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Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspect Oriented Programming Carlos Oviedo Secure Systems Research Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspect Oriented Programming Carlos Oviedo Secure Systems Research Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspect Oriented Programming Carlos Oviedo Secure Systems Research Group

2 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Introduction Late 90’s PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) Object Oriented Programming & Meta- object modeling protocols Capture cross-cutting concerns AspectJ  Java Under constant development

3 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Cross-cutting concerns Not encapsulated by imperative object oriented programming languages (C, C#, Java, Pascal. Etc) [Cac04]

4 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Cross-cutting concerns Sometimes requirements relating to a particular concern are spread among multiple requirement sources. Example: Logging The consequence  Code spread across several modules

5 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Cross-cutting concerns A specific concern spread along multiple classes

6 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Cross-cutting concerns Security is a concern that has impact on each design unit. Modifying the affected design units accordingly can be fault prone and a tedious task. Other examples:  identity management  transaction integrity  authentication  performance

7 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspects Outline Cross cutting concerns are not reusable (cannot be refined or inherited) AOP  Modularizes cross cutting concerns Pointcut (dynamic) Advice (dynamic) Inter-type declarations (static) Aspects (encapsulates constructions)

8 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspects Outline JOIN POINT: A specific execution point in the program flow POINT CUT: Selects certain join points and values at those points

9 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Point Cuts Call join point  actions of an object receiving a call pointcut move(): call(void FigureElement.setXY(int,int)) || call(void Point.setX(int)) || call(void Point.setY(int)) || call(void Line.setP1(Point))|| call(void Line.setP2(Point));

10 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Advices To implement the cross cutting behaviors we use advices before(): move() { System.out.println("about to move"); } after() returning: move() { System.out.println("just successfully moved"); }

11 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspects Aspects are wrappers Very similar to “object oriented” classes aspect Logging { OutputStream logStream = System.err; before(): move() { logStream.println("about to move"); }

12 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspects in security Example: Control access to a specific resource  Account access by a bank officer

13 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspects in security public aspect AccountAuthorization { OutputStream logStream = System.err; boolean grantAccess(string id){ if(id != “guest”) return true else return false; } Pointcut change(): call(void Account.MakeWithDrawal()); before(): change(){ logStream.println("Change in progress..."); if(!grantAccess( throw new UnauthorizedAccessException(); }

14 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspects in security Pointcut change(): call(* MakeWithdrawal(..));

15 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspects in security abstract aspect SimpleAuthorization{ OutputStream logStream = System.err; public static boolean grantAccess(string id) { if(id != “guest”) return true else return false; } abstract pointcut change(): call( * Make*(..)); before(): change() { logStream.println("Change in progress..."); if(!grantAccess( throw new UnauthorizedAccessException(); }

16 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Aspects in security A specialization of the aspect: public aspect TransactionAuthorization extends SimpleAuthorization { pointcut change(): within(Transaction) || within(SecureTransaction); //... }

17 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU Conclusions Aspects are capable abstract structures to capture cross cutting concerns such as security and can be applied to a system after it has been written. Security concerns can be maintained in one place Another example : track who did what on a system  Non-repudiation Currently this field is under constant expansion and it is worth to exploring its potential due its ability to encapsulate concerns

18 Secure Systems Research Group - FAU AOP: Aspect Oriented Programming

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