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Review of intestinal helminths

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1 Review of intestinal helminths
Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm) 似蚓蛔线虫(蛔虫) Trichuris trichiura (whipworm) 毛首鞭形线虫 (鞭虫) Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) 蠕形住肠线虫(蛲虫) Ancylostoma duodenale Necator americanus 可以没有症状和体征 (hookworms) 钩虫



4 --Filaria 丝虫 Trichinella spiralis 旋毛形线虫 Wuchereria bancrofti 班氏吴策线虫
Tissue-blood dwelling nematodes Trichinella spiralis 旋毛形线虫 Wuchereria bancrofti 班氏吴策线虫 Onchocerca volvulus 旋盘尾丝虫 --Filaria 丝虫

5 The history of Trichinella spiralis
In year 1835,Young Jim Paget, a first year medical student at London Hospital Medical School, rushed into the autopsy room. The 51 yr-old Italian bricklayer who had died of tuberculosis, and that they were now dissecting, also had "sandy diaphragm," a condition that dulled even the sharpest of scalpels. Well, anyway, when they had all cleared the room, Jim quietly stole back in and removed a small bit of muscle tissue from the diaphragm. He was more than curious as to the nature of "sandy diaphragm". He first examined it with his trusty hand lens he carried for just such a situation. He thought he saw small worms coiled up inside each nodule. Upon even higher magnification, the presence of coiled worms was revealed (From Trichina worms were described in 1835 from a human autopsy.  Young Jim Paget, a first year medical student at London Hospital Medical School, rushed into the autopsy room. The 51 yr-old Italian bricklayer who had died of tuberculosis, and that they were now dissecting, also had "sandy diaphragm," a condition that dulled even the sharpest of scalpels. Well, anyway, when they had all cleared the room, Jim quietly stole back in and removed a small bit of muscle tissue from the diaphragm. He was more than curious as to the nature of "sandy diaphragm". He first examined it with his trusty hand lens he carried for just such a situation. He thought he saw small worms coiled up inside each nodule. Upon even higher magnification, the presence of coiled worms was revealed (From

6 Trichinella spiralis Jim Paget Worms in the “sandy diaphragm”

7 Trichinella spiralis Trichina worms were observed in pork in 1846 by Joseph Leidy. He saved hundreds of lives by recommending cooking pork at a high enough temperature to kill the organism. Life cycle work out in1850’s By Rudolph Virchow.

8 Trichinella control Rudolf Virchow (Germany) suggested mandatory
diagnosis of all meat at the slaughterhouses in 1877  This has greatly reduced trichinellosis as human health Problem.

9 Trichinella spiralis - cause 旋毛虫病
trichinosis, trichiniasis, or trichinelliasis Worldwide Distribution Parasitic zoonosis Food borne parasitosis 1835年尸检发现旋毛虫,1846年在猪肉中发现,1860年发现与人类疾病有关,1964年在中国西藏首次发现该病 我国病人估计超2000万 Trichina worms were described in 1835 from a human autopsy.  Young Jim Paget, a first year medical student at London Hospital Medical School, rushed into the autopsy room. The 51 yr-old Italian bricklayer who had died of tuberculosis, and that they were now dissecting, also had "sandy diaphragm," a condition that dulled even the sharpest of scalpels. Well, anyway, when they had all cleared the room, Jim quietly stole back in and removed a small bit of muscle tissue from the diaphragm. He was more than curious as to the nature of "sandy diaphragm". He first examined it with his trusty hand lens he carried for just such a situation. He thought he saw small worms coiled up inside each nodule. Upon even higher magnification, the presence of coiled worms was revealed (From

10 Distribution of Trichinella spiralis
Trichinosis is most common in temperate and arctic climates - high prevalence in pork-eating areas of the world. arctic temperate Incidence of infection is always higher than suspected because of the vagueness of  symptoms, which usually suggests other conditions; more than 50 different disease have been diagnosed incorrectly as trichinosis.

