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COUNTERCULTURE And Other Protest Movements. THE COUNTERCULTURE AKA- “Hippies” Origins in the social and political events of the 1950’s The Beat Movement.

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Presentation on theme: "COUNTERCULTURE And Other Protest Movements. THE COUNTERCULTURE AKA- “Hippies” Origins in the social and political events of the 1950’s The Beat Movement."— Presentation transcript:

1 COUNTERCULTURE And Other Protest Movements

2 THE COUNTERCULTURE AKA- “Hippies” Origins in the social and political events of the 1950’s The Beat Movement emphasized freedom from materialism and importance of personal experience Civil Rights Movement introduced the idea of social and political protest and the anti-war movement Movements challenged people to question traditional boundaries and cultural norms Also heightened distrust of authority Made up of “Baby Boomers”

3 THE COUNTERCULTURE Values: youth, spontaneity, and freedom of expression Promoted peace, love, and freedom Experimented with new styles of dress and music Had freer attitudes toward sex and drugs

4 TRINITY OF COUNTERCULTURE Sex, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll Music, art, movies, literature geared toward the youth reflected their sense of rebellion Sexual Revolution- called for a separation from traditional family life Communes- small communities where people shared common interests and resources

5 GENERATION GAP Ideals and values were so different between parents and young people of the baby boom generation Generation Gap- lack of understanding and communication between older and younger generations One poll showed that majority of people over 30 opposed premarital sex; the majority of people under 29 did not

6 HAIGHT-ASHBURY District in San Francisco Became a center of counterculture community Speakers like Timothy Leary said that drugs could free the mind and encouraged young people to “tune in”, “turn on”, and “drop out” Many counterculture members sought other forms of spiritual enlightenment Buddhism and other Eastern religions

7 COUNTERCULTURE ENDS Unfortunately, by the end of the 60’s many had become disillusioned by the excesses of the culture Use of drugs lead to increased drug abuse  increased crime rates and increased deaths from overdose Many famous musicians died from overdose (i.e.- Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin while only in their twenties) Motives/values became increasingly shallow and self- centered By the end of the decade most hippies had returned to mainstream society

8 WOMEN’S RIGHTS MOVEMENT 1960’s-70’s- The second wave of Feminism Theory of political, economic, and social equality among men and women Civil Rights Movement prompted women to look at the way they were judged and treated in society Brought black and white women together- strengthening both causes Number of working women grew during the 50’s and 60’s- women were looking for more and better opportunities

9 WOMEN’S RIGHTS MOVEMENT National Organization for Women (NOW) Established by Betty Friedan (author of The Feminine Mystique) Popularized the movement Sought to pass the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Supposed to be passed in the early 20’s Also sought to pass reproductive protection laws Two types of feminists: Those following the values of NOW- seeking political and legislative change Radical Feminists- seeking to raise public awareness Engaged in small, conscious-raising efforts and protests i.e.- protesting Miss America Pageants, Playboy

10 WOMEN’S RIGHTS MOVEMENT Opposition came from men and women Some women thought the movement was an assault on family, marriage, and children Women like Phyllis Schlafly fought to keep the ERA from passing, fearing that it would compel women to fight in the military, end sex-segregated bathrooms, and hurt the family Unfortunately the ERA fell short of passing and did not become a constitutional amendment

11 WOMEN’S RIGHTS MOVEMENT Lasting effects: Expansion of women’s roles and opportunities Gained new legal rights (i.e.- Title VII) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Title IX- of the Higher Education Act of 1972 banned discrimination in education Equal Credit Opportunity Act 1973- Roe v. Wade

12 LATINO RIGHTS MOVEMENT Increased Latino population Immigration restrictions of Europeans appeared after WWI After WWII, growing demand for inexpensive labor (Braceros Program) Decreased opportunities in Latin America 1950’s- Latinos were being targeted for deportation, looking for migrants who were there illegally 1965- Immigration and Nationality Act- eliminated national-origin quotas By the 1970’s over 600,000 Mexican migrants came to the U.S.

13 LATINO RIGHTS MOVEMENT Latinos and other minorities had faced discrimination for a long time Movement for change was inspired by the Civil Rights Movement Demanded better working conditions, salaries, educational opportunities Sought federal protection of their right to vote and campaigned to elect politicians who represented them and their interests

14 LATINO RIGHTS MOVEMENT Cesar Chavez- the most influential Latino activist Fought for rights for farm workers 1962- organized a farmworkers’ union in Delano, CA Late 1960’s- merged with a Filipino farmworkers union which became the United Farm Workers (UFW) He was committed to non-violence Implemented many worker strikes and consumer boycotts v-4ng v-4ng

15 LATINO RIGHTS MOVEMENT Chicano Movement Broader social and political movement Dedicated to increasing Latino awareness of their history and culture Others focused on quality of life issues (reducing poverty and discrimination) La Raza Unida Political Party in Texas formed by Jose Angel Gutierrez Organized for better housing and jobs Successfully supported Latino political candidates

16 NATIVE AMERICAN RIGHTS Youth took the lead in the movement for change for Native Americans National Indian Youth Council (NIYC)- formed in 1961 to protect native fishing rights Over time the group expanded to include broad civil rights for all Native Americans 1968- American Indian Movement founded by Chippewa activists Helped those living in urban ghettos Addressed the rights of securing land, legal rights, and self-government for Native Americans

17 NATIVE AMERICAN RIGHTS Dissatisfaction grew with the government and activists became more militant 1969- a group occupied the island of Alcatraz (former site of a federal prison) and gained control of the land until 1971 1973- Siege and Wounded Knee AIM organized and occupation of the village, demanding that the government reexamine the conditions of reservations The standoff ended with two AIM members dead The government did agree to reexamine the conditions Indian Self Determination Act of 1975- gave tribes more control over resources and education on reservations

18 ASIAN AMERICAN RIGHTS Japanese American Citizens League- founded in 1929 worked for decades to receive compensation for property lost during the internment camps of WWII Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments also provided aid to Asian immigrants

19 ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT Also inspired by the many civil rights movements People began to realize that we were not only harming the environment, but people themselves Coal smog, acid rain, poisonous human byproduct, DDT, nuclear waste = toxic waste 1962- biologist Rachel Carson releases her book, Silent Spring Her work convinced Congress to restrict the use of pesticides (specifically DDT) and spurred widespread environmental activism Earth Day- enacted in 1970, April 22

20 ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT Nixon and Congress create the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970 Also signed environmental laws such as, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act President Ford continued in Nixon’s footsteps by creating the Nuclear Registry Commission in 1974

21 ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT After the 70’s many began to wonder if there were too many environmental restrictions Companies began illegally dumping waste Nuclear energy and oil spills created more problems Some felt it was a violation of private property rights Fear that too much regulation would inhibit jobs and businesses

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