Office of Federal and State Accountability September 11, 2012.

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1 Office of Federal and State Accountability September 11, 2012

2 Accreditation Update During the 2012 legislative session, the SCDE made an attempt to revise Regulation 43-300 Accreditation Criteria to allow schools and districts that are accredited by AdvancED (SACS) to be exempted from the State accreditation review. The regulation was not approved. The SCDE accreditation process for 2012-13 will remain as currently in regulation and state law.

3 Accreditation Update In September each district will receive instructions for beginning the accreditation process for 2012-13. District and School administrators apply annually for accreditation status by verifying that the schools and districts comply with all of the applicable accreditation standards, SBE regulations, and SC laws pertaining to education. The compliance forms are to be completed online by October 15, 2012.

4 Accreditation Update In January of 2013, each district and school will receive their Preliminary Analysis Report and respond by February 15, 2013. The Accreditation Team staff will continue to work with districts and schools to resolve any deficiencies. In May, the final accreditation status determination will be sent to districts and schools.

5 Accreditation Update In June, the SCDE presents the Annual Accreditation of School Districts in South Carolina to the State Board of Education. During May through August, the accreditation of summer school programs occurs.

6 Accreditation Update Pursuant to the Code of Laws of South Carolina (59-18- 1580) the Office of Federal and State Accountability will be conducting desk audits and on-site monitoring for compliance with current Accreditation standards, SBE regulations, and South Carolina state laws relating to education. The Office of Federal and State Accountability will be doing a sample of districts and schools.

7 Accreditation Update The selection of schools and districts for sampling may be based on: Previous accreditation violations Findings or issues from other SCDE offices Schools with “F” ratings Random sampling

8 Accreditation Update The monitoring may include desk reviews and on-site monitoring The notice of an on-site review would be three weeks prior to the visit. The on-site reviews will begin after October 15, 2012. The monitoring tool is in the review process and when finalized will be posted online and shared with districts and schools prior to an desk review or onsite visit.

9 Accreditation Update Contact information Roy Stehle Director of the Office of Federal and State Accountability 803-734-8118 Darlene Prevatt Team Leader for Accreditation 803-734-3477

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