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▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 8 10 Economy in retreat, holds no.

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Presentation on theme: "▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 8 10 Economy in retreat, holds no."— Presentation transcript:

1 ▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 8 10 Economy in retreat, holds no hope, a side job, fearful of losing, in the face of 19. Hiroko Yokogawa started doing recently. 히로코 요코가와씨는 얼마전부터 부업을 시작했다. 20. Young people are trying to increase their short-term earnings severe economic and income conditions. 젊은 사람들이 가혹한 경제적, 소득 상황에 직면하여 자신들의 단기 소득을 증가시키기 위해 노력하고 있다. 21. But it’s also a form of risk management for workers their main jobs. 하지만 이것은 또한 그들의 본업을 잃을 수 있는 상황을 두려워하는 젊은 근로자들의 위험 ( 에 대비하는 ) 관리라고도 볼 수 있다. 22. The Japanese economy is not just stagnant, it’s. 일본 경제는 정체되어 있는 게 아니라 후퇴하고 있다. 23. The future. 미래에 대한 희망이 없다. * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. decade2. retirement 3. retreat4. negate 5. income6. dependent 7. side job8. well-off 9. leaflet10. convenience store 11. foreign currency12. auction site 13. overtime14. survey 15. affiliate16. severe 17. risk management18. stagnant

2 ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. More Japanese Seek Side Jobs For the past decades, the standard career path in Japan was to graduate from college and join a company and to stay there until retirement which meant one job for life. However, as the salary level is down more than 12 percent over the last decade amid an uncertain labor market, young and single Japanese are increasingly seeking for a second or even third job. ”It’s not that I hate my main job, but I want to have a stable income without being completely dependent on the company,” said Hiroko Yokogawa who started doing a side job recently. “I initially started doing extra work to be well-off financially. But now, I try to do work that will be useful to me in the future.” Some deliver leaflets or work in convenience stores. Some trade foreign currencies online. Others sell items on Internet auction sites. A survey in January by the Internet market research company Ishare found that almost 17 percent of workers aged 20 to 50 had a side job. Japan is the country with the eighth-longest working hours in the world, according to a recent measure, though with overtime often going unreported and unpaid. Despite such long working hours, almost half of the workers surveyed last year by the government-affiliated Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training expressed interest in side jobs. Nearly 90 percent said the main reason was a desire to have extra spending money. ”The biggest cause of the increase is that young people are trying to increase their short- term earnings in the face of severe economic and income conditions,” said Toshihiro Nagahama, chief economist at Dai-Ichi Life Research Institute in Tokyo. “But it’s also a form of risk management for workers fearful of losing their main jobs.” ”The Japanese economy is not just stagnant, it’s in retreat,” one citizen said. “When people believe the future is going to be better than the present, they are happy. But if they think that the future holds no hope, then they become unhappy. It is that unhappiness that people are trying to negate with side jobs.” 2 8 10 Economy 24. Which of the following is NOT a way that Japanese workers are earning more money? ① They are working in convenience stores. ② They are trading foreign currencies online. ③ They are selling items on internet auction sites. ④ They are working several hours of overtime.

3 ☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Structure ☞ Correct the underlined part. 31. Since autumn 2007, corporate Britain have been in retreat. -> 32. He was fear of made a mistake. -> 33. She do a side job to earn extra money needed for her children's education. -> 2 8 10 Economy 25. What is the biggest cause of Japanese workers seeking alternative employment? ① They are fearful of losing their jobs. ② They want to increase their short term earnings and have more spending money. ③ They want to increase their long term earnings. ④ They are unhappy at their main job or company. 26. Which of the following words could replace 'stable' in the 1st paragraph? ① Shaky ② Wobbly ③ Solid ④ Inconstant 27. Why are many Japanese unhappy, according to the article? ① Their companies fail to report or pay them for the long hours of overtime they work. ② Working more than one job can be time-consuming and stressful. ③ They generally feel, because of the ailing Japanese economy, that the future holds no hope. ④ They feel that the future is going to be better than the present, and are unhappy that the future hasn't arrived yet. 28. If a Japanese worker has a side job, it shows disloyalty to his/her main company and he/she could lose his/her job. _____ 29. Japan currently has the 8th longest working hours on average in the World. _____ 30. Because the Japanese economy has not been stagnant, people can be confident it will rebound in the near future. _____

