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Self – Check: Do I have paper, pencil, and my notebook? Is my cover sheet in my notebook? Is my syllabus signed? Choose a group of 3-4 people for a short.

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Presentation on theme: "Self – Check: Do I have paper, pencil, and my notebook? Is my cover sheet in my notebook? Is my syllabus signed? Choose a group of 3-4 people for a short."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self – Check: Do I have paper, pencil, and my notebook? Is my cover sheet in my notebook? Is my syllabus signed? Choose a group of 3-4 people for a short activity

2 Activity In your group, create a definition for HISTORY. Once you have shared ideas and created a final definition, write it neatly on a sheet of colored paper with a marker. Time Limit: 5 Minutes

3 What is History? History is… – The present use of the past. We use it to guide our future. – The effort to reconstruct the past to discover what people thought, what they did, and how their beliefs and actions continue to influence human life.

4 What is History? History is an account of the past. Accounts/narratives differ depending on one’s perspective. We rely on evidence to construct our accounts of the past. We must question the reliability of each piece of evidence. Any single piece of evidence is insufficient. We must consult multiple pieces of evidence in order to build a plausible account.

5 Why do we study it? “Those who can’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (Avoid past mistakes) Provides identity, helps us understand our place in the world. How did we get here? Why is our world as it is? Gives us role models and heroes Improves judgment, makes us better thinkers

6 How Do We Study It? Artifacts – the man-made objects uncovered by archaeologists (pottery, furniture, clothing, buildings, monuments, etc…) – The only way we can study prehistory – human history before writing was developed, app. 3,000 B.C. Primary Sources – a firsthand or eyewitness account of an event by someone who lived through it Secondary Sources – interpret and analyze primary sources; one or more steps removed from the event

7 Activity Get back in your previous groups. Based on these definitions, identify your object or document as an artifact, primary source, or secondary source. Defend your rationale.

8 Examples PRIMARY/ARTIFACTS Diaries Speeches Letters Interviews Film footage Photos Autobiographies Government Records SECONDARY Textbooks Encyclopedias Research Papers Biographies

9 Challenges What is challenging about studying prehistory or ancient history? What is challenging about studying modern history?

10 Examining Sources Text: What is visible/readable? What information is provided?

11 Context: What was going on during the time period? What background info do you have that helps explain what is found in the source?

12 Subtext: What is between the lines? Author: Who created it and what do we know about them? Audience: For whom was the author writing? Reason: Why was the source produced when it was?

13 How do we know if it’s true? Look for bias If 2 or more dependable sources record the same thing But history is still interpretive in nature

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