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Epic and Tragic heroes

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1 Epic and Tragic heroes

2 Epic Hero 20Ajax.jpg 20Ajax.jpg

3 Definitions “Epic” refers to a long poem that typically tells the story of a hero through a series of achievements written in an elevated style. Originally, the word “hero” referred to demigods

4 Epic Hero Traits Hero is typically introduced in media res, with preceding events recounted through flashback Hero is a warrior and leader, and also typically a polished speaker

5 Typically a demigod Possesses weapon of significance, often magic or a gift from a deity Often must undertake a quest Undertakes a task no one else will attempt Typically encounters supernatural forces that must be overcome.

6 Possess abundantly whatever virtues that culture most values Shows nobility by engaging in single combat with an equal or superior foe

7 Not always virtuous, but typically expresses great concern for the well- being of others, especially companions Often seeks fame and renown Typically an asocial, solipsistic individual, despite presence of companions

8 Tragic Heroes vase-and-amazons1.jpg vase-and-amazons1.jpg

9 Definition Tragedy is “a dramatic composition, often in verse, dealing with a serious or somber theme, typically that of a great person destined through a flaw of character or conflict with some overpowering force, as fate or society, to downfall or destruction”

10 Tragic hero Traits Shares traits of the epic hero Often dies or a loved one does Sphinx.jpg

11 Have a tragic (fatal) flaw, which brings about the hero’s downfall, often through divine intervention Learns something from suffering

12 Epic and Tragic were distinct genres in Ancient Greece Epic sees hero as a model for others Tragic sees hero as a problem, or someone to be pitied. Primary Difference

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