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8th Grade Unit 2 Final Exam. We use the passive when we talk about actions and when it is not clear or important who the action is carried out by.  Portuguese.

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Presentation on theme: "8th Grade Unit 2 Final Exam. We use the passive when we talk about actions and when it is not clear or important who the action is carried out by.  Portuguese."— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Grade Unit 2 Final Exam

2 We use the passive when we talk about actions and when it is not clear or important who the action is carried out by.  Portuguese is spoken in Brazil and in Portugal.  Complete villages were destroyed. You can add by + object to specify who the action is carried out by.  Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling

3 1) The telephone ____________________ by Alexander Graham Bell. a) are invented b) Is invented c) invented d) was invented e) were invented 2) The photos _____________________ by my cousin. a) are tooked b) are taken c) is taken d) tooked e) taken 3) Yesterday was sung ___________________ Paul McCartney. a) of b) from c) on d) by e) with

4 To say that someone is allowed to do something use LET + object + verb.  Our teacher let us watch a great DVD. To say that someone has to do something use MAKE + object + verb.  My dad makes me do the shopping for him.

5 1) My parents ------------------------ me go to bed early. a) make b) let c) made d) is letting e) makes 2) -------------------------- your mother -------------------------- you use the computer? a) Does / make b) Do / make c) Does / let d) Do / let e) Did / made 3) No, Dad -----------------------me go out at night. a) don’t make b) don’t let c) doesn’t let d) doesn’t make e) make

6 We use used to / didn’t use to (+ verb) to talk about past habits. The question (Did you use to... ?) is almost never used.  I used to watch Teletubbies.  I didn’t use to eat vegetables.  Did you use to play with dolls?

7 Write Past habits actions. My brother / not eat/ chocolate. Debby/ listen to / Folk music. You / go to school / on foot ?

8 Use these phrases to agree with what another person says. Present Simple If the other person says something positive, use: So do I.  I love ice cream. So do I. If the person says something negative, use: Neither do I  I don’t know the answer. Neither do I.

9 1) I never went to England. 2) I have done my homework. 3) I wasn’t at home last night. 4) I can swim. 5) I don’t like tea.

10  Dance  Rap  Folk  Indie  Hip – Hop  Opera  Pop  Jazz  Country  Blues  Rock  Heavy Metal  Classical

11  She loves................. Music like Luciano Pavarotti.  Maracatu is an example of

12  Sitar  Bouzoki  Tin whistle  Andean Flute  Drums  Xylophone  Cymbals  Basson  Clarinet  Violin  Piano  Flute  Double bass  Trombone  Tuba  Horn  Harp

13 Complete the sentences: The................ is a simple instrument with six holes and it is very traditional in Ireland. The.............. Is important in Greek modern music. It has a sharp metallic sound.

14 Jessica: Guess what? I’ve got a great ( 1) ………….. for the ( 2)…………….. Issue. Lucy: What is it? Jessica: Dawn Stevens from 8 A. Nick: What ( 3) …………… her? Jessica: Well. She’s a really good ( 4)……………. I mean she’s really good. Nick: And? Jessica: Well, she wants a ( 5) …………… to play on the school football ( 6)……………… Stern : But she can’t. She’s a girl. Jessica: Exactly. But she’s as good as any of the boys on the team. I want to write an (7) ……………… to ( 8)………………….. her. a) footballer b) about c) next d) story e) chance f) support g) article h) team

15  Choose one of the topics below and write a paragraph of at least 05 lines. 1- Write a letter to a new pen-pal. 2- Tell about your favorite band or song. 3- Tell about a musical instrumental you like. Good Luck! Teacher Henrique Tavares

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