4 ▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 2 8 10 Economy in retreat, holds no hope, a side job, fearful of losing, in the face of 19. Hiroko Yokogawa started doing a side job recently. 히로코 요코가와씨는 얼마전부터 부업을 시작했다. 20. Young people are trying to increase their short-term earnings in the face of severe economic and income conditions. 젊은 사람들이 가혹한 경제적, 소득 상황에 직면하여 자신들의 단기 소득을 증가시키기 위해 노력하고 있다. 21. But it’s also a form of risk management for workers fearful of losing their main jobs. 하지만 이것은 또한 그들의 본업을 잃을 수 있는 상황을 두려워하는 젊은 근로자들의 위험 ( 에 대비하는 ) 관리라고도 볼 수 있다. 22. The Japanese economy is not just stagnant, it’s in retreat. 일본 경제는 정체되어 있는 게 아니라 후퇴하고 있다. 23. The future holds no hope. 미래에 대한 희망이 없다. * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. decade [10 년 ]2. retirement [ 은퇴 ] 3. retreat [ 후퇴 ]4. negate [ 부정하다, 무효화하다 ] 5. income [ 수입 ]6. dependent [ 의존하는 ] 7. side job [ 부업 ]8. well-off [ 순탄한 환경에 있는, 유복한 ] 9. leaflet [ 전단광고 ]10. convenience store [ 편의점 ] 11. foreign currency [ 외환 ]12. auction site [ 경매 사이트 ] 13. overtime [ 초과 근무의 ]14. survey [ 조사하다 ] 15. affiliate [ 합병하다, 제휴시키다 ]16. severe [ 가혹한 ] 17. risk management [ 위험 관리 ]18. stagnant [ 침체된 ]

5 ▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. 2 8 10 Economy 24. Which of the following is NOT a way that Japanese workers are earning more money? [4] ① They are working in convenience stores. ② They are trading foreign currencies online. ③ They are selling items on internet auction sites. ④ They are working several hours of overtime. More Japanese Seek Side Jobs For the past decades, the standard career path in Japan was to graduate from college and join a company and to stay there until retirement which meant one job for life. However, as the salary level is down more than 12 percent over the last decade amid an uncertain labor market, young and single Japanese are increasingly seeking for a second or even third job. ”It’s not that I hate my main job, but I want to have a stable income without being completely dependent on the company,” said Hiroko Yokogawa who started doing a side job recently. “I initially started doing extra work to be well-off financially. But now, I try to do work that will be useful to me in the future.” Some deliver leaflets or work in convenience stores. Some trade foreign currencies online. Others sell items on Internet auction sites. A survey in January by the Internet market research company Ishare found that almost 17 percent of workers aged 20 to 50 had a side job. Japan is the country with the eighth-longest working hours in the world, according to a recent measure, though with overtime often going unreported and unpaid. Despite such long working hours, almost half of the workers surveyed last year by the government-affiliated Japan Institute for Labor Policy and Training expressed interest in side jobs. Nearly 90 percent said the main reason was a desire to have extra spending money. ”The biggest cause of the increase is that young people are trying to increase their short- term earnings in the face of severe economic and income conditions,” said Toshihiro Nagahama, chief economist at Dai-Ichi Life Research Institute in Tokyo. “But it’s also a form of risk management for workers fearful of losing their main jobs.” ”The Japanese economy is not just stagnant, it’s in retreat,” one citizen said. “When people believe the future is going to be better than the present, they are happy. But if they think that the future holds no hope, then they become unhappy. It is that unhappiness that people are trying to negate with side jobs.”

6 ☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Structure ☞ Correct the underlined part. 31. Since autumn 2007, corporate Britain have been in retreat. -> has been in 32. He was fear of made a mistake. -> fearful of making 33. She do a side job to earn extra money needed for her children's education. -> does 2 8 10 Economy 25. What is the biggest cause of Japanese workers seeking alternative employment? [2] ① They are fearful of losing their jobs. ② They want to increase their short term earnings and have more spending money. ③ They want to increase their long term earnings. ④ They are unhappy at their main job or company. 26. Which of the following words could replace 'stable' in the 1st paragraph? [3] ① Shaky ② Wobbly ③ Solid ④ Inconstant 27. Why are many Japanese unhappy, according to the article? [3] ① Their companies fail to report or pay them for the long hours of overtime they work. ② Working more than one job can be time-consuming and stressful. ③ They generally feel, because of the ailing Japanese economy, that the future holds no hope. ④ They feel that the future is going to be better than the present, and are unhappy that the future hasn't arrived yet. 28. If a Japanese worker has a side job, it shows disloyalty to his/her main company and he/she could lose his/her job. [F] 29. Japan currently has the 8th longest working hours on average in the World. [T] 30. Because the Japanese economy has not been stagnant, people can be confident it will rebound in the near future. [F]

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