11 Adults of Trichinella spiralis
Adults : small, 1.5~4 mm Larva: females give birth to larva ( Eggs: hatch in uterus 子宫) 特点:直接产幼虫 stichosome 杆状体 成虫形态在诊断上无意义! Hatched Larva

12 Encysted larva 幼虫囊包-- infective stage
0.25~0.5mm × 0.21~0.42mm Lemon shape 1~2 larva in the cyst

13 Life cycle

14 Adult female in mucosa of small intestine
Trichina cysts in skeletal muscle骨骼肌

15 Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache with slight fever
Pathogenisis 3 stages : 1. Invasion – 1 week first symptoms appear 12 hours to 2 days following ingestion of trichina cysts Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache with slight fever

16 2. migration of larvae – 2 week to 2 months
penetration and encystment in skeletal muscles 骨骼肌

17 migration of larvae – 2 week to 2 months
Weakness, Headache and dizziness 头昏, Fever,chills and sweating, Myalgia 肌痛 splinter hemorrhages (under finger nails) perorbital edema Eosinophilia 嗜酸性细胞增多 Deaths are rare and due to myocarditis 心肌炎, encephalitis 脑炎 and pneumonia肺炎

18 3.calcification (if one survives stage2!)
- occurs several months after infection - calcium is deposited around the cysts - Larva eventually die in a year or longer In human infections, 5 larvae/gram body weight are fatal.

19 Diagnosis Muscle biopsy : trichina cysts can be seen with microscope
Muscle samples were squeezed between two glass plates 肌肉压片 2. ELISA to identify Trichinella antibodies Others?:

20 Epidemiology 1. Cosmopolitan distribution
2. Source of infection is pork or pork products infection is most frequents among ethnic groups disposed to eat raw or poorly cooked pork products

21 Treatment of Trichinella spiralis
Drugs: Mebendazole(甲苯哒唑) Albendazole(阿苯哒唑,丙硫咪唑) Others:

22 Prevention of Trichinella spiralis
Thorough cooking (temperature above 58o C) microwave cooking of pork roasts and chops (with bone) is NOT effective in killing trichina 2. freezing for 20 days will kill temperate climate strain - freezing is NOT effective against the arctic strain - smoking, salting, and drying pork, bear or other meat will NOT kill trichina larvae

23 Prevention of Trichinella spiralis
3.  - Do not feed pork scraps in garbage to pigs - eliminate rats in areas where pigs are kept

24 Wuchereria bancrofti 班氏吴策线虫 Onchocerca volvulus 旋盘尾丝虫
Tissue-blood dwelling nemotodes Filaria -cause filariasis Four important filarial worms parasitic in humans are: Wuchereria bancrofti 班氏吴策线虫 Onchocerca volvulus 旋盘尾丝虫 Brugia malayi 马来布鲁线虫 Loa loa 罗阿罗阿线虫

25 More than 80 million were affected
淋巴丝虫九亿人受威胁,九千万人感染,其中班氏丝虫八千万余 W. bancrofti is strictly a human pathogen and is distributed in tropical areas worldwide More than 80 million were affected

26 Orient, South Pacific, and Southern Asia to India – overlaps with Wuchereria bancrofti - but does not occur in Africa or South America B. malayi infects a number of wild and domestic animals

27 Morphology--Adults of Wuchereria bancrofti
Adults occur in the lymphatic vessels (Adult B. malayi are only half the size of W. bancrofti )

28 filariform larva 丝状蚴

29 Microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti
Microfilariae are seen in blood smears and are DIAGNOSTIC worms are µm long


31 Morphological differences of microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi
Wuchereria bancrofti Brugia malayi Length × × 5 -6 (µm) Appearance graceful sweeping Irregular kinky 体态 curves curves Cephalic space length equals width length twice width 头隙 Body nuclei well defined, discrete, blurred, intermingled 体核 round, uniform sized nuclei crowded together Tail no terminal nuclei two terminal nuclei 尾核

32 Filariform larve--infective stage


34 Microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti
Nocturnal periodicity of microfilariae 夜现周期性

35 Pathology of Wuchereria bancrofti
Incubation period no symptoms 3 clinical phases: microfilaremia - no symptoms or mild symptoms 微丝蚴血症

36 Acute allergic inflammatory phase
a. lymphadenitis, lymphangitis 淋巴结炎 淋巴管炎

37 Acute allergic inflammatory phase
b. filarial fever 丝虫热 c. funiculitis, orchitis, epididymitis 精索炎, 睾丸炎,附睾炎

38 3. chronic Obstructive phase
Elephantiasis 象皮肿 The disfigured legs of lymphatic filariasis patients waiting for medical attention

39 b. chyluria 乳糜尿

40 hydrocele testis 鞘膜积液

41 Brugia malayi 马来丝虫 Adults live in lymphatic vessels and cause elephantiasis in arm and leg. Difference between W.r and B.m? —— discuss later

42 Diagnosis Identifying microfilaria in blood or other fluid direct blood films concentrations of blood specimens and urine specimens Identifying adults Serologic testing

43 Epidemilogy World Wide distribution
Source of infection: patients and infected patients Transmission: by mosquitto Brugia malayi Wuchereria bancrofti

44 Treatment of Wuchereria bancrofti
Drugs : hetrazan 海群生 are somewhat effective kill microfilariae and adults with careful administration

45 Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis
6 mg/kg diethylcarbamazine citrate (DEC) mg albendazole; 150 µg/kg ivermectin mg albendazole (in the case of co-endemicity with onchocerciasis) A third option is to follow a treatment regimen using DEC-fortified cooking salt daily for a period of 12 months.

