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The No-Guitar Blues Open Court : Unit 6_Lesson 5.

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1 The No-Guitar Blues Open Court : Unit 6_Lesson 5

2 Line 1: bandstand playground doorbell turnover Line 2: pushed tradition ration conscience Line 3: triangle centennial uniform octopus Line 4: refuse/refuse address/address desert/desert S1: Fausto was amazed at the bright yellow wallpaper on the walls of the nice couple’s kitchen. S2: Fausto’s dream was to play the guitar and become a musician in a band. S3: A triangle is a figure with three sides, while a quadrangle has four sides. S4: He gave the address of the hall where the speaker would be giving the address.

3 licensed: permitted to do something He is a licensed physician. distracted: diverting one’s attention Trevor distracted me while I was taking the test. perpetual: ceaseless Jed’s lateness was perpetual. deceitful: dishonest The deceitful girl lied about where she was. charity: act of goodwill Sherry enjoys doing charity work in her free time.

4 Spelling: Homographs 1. refuse 2. address 3. affect 4. bail 5. desert 6. brush 7. bore 8. can 9. console 10. fine 11. pound 12. hail 13. ground 14. minute 15. jam 16. suspect 17. sewer 18. bass 19. spell 20. chop

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