Team – a group to serve as a “Think Tank” for developing responses to ministry needs in changing communities and declining churches in the district.  Candidate Intern Team – Candidates for ordained ministry in any track would be deployed as interns to various projects.  Tech Team – produce DVDs.  Print Media Team – produce brochures.  District Preachers One-Day Projects – Clean up and light construction.

8 Louisville District Restarts and New Initiatives – Financial Needs Reimbursable Expense account for Eben-Ezer pastor - $300 per month Dumpsters as needed for clean ups - $200 per event estimated Materials (paint, lumber, plumbing fixtures, drywall, etc) for projects – total amount $10,000 estimated DVDs - $2,000 estimated Brochures and mailing - $3,000 estimated


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