46 Drug  Year of registration Indication Partners Praziquantel 1980 Schistosomiasis Bayer Mefloquine 1984 Malaria Hoffman La Roche, WRAIR                                                               Ivermectin 1987 Onchocerciasis Merck                                                                Halofantrine 1988 Smith Kline Beecham,  WRAIR                                 Eflornithine 1991 African Tryp. Marion Merrel Dow Liposomal  amphotericin B 1994 Leishmaniasis  (Kala azar) NeXstar

47 Artemether 1997 Malaria Rhone Poulenc Rorer, Kunming                                 Artemether- umefantrine 1999 Novartis Artemotil  (beta-arteether) 2000 Artecef, WRAIR, Dutch Min. Dev. Miltefosine 2002 Leishmaniasis  (Kala azar) Zentaris,  Indian CMR Chlorproguanil- dapsone 2003 Glaxo Smith Kline, DFID

48 others: Pressure bandages on enlarged limbs forces lymph out. 弹力绷带捆绑 Surgery can be used to remove elephantoid tissue if muscle involvement is minimal. 外科手术

49 Onchocerca volvulus 旋盘尾丝虫
Causative agent of onchocerciasis (river blindness) 90 million, million, 326 thousand

50 Adults of Onchocerca volvulus
Microscopic section showing adults and scar tissue reaction Skin nodule

51 Microfilariae of Onchocerca volvulus
Unsheathed microfilariae occur in the skin, never the bloodsteam

52 Simulium 蚋

53 Pathogenisis of adults
Nodules (about ½ -1 inch in diameter) are most common in Africa Nodules in Central & South America. Nodules are relatively benign


55 Pathogenisis of Microfilariae
Microfilariae in the skin   - itching is so severe some people have committed suicide

56 Microfilariae in skin - in parts of Africa, the skin of the scrotum 阴囊 and inguinal area 腹股沟 loses its elasticity

57 2. Microfilariae invade the eye
(occur as microfilariae die in the eye)

58 Microfilariae invade the eye
In many parts of Africa, the sighted young are responsible for leading the older blind adults.

59 Diagnosis of Onchocerca volvulus
Examination of microfilariae or adult in skin nodule, eye etc.

60 TREATMENT of Onchocerca volvulus
Drugs Ivermectin (150mg/kg ) Every 6-12month 2. excise of skin nodule etc

61 Onchocerca volvulus PREVENTION – blackflies control

62 Loa loa Vector : chrysops 斑虻 “眼虫” about 2 million

63 occasionally migrate through the eye
adults Calabar swelling 卡拉巴丝虫性肿 块 Microfilariaes present during the daytime

64 Pathogenesis of Loa loa
Adults cause Calabar swellings. Eye swells when worms migrate through.

65 Diagnosis and control of Loa Loa
Control: drugs are not so effective for adults surgical removal of worms

66 讨论课要求 以2~3人组成小组,以小组为单位计分,要求小组成员分工合作完成 每组同学自由讲解时间控制在12分钟,留3分钟提问和讨论
每位同学必须至少参加一次讨论 每位同学还必须完成一次课后作业(另行布置) 班长负责协调统计

67 人体寄生虫学讨论课 讨论主题:总论、线虫 人群土源性线虫的感染率是衡量一个国家或地区整体发展水平和文明程度的重要指标,如果你是某农村疾控中心的人员,你在控制土源性线虫感染方面有哪些具体的措施? 淋巴丝虫病是WHO要求全球范围内限期消除的寄生 虫病,请从生物学及社会学等因素分析人类提出该目标的依据及具体的措施? 3. 当前哪些因素导致新现和再现寄生虫病的上升,请举例说明。

68 补充: 1. 人体寄生虫学研究发展史。 2. 人类能最终消灭人体寄生虫病吗,谈谈你的观点。 3. 寄生虫对人类社会的贡献。 4. 各国(地区)人体寄生虫流行及防治介绍

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